WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WL-DNESDAY, APRI L 29, 198 1, PAGE- 25 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and sealers. FR1 EN DLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA TRACTOR TRAILER DAVIS AUCTION TRAINING SERVICES For Class A & D License Ask anyone who has used Cali our services.- PARTICIPATION they're our best 416-363-8031 recommendation! h#u!ne , 1 1 C aoYdfto Estates, Antiques, Farms. 1 -800-268-9689 donsignment Day, Eve. & Sat. courses 728-4455 686-1551 OPTOMETRISI P.O. BOX 412 J 136 COMMERCIAL AVE. ý~AJAX, ONTARIO LiS 3C5 A&R HOME IMPROVEMENT No job too small. Bathrooms, rec rooms & fencing. For free estimate caîl: 579-6545 OPEN HOUSE LET'S GROW TOGETHER CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL FR1. MAY 1, 9-30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. 1916 ROSSLAND RD. E.. WHITBY For furiher information cal 576-1395 OR 725-2875 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED AD VERTISERS Please check yaur ad for errais on the firs? day of publication The Whitby Fiee Press wtli nol be lisOle for faluix la publish an ad, or lor typographic ai allier errais in publication beyand the cas? of the space accupîed by tflie etrrai up a a maximum cas? of the lit. s? incarrect insertion The Whî?by Free Press reserves the ighl tu classîfy Or relect al adveiisemnfls Baixflumbeis aie available a? an ad ditonal charge of $29 DEAD LIN ES Deaô L ne lu, EMCOrur)niAdss Friîdav noun ir PrioluoPublicéi'.lll Dead UneIo, Cassîf îed AdS is Mon ja , o r iilu publicaluon CALL PRE-PAI O ADVERTIýEMENT DISCOUNT Yau may charge yOur Class ied AdJ zeilîsemen? ta yQuJiChargez airVisa Acunt and receive a discount oun ,ne puice 0i Ihe ad P ease have ruu Visa caril ready ahen caiiir"g e.0 a e@0 0la 0 0 l SERVICES 1 MATURE WOMAN AVAILABLE la do babysiiting and lighl housework on a 5-day weekly basis in Brooklin ares. Cail 655-4163. EEMPLOYMENTI AAENIEGENCIES MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, lise- n girls tram Ouebec, heip with cfildren and housework, succesa or refund guaranleed. Cali 282-2478. SERVIES WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers And Drapes 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby OPP Post Office 668-4821 CASH Turn your unwanted marchandise In- la cash. We handie estales, bankrup- Icies and liquidations Antiques our speciallyi, 21 years esperience dealilg in fine antiques, lurniture. glass and china Fee appraisasS Let us selI yaur meichandisi' lu the highest bidder 1814 Chartes St., Whitby "63731 Days 579-6250 Evenings Auctioneer 68111 Wannamaker NOTICS NOTICE 0F AUCTION TAKE NOTICE THAT an auctiufl Aili lin heid by Owasco Volkswagon Lld aW 1425 Oundas Si E ,Whîtby, Ontario )f a 1974 valkswagon Beelle beiqi gîçng Io John Moore ta satîsfy a ierin the sum of $44000 The sale shall be hald on May 8, 1981, a? the hourocil 0am Terma cash 1~1i ARTICLES ¶~FORSAIIE~LE SOUND MOVIES THIS SUMMER - 8mm SYSTEM Bell & Howell Camera, Model 1225, power zoom, f 1.3 lens; wlth microphone and cord, sound level selector, electric eye, etc.. Carrying case included. Bell & Howell Projector, Model 600ZRX, Sound on Sou nd, Aux. recording, automatic level recordlng with VU meter. Projection screen. Plus a large quantlty of discount coupons for 8mm sound movie film. The entire outflt was purchased las> August. Reason for selling - buylng VIDEO gear. Reasonable of fers phone 668-5815 or 668-6759 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramie