PAGE 10, WEDNFS)A Y, APZI L2e>, I 98 .Wl ITI3Y FRESE PRESS WPH to begin foster family Prora Two years after it was initially conceived, a new plan to institute a weekend foster family program for the adolescent unit, five day treatment centre at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital has received the green light. Under the plan, the program is designed to provide alternative weekend placements for adolescents in residence when: the adolescent and his natural family require temporary respite from each other; when the natural family structure has been tem- porarily disrupted; when the adolescent and natural family agree reunification is flot viable and an alternative setting is required. At the present time, the adolescent and his/her family have little flexibility regarding weekends. The options are: having the adolescent remain in an in- stitutional setting on weekends; or having the adolescent go home regar- dless of circumstances. In order to avoid this oc- currence and provide a positive alternative, a spokesperson for the unit said 'we will be seeking volunteer weekend families as soon as practicable". Assistance and back up services will be provided by the unit. Prospective volunteers can get further information by contacting Natalie Carter at the Whîtby Psychiatric Hospital, 668-5881, ext. 367. LIon s prade scenes I 'f jr t ,Whiby1981 .w~4à ~~I4m 'J '7km If f e., IiiÎt~~ P,1', f ~. - .1. fi l'y . . . . . . .... 1 âî'ý