because of the agreemnent CBC signed with Whîtby. "But 1 don't think it will be unanimous," he said adding that "I'm confident that we've got enough protec- tion. " Attersley cornmented that the iatest negotiations have in no way affected the developmeflt agreement that the town has. Our dvelopment agreemTent is stîli in place." "The region wants rnoney up front to hring the sewer from Whithy to Brooklin," he said adding "I would think that the region's got enough money up front." Both men have said that if the financial package is ac- ceptable then they sec no reason not to allow the developinent to take place. ning," Attersley said. Attersley also expressed concern if the proposai is turned down. I f the region doesn't do it 110W (install sewers), they are going to have to do it 10 years from now, even seven years from now," he said. Attersley also pointed out that the region needs the ad- ditional water and sewer users the developmeflt will bring in order to prevent any large increases in the user rates. However, Attersley stressed that the develop- ment of Brooklin will not be done at the expense of the rest of the town. IlWe're not going to run and build Brooklin and forget the bottom end," he said. Whitby man convicted of bookm aki'0g convicted on a bookmaking charge in Oshawa provincial court. Last week, Raymond Her- stead f 1110 Henry Street was fined $800. Herstead along with eight other people were charged when police broke up a gambling ring. The charges were laid last August, the resuit of a three- month undercover operation by a joint Durham Regional Police and OPP unit. When the arrests were made, police said that there was a substantial arnount of money involved in the placing of bets on horse races at Canadian tracks. Whitby Arts eleets it's 1931 Whitby Arts Incorporated has elected its executive committee for the year 1981. John Nickson f Whitby Faini AutoXZX steel Farnay uobelted radial low price 155- RI3 blackwall. 61.37 ManufactureY's $61ie37 price $7220. TIhe al >44144 FaFmîI4 Auto 444.kes l4 as'> lu lx' . surt' 40>14' 4441444» the >44154tire41value >for 50ur 4>40444"> 44 h these '.tl.t4n4,4 '.î'.>444'.On4 lran<1 name rad>ilI 1anîly Auto stocks -a %%1(1(>' r.4>gi- »il4tir'.4/". to fit domestît an»d(0441 440 tcars MICHEUN XZX. 44s>teell:eted radial.4>455'R> 3 >4>,44144.4» prit4îar4e4T S",4 $2 20 FamUy Autos everydây 10w pnice $6> 37 DAYTON QUADRA a»MI.,'asot>radial> P>6580)R>3 44>1444144, pme444,4>441"îî S4 '4y) FamilV Auto4s ever>'daV >0w pnice $4887 insualled BF GOODRJCH T/A. 1"5 >1>3 4,445414 44>4414'>4et44'4 pitre»44U414. SI44 512(X)» FamalV Autos c4erydav ow pnce $95 20 insta»led UNIROYAL STEELER . 1eI> t>4't 14d> >>45HSRII 444344 Man44ufact4urer". rice $86 40 Famfly Autos evcrdaV >0w price 173 44 instlu»ed DUJNLOP S4StesecIl heed4,44>4,4>1 33SR13 >41,44>444.1» \,4,4fCUK44141TS >4>441$64 60 Family Autois everydaV >0w price $54 91 nsta»ed KELLY SPRNGF1ELD PACEMARK '.steel> 441»4'4> radial4>I>5844R13 54,laUfdCîUyer*".piste41$56 3% FamihV Autos everydîv las pnce $47 89 instalei I)d>,dttf4 S >4,44>444> >4 >* ,44144>4AU>4>.'Aix44 4> rgh4 4>r >45 44 >4414' g44,44,fl44- %,.i»ueiI1 .l $22 4(X> 8 F GOODRICH stock clearance of 1980 tires 110 "14 1 4.4 4 4444413 1 >14h4<4431 A 4 4> 44< 14.4 A MA1l u.'.'pIl, $19280 $15S M>4> $214 55 $1660»0 S964>) $77 55 S510724 8300 >'>",4'. hu44444 ih..' il I#'4s .4 44,>>4I 4444>4 s. %%hile 441.441444<". la' Mag wheel clearance 15% 44> 44444 44> .4 4>rvi î s>>u v (Se ".4141.>»4414>'.>444>29 93 vm li FAMILY AUTO GUARANTEES CUSTOMER SATISFACT0N 30 days pnice protection guardTtee 120 dans.or 0.000 km. parts and service>ee %%f. fi%. il <44h! 444 >4%.il4I>ev4oit4 ltt4 44444>. 444 >4444' 4>4444 theamnew famii>AutoC We make iteasytobe sure. Store hours Monday - Fniday 800 arn. to 600 prm. Saturdav 800 arn. to 1:0 pmn. 7 Auto Place superstoreS in the Toronto area- Scarbolo'.gh 2926155 Las>tYork' 752-6644 Wl3tby SI7> 323> Thornhtll 88> 770> 27S' 09% >.".4% h" '. " v 44 '.4"> >fl44, .'16 4". ~ .44 4.4 54ât41444 "5SSi '4 '~,4 ,4 444 '. 4 .". c'.rborough4li 441444 4 ,k44' 4 4.î>'4' 4 Tore<440( entra> 4814%2614 . 1,t , "r' -i. -f i T 44 . oronto m entra> S .i 78 Î1hIJ-lb.> Torontoa tnoim363 32"624 4 '.4"'. ' '.4 i ÉobKoke I24614MI>-1.44 'i,,%4,C4t44<<J44 '45% 06 4 " ~ <~4~"> ' .4444 Isiîk,>.okr 25%,-l333 *4,4 >444. 4)4.4'151413.1"SI5454 ki,4à i 1 « 4 Wi ghmfl d H.U»84 02121 a, 14 "Bramipton> 45' 44814 4444 '" m 'i 4 4k.iI> 844133 .4454 >-"'.' '.> 844140<404632 544'ai 44454i. . - inumu.n 5414,1,1> .l l .4"#1 4 1 Hardn t431 Il24 .i,'> 1'4t' , %[ Brantfor4440d '45 "'W "40.1 4 Wd Kit4>4.4dchney 742 8153 122- bony '.4 executive has been elected president. The past-president is John McAllister (Brooklin); vice- president Ben Brackenbury; treasurer Joy Palmer Brookers and secretary Susan Muir. Members of the board of directors are: Marie Brooks; Lynda Buffett; Gord Dean; Jacqui Field; Claire McAilister-Ga5S; Joe Novak; Maureen Remington; and Rob Wilson. Representing the Town of Whitby on the executive will be North Ward Councillor Ross Batten. ,mur-. P>AGE 8, Wl-il)N SI)AY. APRI i i 1, .Wl1981,R 'LPRS Herrema says..@ CBC to p ay for ]Broolklin sewer extension Milton 878,0501 ',4«) '%ý, 1 1