PAGL24, LDN SLA\ ,APRII 15, i >81i, Wl lliY Rf [I 'PRLSS Free Press Emnporiumff uu EmoriumAds wiII only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. - - - - - ý m i --ÀOI - - ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER, 5,000 BTUs, $150, CalIl6W-1368. Apr i 81()) ONE AIR CONDITIONER, 8000 BTU, $150. CaII6684686. Mar.25,81(F) TRAYNOR AMPLIFIER, $350. Calil 985-3542. Apr.1,81(H) ONE CAST IRON BARBEOUE on wheels, $30. Calil 668-4886. Mar.25,8 1(F) C.B. RADIO- Citizen 40 channel base wth pre-amp, SWR metor, 120 feet of base co-ax and 51B wave antenna, $160. Calil 668-7123. Apr.1,81(M) CB. RADIO- 23 Channel Sanyo, new condition, $45. Cali 668-3885 evenings. Apr.8,81 (M) 23 CHANNEL DIGITAL C.B. RADIO, $35. Cal 579-2073. Apr.1,81(T) CHESS COMPUTER for sale $300, Plays ai '10 Levas' plus postal games. Cati 668-4670. Mar.25,81 (M) FOUR AUTOMATIC DOOR CLOSERS, $20 each. Cal) 571-027 1. Feb.25,81(K) ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 25 volumes of 1904 adition, asking $65. Phlone 655-4456. Mar.4.81(S) BRIGOS & STRATTON 3 HP. ENGINE for lawn mowar, good condition, $35. Cati 579-2073. Apr.1 .81(T) ONE EXERCISE BED, $5. Cal 666-1598. Feb. 11,81 (G) ONE EXERCISE BICYCLE, otd styla, S25. Cal 666-2935 after 5 p.m. Feb.1 1,81 (A) DELUXE BICYCLE EXERCISER, $75. Calîl 668-0748. Apr.15,81(M) LIKE NEW - Scandia hydrolic rowing exarcîser, $60. Cal) 668-0748. Apr.15,81(M) ONE 20" FAN, $15. Cati 668-4666. Mar.25,81(F) SWEDISH STEEL FIRE SCREEN, 36 wide x 281/ high, and mafching fire sel, $35 complale. Cal 668-2258. Feb.25,81(B) ONE SALON TYPE HAIR DRIER, $20. Cali 6684686. Mar.25,81 iF) TORONADO CELLULOSE IN- SULATION BLOWER, 110 voit. hosa couplings & sorte hose, excellent condition, $150. Cati 6663528. Jan.28,81(T) IRONER, full siza modal 10 use on 110 voit syslem, $50. Cali 666-2935 aller 5 Pm> Feb .11,81 (A) BELL à HOWELL MOVIE CAMERA, 1 year old Cost $379 - sali for $100 Plus screen $20, Cai 666.3995 Mat 18,81(R) MOVIE EOUIPMENT, Erownie 300 movie prolector. editor and screen, lîke new, $75 Cail 6553285 Mat 11,81(K) BASS GUITAR, $125 Cxli98553542 Apt 1,81(H) I ~ I I PLEASE READ I -AUTOMOTIVE ii IUSEHIULLU ~È%Rà % 9% M t ta FOR SA LE ONE BEDTIME STORY PLATE by Joseph Csaiarî, numnbered and limlled, $28. Witt trade for Canadien or American gold or silver coinsCalii 579-6929 eft er 4:30. Feb,25,81(Gi COLLECTOR PLATES - Firsi and second n "Scenes of the English Counirysida' by Peter Barrait, imiied edilion. $70 each or 2 for $130. Wl)) rade lor Canadien or Amnerican goid or silver coins. Cal) 579-6929 afier 4:30. Fab.25.81 (G) COLLECTOR PLATES Compte sectes oul 4 'Preservung A Wsy of Life" by Peler Entil Snyder. Limied edlion and numbered, $70 each or 4 for $260. WIi trada for Canadien or Amreican goid or siivar coins. Cxii 579-6929 