PAGE 20. WLDN[-SDA Y', AIRI L 22. I 1)8 I WIIITrBY 'EE PRESS Windwa The Windwalker, now playing at Cinenia Whitby, has been described as the most authentie picture ever made about the life of the American Indian. ilker po rtra ys Starring Trevor Howard through the formc in his first portrayal of an backs. Indian, the movie is the Windwalker is rg story of an old man, whose leave the harsh andi mind keeps returning to life he has lived or younger and happier years and is happy at the Ameriican Indian's struggle long deceased wife Tashina. 'eady to As a young man he ravaged married Tashina, but at the ýn earth, same time made an enemy thought 0f a Crow Ipdian who also wanted her for his bride. They had twin sons both of whomn brought themn much happiness. But, there cornes a day when the Crow gets his revenge. He accidentally kills Tashina while attem- pting to kidnap her. His cohort, the eyeless one, grabs up one of the twin boys and rides off. The bereaved and hear- tbroken Windwalker begins a lifelong search for his missing son. This movie is his story.. The picture has been receiving good reviews all over the country. It is a film that rates high on the ex- cellence scale for authen- ticity, an ethnic story, as drama, and as a character study. With a delicacy seldom seen in the violent spec- tacles that characterize s0 many modemn movies, Win- dwalker brings a new per- spective to old loves, old pains, and an old story. Windwalker's remaining son is Smiling Wolf, the father of his grandchildren. The family cornes under attach from a raiding party of Crow, which includes the eyeless one, while Win- dwalker lies dying the heart and soul of the movie is ex- plored during this action crisis.' The Windwalker is a mar- vellous blend of Indian legend and lore, and that feeling is reinforced by director Keith Merril, who puts the entire film in Indian language with English sub- titles. Several scenes in the film put credibility to the test, such as the Windwalker beating off an attack from wolves that in reality would probably have ground him to pulp, and another attack from a grizzly which is also beaten off by this heroic warrior. Both such scenes as these are really unimpor- tant because you relate to Windwalker, his family and his past. Trevor Howard is a per- fect Windwalker as he ap- pears to, merge with his character in body and spirit. He is backed up by outstan- ding performances from a first-rate supporting cast, most of whom are American Indian actors. *C INEMASHOWCASE EXCALIBUR Weekdays-7:OO. 9:35 Sat & Suni-I:30, 4:05, 6:45, 9:25 FIEL!) OVLR CA VEMEN THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE Xariiiig: Somne sceies ina'i% be offcisive Wecckdays-7:O5. 9: 15 &-il &un- 2:15,.4:30. 6:50. 9:I10 e L -t- 1 hitbyFreePress.. w ENTERTAIN MENT ...with Barry Murkar of roltnia[fjyou [o uxiiLt 10c 3St . 'F. 4 4 Ž ý m ond GRAND) OPENING WED. APRIL 22 dd«b.,ý.ADMITTANCE - 1 - L£Èý bt d =( 0 lqqdw Io PEosô4ï M la IrfAks of AG£ OR ovit UV A VUIU9Q e A 9PU 1