Tlling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Caîl 668-4686 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has 1980 stock being offered ai a fraction of regular seiling prIce for early sprlng deliiery. $1,690.00 Is complete price of pools equipped wiih filter, pump, motor, patio. waik about deck & fencing. Small deposit will hold 1111 delivery date. Offer gaod only white supply lests. Caiti toit fraie 1-800-266-5970. Toronto 1-416- 7463340. SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER will lease and instaîl new 1981 family size pool complete with walkway, sun deck and fencirig, on a rentai basis with option ta buy. Vour choice ai style. Try before you buy! Cait im- perlai Pools toit gres 1.800-268-5970. Toronto 1-416-746-3340. PING PONG TABLE with accessaries, brand new, $75. Caîl 668-0996. TREES- SHI<UBS -PLANTS $2 and up. Vart iua sizes af maple, spruce, cedar, poie, ash and other kinds. very reasonably priced plants of litac, forsythia, peanies, Iris, strawberry, raspberry, horseradish, rhubarb, mini. Caîl 655-4525 for more information. AUTOMOBILES 1974 HORNET, good running con- dition, 6 cy., power steering, power brakes, needa body work. 1973 HORNET, as la. Cail 668-5889. 1977 FORD % TON, 4 x 4, excellent condition. $5.200 certified. Cal 655-3545 afler 5 p.m. 1977 MONARCH, A-i condition, 6 cyl., power steering, power brakes, AMIFM cassette, 4 speakers, wili cer- lify. Cal 668-5889. 1980 TRANS AM, Turbo, laaded, in. ciudîng t-roof, Pioneer slereo, per- formance package, muat seit, $8.950. Cail 666-2759. CAMPER wilh slîding unit for 112 Ion truck. sleeps 4 comforlabiy, propane alose. ice box, sink and cupboards. For information cali 655-4163 YARD SALE - Friday, May 1 and Sat. May 2, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m., 70 Elizabeth Cr., Whiiby (off Thîckson, north 0f Hwy. 2>. Eserylhing inciuding the kilchen sinkl Box planta 754. GARAGE SALE - Salurday, May 2, 1981 ai 9 s.m., 18 Gienmount Cri., Whitby. SUPER NEîGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE. Treasures loi everyane. 5at., May 2 fom 9 a.ih 2 pm rainair shîne. Macedonian Village on Coronalion Rd., 3¾40f a mile soulh of Hwy 7. GARAGE SALE. May 2, 9 la 4 Great buys Sports equipment. eiectric wood tue. chîldien's clothes. ?oysý gamnes. furnîture. etc il rai. 5unday 56 Holiday Drive, Otter Creek ÃSERVICESAJ CREATIVE CUISINE SOHOOL 0F COOKING Nîne courses from Basîc Techniques & Menu Plan- ning to Classic French, Conducted by a graduate o> the Cordon Bleu Schoot of THE AJAXIPICKERINGIWHITBY ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED has a number of positions for residential COUfl- sellors. Applicants should hold a minimum of an MRC certif icate as weII as related experlen- ce. Applications addressed to Mrs. G. MacDonald-Cuttle, Resîdent's Dîrector, wilI be received at the Association offi[ce, 177 Dowty Street, Ajax, until Thursday, April 30. LAN DSCAPERS Heavy work requlred, references mecessary. Im- mediate employment, Whit- by area. Starting $6 hourlyl 5 - 6 day week. Apply ln writlng to: LANOSCAPER P.O. BOX 206 WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 5S BABYSITTER WANTED, n my home i-ULL TIME WAITRESS & 2 part-lime two or three afiernoons weekly. cati 668-0499. MATURE RELIABLE BABYSITTER f0 sit ln my home Monday to Frlday, 8 arn. ta 6 p.m. cai 688-4699. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENTý WHITBY DOWNTOWN 3 roomn office space for rent. 700 sq. fi. $325 per month. cai686-2088. ~4flUENTSI ORGAN CONCERT & CLINIC LOWREY PIANO'& ORGAN CENTRE 360 Brock Street South Whltby, Ontario (Safeway Centre) FRIDAY, MAY 1,1981 CONCERT 7 TO 8 P.M. CLINIC 8 TO 10 P.M. R.S.V.P. 666-3544 WANTED Men and women to f111 positions now available. No experience necessary as training is provided. Neat ln appearance and willing to work. Income f rom $820 to $1,220 per month for those whoquallfy. Cail: 576-6727 waiiresses. Moore Park Restaurant, Hwy. 12, 1 mile north of Brookiin. Cati Mr. Donaidaon ai 655-3377. IlACMODATION 3 OR 4 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Cati. Toronto 755-0448. SHSAREDI CCMODATIO YOUNG BACHELOR WISHES TO SHARE 2 bedraam apartment. $lS4Imo. Cati 666-2485. ~TS SEASONAL TRAîLER SITES. Ail ser- vices. Near uxbnidge. Grangeways Traiter Park 416-652-3260 REBUtLT AUTOMATIC TRAN- SMISSION for Dodge SIani 6. $50. 1973 FORD LTO WAGON PARTS for sale. Cal1668-8724 or 655-3027. 20" AGS COLOR PORTABLE,ex cellent condition, $250 or best 0f er. CASSETTE OEcK, top load, telefunken, cosi $510, seit $275. cali 666-3995. 1 WASHER & SPIN DRIER and 1 PORTABLE DRIER. $200 for the pair. Catil 668-0934. 3 DRAWER DRESSER, 50 years aid, $45. a DRAWER DRESSER, like new, 6 LRAWER DRESSER, $85 for boih. Medium sized COUCH $35. 55 WAT- TS PER CHANNEL TECHNICS RECEIVER, 5 montha aid, $450 f irm. Like brand new 64" MATTRESS $30 or besi affer. Horizon blue wlth baby blue OUILTED BEDSPREAD for 54" bed with matching drapes, 110," wide x 84", $75. Champagne color SHEERS, 6 mont ha aid, 4 panels, $65 or besi offer. CalII666-3995. CHESTERFIELP, 2 chairs & ottoman, $400. End Tables & coffee Table $100. 4 Bar Stools $35. Cail 668-7359 ai ter 6 p.m. Twa 750 f b. SWAY BARS, 21/4 Inch TRAILER HITON & bail. $100 for bath or beat off er. Cali 668-4795. PROP REPAIES FAST SERVICE FISERGLASS SUPPLIES OSHAWA GLASS FIBRE 341 DURHAM ST., OSHAWA 579-1433 ONTARIO GOVERNMVENT TENDER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1. Supply of Labour and Material for the Im- piementation of Energy Conservation Mea- sures, Whitby Jail, Whitby, Ontario. No. 19-VA SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL SEALED TENDERS wiIl be received until 3:00 P.M. Local time on Thursday, May 7, 1981. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Regional Manager's Of fice, 178 Oueen's Ouay East, Toron- to, Ont ario M5A 1 B4. -NOTE: For further infor- mation regarding the Ten- der/Tenders, please cal> Mr. G. Lepard/Mrs. A. Rosseif o at the above address. Telephone No. (416) 965- 6034 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepied. DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDERS POLICE FORCE VEHICLES Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up until 12:00 o'clock noon, Friday, May O8th, 1981, for the supply and delivery of Police Force Vehicles. Tender forms may be picked up or requested through the office of Superintendent Dave Edwards, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520. extension 236. Lowesl or any quota> ion nof necessarily accepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. PALM MRS. DIANA Palm Reader Card Readings ><o elé i f iii i eili 579-8397 1<qhefi wz ~~SIJPPIIES~PLIES DOG KENNELS CUSTOM DOG KENNELS FOR SALE. 576-5606 RICHARD'S FURNITURE REFINISHING Frne Estlmates -Gîve Vour Fumiture a Face Lift" 600 Euclid St.,9 Whitby Cll i Rck Forestail M6-2992 CLEARWATER- Seven furnished mobile homes, air condilioned, pools. tennis, shuffleboard, close ta guif beaches and major attractions. children welcome. Cali 683-5503. HELP (2 : WANTED