allter 4:30. Feb.25,81 (G) 1978 GOEBEL ANNUAL HUMMEL PLATE wth box, $185. Phone 668- 6461 aller 6 p.m. Feb,25,81(S) JACUZZI CENTRIFUGAL PUMP for swimmîng pool, good condition, used 5 seasons, $50. Cxii 725-2243. Apr.15,81(V) OLO 78 RECORDS _& WIND-UÜP RECORD PLAYER, $100. Cxii 683- 6638. Apr.8,81 (Si BLACK AND DECKER CIRCULAR SAW, $15. Phone 668-4407. Fab.25,81)) INDUSTRIALSTEEL SHELVINO. Cxli 985-3542. Apr. 1,81(H) STEREO WITH STAND,.$100. Cxii 666-3428. Mar.4,81(S) MANCHESTER, ENGLAND 2 plane tickets on 27fh of Apri). 1 way. $100 each. BIg savinga on regular prîcet Cal) 683-6571 evenings. Mat. 18,81 (W) VARIETY 0F HAND TOOLS, $10. Cxli 683-6638. Apr.8,81iS) 21" BLACK & WHITE TV, f ot model. $25. Cxli 666-3995. Mat. 18 81(R) ONE TV AMPLIFIER, $40. Cxli 571-0271. Feb.25,81(K) ONE TV STAND, $20. Cxii aller 5 p.m. 666-2098. Feb.18,81) ASSORTED TV AND RADIO TUBES, $1 each, Cxii 579-2073, Apr. 1,81 (T) ONE WOODEN WINDOW, 52' x 52', $25. Ciallfer 5668-3738. ApriBli1Ni TWO WOOD LATHS, $75 and $50. Cxii 683-6638. Apr.8,81(S) 401 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALEÈj 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door. 327 motor, xutomxlic, as s, needs body work, neavy duly sprungs xi round. front end lusl done. $500 Cxii 723-0855. Jan 21.81(M) 1972 CUTLASS OLDS, 350 auto. naw paint. new angine & transmission. new carb. new rad, new exhausi. chroma 5-siot mags, aur shocks, n- --ruriu-g-d-Ape Sharp iokingi Whrn the advertlsed item is soid, dlsposed of, or unavaliabie for whatever reason, the Item wii be deemed to have been soid and a commission wili be Charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illUstrated below, regardiess If priCe Is stated with "best off er". If the Item Is NOT SOLD, or dls.posed of, the ad wiIl be rUn for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $300 wlII appiy. Ail advertlsements must be plaCed on an exclusive basis w(th the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at Ieast one month If not sold. RATES (If article la sold>: 5% of advertlsed prie Up ta $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertlsed for $12000 -commission due $600 (minimum charge la $3.00) Private advertlslng only! Please notify the Whitby Free Press lmmedlately when Item (s soîd 80 that we may delete ht from the following Issues. Ail ads not fltting the Emporium guldelines wiI be treated and Charged per week a-s reg ular classif ied ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothlng, rea) estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not qUoting price or quantity: Private ClassIf ied ads may appear ln the Emporium MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Li N 5S1 OR DELI% 131 Brci Whitl THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE IIIIIIII FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOC AïUTOMOBIES FOR SALE 1974 ASTRA, as is, good condition, $1.300. Cati 668-4046 eveninga or 668- 6922 days. Feb.4,8 1(P) 1974 DODGE CORONET, good run- ning condition, $700. Can ba car- if lad. Ca)) 668-1564. Feb.25,81('T) 1974 DODGE VAN, running condition, PIS, PiB, 6 cyl.. aulomalic, $600 or besi otter. As is. CalII666-3528. Jan.28,81(T) 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK, body ix in fair condition and angine needs some work, color - red with tan inlerior, 47,000 miles (original). Serious calars - $450 - 723-2487. Apr.1,81(W) 0000 SECOND CAR 1975 Ford LTD. body and angine are in good shape, many new parts on il, brand new radiailtires. $1.400 certîfied or ciosest ofter Cali between 9 & 2 weekdays or anytimne on weekends 576-5447 Apr 15,81(N) 1976 GRAN FURY BROUGHAM. ex- cellent condition, PiS, PIB, P/W and lru,k,, Croise controi, air cond.. tilt sleerîng wheei, AMIFM stereo, vînyi roof and Mchelîns, Body was recon- ditioned and paîntad last year. no rust, color sîlverired. Engîne was ovarhauled 2 yrs ago. inlerior ted broquet. Luxury package. Serîous caiiers. $2.700 or best off er, 723-2487. Apr 1,81(W) 1978 MONTE CARLO, car textures P/S, PiB, air condîtîonîng, AMIFM cxssette, uwivei buckets, radial tires, 6,,000 miles $3.750 certîtîed. Exý celient condition Cali 655-3026 any irnie Jan 21.81(Y) 197!! PONTIAC VENTURA, 2-door hxtchback. 260 V8. power brakes & seering. carttsed Oct /80. $1.795. CaO z!Iet 6 p m 839-5656 Feb 25,81(B) RATOMVTI1 ~~EAR PTAIR PAR1T S 350 CHEV SM BLOCK, 4 boit main, il 5.t TRW pistons. cam, 202, heads. more Bois tu prove, Brand new $1.000 or t>est offar Cxlii683-6487 Mat 18.81(J) ELECTRONIC IGNITION for '75 Vega and Astrrx$2!l Cxii 6663995, Mat 1881(R) VER TO: >ck St.N. tby, Ont. E -)N. AVâTOMOIVE E y i EPARIR/PARTS CHRYSLER PARTS FOR SALE 16 NEW TRW LIFTERS for big block, $70ý NEW CLUTCH DRIVE UNIT WITH FAN $70. ONE NEW EXHAUST PIPE (replaces convertar) for V8 LaBaron, Cordoba. Dipiomat $45. ONE NEW OAS TANK FILLER NECK reguiar gas) for 2-door LeBaron, Cor- doba, Dipiomai $18. ONE NEW DOOR SKIN for 67-69 Baracuda. passengar sida, $45. ONE NEW 7 BLADE STEEL FAN $18. TWO NEW UNIROYAL ICE RADIALS, suze P205/75815, $140 for pair. FOUR NEW MICHELIN ZX RADIALS, sie 165/705R13, $240 for sel. FOUR NEW RALLY WHEELS for Omnu & Horizon, $80. FOUR USED AUNGER HOT WIRE ALUMINUM MAG WHEELS, 15' x 7", $150. ONE USED 340 AVS INTAKE MANIFOLD $60. TWO USED 340/383 AVS CARBURATORS, $30 each. ONE USED 69 BARACUDA NOSE PIECE $20. ONE NEW SET 0F RAC GUAGES (ou). waler. ampi $25. ONE USED RADIO for Honda with speaker and aniennae $30 Cxii 655- 3266 Mar. 18,81 AUTOMOTIVE FACTORY SERVICE MANUALS. Chavroiet 1955, 1961, 1978, $10 each Buuck 1957.,1958, $10 each. Pontiac 1949 ihru 1954, $15. Toyota Selica 1971 thru 1974 $12ý Oodge Colt & Plymouth Cricket 1971 thru 1973. $10. Plymouth, xii 1968, $10. Dodge, ail 1970. $10 Dodge/PlymouthiChrysiet 1977. 