WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNIiSDAY, APRIL 2), 1981, PAGE 19 A CASUAL COOKOUT becomes a speciat occasion when you add a fine. after-dnner liqueur such as Wild Turkey li queur, savored for itself, or served in delicious dessert concoctions or cocktals.t Barbecue ('leanup: tion of' haking soda and er dlean-up later. CLAY PITI CERAMICS SALE April 29th - May 5th Greenware 30% OFF Glaze Bru shes 30% OFF Christmas Lights $1 .25 per gross Many More ln Store Features 609 Palace St. Whutby 668-5001 Spring has sprung The weeds are here! Visit We start our spraying in 2 weeks, so make an appointment now to avoid disappointment. CAIL THE DANDI-LINE 666-3187 Whitby 683-9589 Ajax Cleimup can he mini- mited hy h ning grills with heavy-duty alumninum 'foit and spraying the grill rack w~ith non-stick coatîng. To rernove those grease anid grillcd-on f'ood parti- dles, sprinkle dry bakîng soda on a damip sponge and scour, rinsing wvth a solu- i a ('harcoaling - By The Ru les Every successful cookout hegins with a good [ire. Flerc's how to tight it the right vay: 1. Line the grill'- with heavy duty aluminurn [oit - l'or l'aster cooking and easi- pyramid; they'tl light [aster siuice air can circutate around them. 3. Use a good starter, Try the electric or chinîney type, or chloose a iquid, jelly or solid fibrous cubes. 4. Be patient! Let the bri. quets burn to just the right PLANNING TO BUY A GAS BARBEQUE? BEFORE YOU MAKE THE FINAL DECISION CHECK THE PRICES ON SUPERIOR PROPANE'S BROILMASTER, CANADIANA, FALCON BBQ'S. Superior's ~ î "f~V'È Receive 1. A quality B-B-Q fully assembted & test fired. 2. A FULL cylinder of propane. 3. Superior's own 1 year 100% guarantee on parts and labour. 4. Service by a Superior Man when needed - no need to wait weeks for a man uf acturers' service. 5. Free delivery within a 20 mi. radius. WVe also stock BBQ accessories & repair parts STORE HOURS: /XPRI L MAY-SEPT. ~Chargex Monday-Friday 8 a.rn. - 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.mi. - 1 p.m. Monday-Friday 8 a.rn. - 6 p.rn. Satu rday 8 a. m. - 1 p. m. oeMaster Charge 505 VICTORIA ST. E. WHITBY TELEPHONE 668-3328 PROPANE LTD. -4L2 tofLSifeiEE ---- TH ROUGHOUT CANADA RICHARD5S FURNITURE REFINISHINO "Give Your Fumîture a Face Liii" 600 EuciId St., Whltby C&Ili Rck For.stal66-2fl2 stage before adding food. Generally they'll require 20 to 40 minutes. Make Clean-Up Easy Preven lion: Line the grill with heavy duty alurninumn foul ... spray the grill rack with a non-stick coating. Cu're: To remove grease and grilled-on food parti- cles, sprinkle dry baking soda on a darnp sponge and scour; rinse with water/soda solution. Store: Clean after eack,, use; then cover the grill and store in a clean dry place. Hot Dog Treat Fun to fix, neat to eat, and great for the grill- what better way to cele- brate National Hot Dog Month this July. Kids will love theni, because they're a twist on that old favorite -the hot dog on a bun. You'll love themn too, be- cause they're practicaliy an ail-ini-one-meal. (An optional dress-up is the addition of sesamne seeds on the outside.) Just serve with raw carrot sticks or radish circles alongside, and you're ail set. In addition to'preparing a quick, economical meal, you'll also be providing a nutritious one, too. Just two hot dogs supply one- third of a child's daily requiremnent of proteiný-- and one-fourth of the adult daily requirement. Hot dogs also contain iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin Bi2. Dogs in a Sesame Blanket 2 4 -oz. packages wiener-wrap 5 hot dogs 1 oz. Colby Cheese 21/2slices of medium onion 1 large dili pickle (cut into 5 equal portions) 11/2 teaspoons chili sauce Sesarne seeds (optional) Open wiener-wrarp packages and unfold. Press alternate seams to- gether, making 5 wraps. Suice hot dogs down the center (but not al thc way tliroLIgh). Cut Colby ings.