1978. $12. Calil655-3266 Apr 1,81(A) FACTORY CAR RADIOS. 1965/1966 Valuani & Dan., $30ý 1968M1969 Dodgeý Plymouth. $35 Caii 655-3266. Apr 1,81(A) ONE 0000E WHEEL RIM, 15 inch. $10 Cxii 666-2935 alter Sp m Feb 11,81(A) SET 0F 4 SUPERIOR RIMS, navet been used, ail chrome. 15. $250 lrm Cxli 723-9972 Apr 8,81(JS) jR7B15 MICHELIN TIRES & RIMS. askrng $31par pair Cxii 668-6144 Apr 15.81(R) 14" RADIALS. xskinq $3 pet pair Calii 668-6144 Apr 15,81(R) 2 SNOW TIRES. E 78 14. o Ford rumS. $50 Cxli 6663958 Apr 8.8liCi TWO SNOW TIRES & RIMS, ste 14 $40 each Cxli 571-0271 Feb 25.81(K) 4 SUMMER TIRES, D-78-14, $40. Calil WATER BED, new, queen maltress, 666-3958>lier, heater & frame, $170. Cali Arr,8.8 (CI 1.281-0664. BOYS' 3-PIECE SUIT, 1 iess. BOYS' SHIRTS (ai 75e ta $1. BOYS' SVW pros. 6) from $3 10 $5. reasonably priced. Cxii GIRL'S BEIGE ALL-WEI wîth xtiached hood, sute 668-1076. ONE NEW LADY'S CO $80. Cxii 571-0271. THREE LADIES' COAT leaiher Î30, 2 fuil-lang Cxli 666-3428 WHITE WEDDING DRE! very good condition, ii Cxli aller 6 p.m 668-9831 A BEDROOM SUITE in dîtion. Scandînavian. tri nighl tables, hexdboard mxtlress nol încluded,1 725-2243 BUNK BEOS with mat, and desk, $400 Cxli 66( ONE DOUBLE BED, BC MATTRESS, good coni $100< Cxli aller 5p m 6 ONE ROLLAWAY BED. 4686 $10. WiIIgo pprox. 6) f rom EATERS (ap- Size 14. All 728-2578. Mar.18,81(W) ATHER COAT e 12, $25. Cal) Feb.25,81 (D) :AT, size 20, Feb.25.61(K) S, size 12. 1 gth $25 each. Mat 4,81(S) SS, size 12, in ke naw, $100. 3& Feb 4,81(M) beautiful con- rpie dresser. 2 d & backboard. $200 tîrm Cali Apr 15,81(V) ching dresser 62927 Apr 15.81(Wî )X SPRING & idîtion. xsking M6-2098 Feb 18,81(A) $25 Cali 668 Mar 2581(F) Ail &de wilt go in ciusaaitid section unîies otherwîse opacifie, If in doubt, Cail 668-611il THREE TIRES for sale. two snows. $25 a pair, 6.50 x 13, one summer, $10, 6.00 x 13. Cal) 668-2935 altter 5 p.m. Feb. 11,81 (A) TWO TIRES ON RIMS - sîze A78-13, naarty new, $25 each or $45 for both. Phone 668-4257. Apr.15,81(M) 151' WIRE SPOKE T BIRD WHEEL COVERS, reguiariy $385 for $100. Cali Hank at 668-4795. Mar.18,81(W) BABY CARRIAGE, $45. In good con- dition. Cal) 668-3448. Apr.1,81(M) BABYS CAR SEAT, $20. ln good condition. Cati 668-3448. Apr.1,81(M) MINIATURE CRIB, $35. Cal) 571-0271. Feb.25,81 (K) HIGH CHAIR, $10. Cal) 666-3428. Mar.4,81 (S) CHILD'S LAMP FIXTURE, $8. Cal) 571-0271. Feb.25,81 (K) GENDRON STROLLER with 3 position back, foot resi & handia ad- jusiment, shopping basket, canapy and boot weatherizer, $40. Cal) 668-6563. Apr.1,81(M) STROLLER, asking $10. Cali 668- 6144. Apr.15,81(R) TWO SET 0F SWINGS FOR CHILOREN, excellent condition. One cosl $129 - set) for $50. Other cost $39 -sali for $17. Cal) 666-3995. Mar.1 8,81(R) BABY ITEMS FOR SALE - Crib & Mat- tress $25, Mash Pisypen $20, Swing- O-Matic $12, Car Seat $15, High Chair $5, Bath Change Table $40, lwo Botte Sterilizers $7 each, Gendron Siroiler- wilh detachabia bool & windbreaker $40. Cati 666-1419. Mar.25,8 1(T) BABY NEEDS - Change table, like new, $20. Fisher Price Mobile, $5. Cal 668-4934. 1 0 1 1 TWO YOUTH BED MATTRESSES, 66" x 33", vety good condition, $20 each. Cati 668-4193. Feb.25.81(G) 3-SEATER BED CHESTERFIELD and maichlng chair, $300. Cali 668-2258. Feb.25,81(B) ENGLISH BED-SETTEE, sleeps fwo, woodan trames and ermresis, black & gray, 2 maichlng armchxirs, $280. Cali 666-1898. Mat. 18,81(B) ONE BAR, curved & straighi section. 95" overaîl, stoils, mirrors, etc., $200. Cxii 666-2916. Apr.8,81(M) SPANISH DESIGN BAR, black lexîher & veivel, strobe ighis on boih sîdes, includes record player, AM/FM wih 8 irxck, large unit, includes 3 bar stools. 2 custom speakers. Veiued ai $1,000, asking $400. Calil683-3030. Jan.21,81(M) BUFFET WITH MIRROR xiiached, $100. Cati 623-2769. Fab. 11,81(V) 54" SPANISH OAK FORMICA BUF- FET wiih glass doors, 1 year old, $325. Caii 579-8915. Feb.25,81(W) CHEST 0F DRAWERS, bîrch, 5- drawer, good condition, $60. Cxlii 655-3285. Mar. 11,81 (K) 4-DRAWER CH EST ON CHEST, "Rox- ion", 45 high x 34 wlde, $350. Cxli 668-2258. Feb.25,81 (B) CHINA CABINET & BUFFET and 4 chairs, $500. Cxli 666-2927. Apr.15,81(W) DRESSER WITH MIRROR, $50. Cali 623-2769. Feb.11,81(V) ANTIQUE WALNUT DRESSER, Cîrca 1890, 8 drawers, 3 mirrors (1 full iengih, 2wing), $350. Evenings, Sun- days 868-3729. Feb.25,81(W) ANTIQUE HUTCH à BUFFET plus 2 mxiching aide chairs, excetlent con- dition, refinlshed, 60 years old, solid oak, $475. Cxli 666-3995. Mar.18,81(R) ANTIQUE OAK DINING ROOM SUITE, 6 chairs and huich, excellent con- dition,'$950. Cxii 579-8915. Feb.25,81 (W) SOLID CHERRYWOOD EXTENSION DINING TABLE to, seat up to 12 people, Ilke naw. With 4 chairs aslîing $550. Wih 5 chairs asklng $600. For information cxii 728-9732 beiween 8&l10a.m.or aller 6p.m. Mar.11,B1(P) SOLID PINE WITH OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. Huich buffet, 2 arm chairs, 2 sida chairs, specixi lacquar finish on top. Table 6' iong, ovai, iwo V iaaves, medium brown tiain. Askîng $2.800. Phone 723-9398. Mat. 18,81(P) 2-PC. SECTIONAL CHESTERFIELD, new in Aug.1BO. rusi color, pulls oui 10, bed. storage comparîmeni under- nexth. $300 or besi otter. Cati 666-1598. FebI11,81(G) SOFA & CHAIR, biue. green and gold floral pattern, atm caps, in good con- dition, $150. Cxii 666-2457. Feb.18,81(M) TRESTLE DESK, dark honey pîne, wîth brass finish handies and knobs. Complete wîth Captain style chair, $575 Cai8666-1899. Jan.28,81(H)