N 1 22 . WI 1),I SI) ', .A 1 IR HS ,1I \ .\ît 1l I),Y I R1 I l>, R'SS (;Iassifid Ads sel! m a eu fle 68611HOlY Family parish listbegmae p ca l 6 -6 11For many years the Town of ladies have worked on this questions on the brochures corne out on the afternoor ut Whtb no nine- . a...- i r ipvQi m W.1c .1; ll ie "wnnîlH nîî like a Am î i t îeceive carids 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - WHITBY - Finished rec. room, newîy decorated. This home is sîtuated on a commercial lot suitable for smaîî business. Asking $59,900. For f uriher In- formation cali Kay Rogers 668-6171 or 668-4592. 2 ACRE LOT - MYRTIE STATION - $49,900. Ideal site for residence. Presentîy has smaîl insul brick bungalow. Great for couple or retreal. Very near to commutor train. Garret Dowker 686-1821. C3 ZONING - WHITBY - $74,900 - Weil kept 3 bedroom bungalow on Hwy. 12. Corner lot with excellent visability. Approxîmately $52,000 lst morîgage at 111/2% for two years, Many uses! For details caîl Garrett Dowker 686-1821 or 576-7384. Roman Catholic Church. The first was a small building, now a private home on the corner of John and Palace Streets. Twenty-one years ago, a modemn and beautiful chur- ch was built on Giffard St. Last September. a new parish, Holy Family was formed in the east end of town with Rev. Gerald Breen holding mass in St. Paul's school until the new church is built. The new parish divided Whitby and a new parish list was necessitated. Over the past several weeks a group mnade. On Sunday, April 5, over a hundred volunteers from the parish, men and wvomerî will each take no more than ten cards and in the afternoon will visit aIl the panishioners. welcoming themn to the parish and leaving with thema an infor- mative brochure listing parish activities, groups, and services. This will be a form of Lenten activity and a blitz to try and reach as many people as possible. It is very difficult for the priest to visit over 1,500 homes... although one of the THE CORPORAïirN 0F THE TOWN OF WX ITBY NOTICE 0F A PUBLIC MEETING FOR THE PORT WHITBY COMMUNITY SECONDARY PLAN STUDY I i t' '~Ài 't ' ..i.îîîiy ii'î Il >11111 i. il-y -7 .*~; Y~hi \/VI ItIA\JXJi ::fi>1 Il il i 11.tei-y g:t. i 1 !r;î .i y lME 7:30 p.m. DATE: Monday, April 6, 1981 PLACE: Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whîtby, Ontario. The Administrative Committee wîll hold this Public Meeting lu receive and consider for recommendatîoul the Final Report of the Consultant Team, Macpherson, Walker, Wright Associates Lîmited, for the Port Whîtby Communîty Secondary Plan Study. Persons requestîng further information may contact Planning Deparîment, Whîtby Municipal Building, Rossland Road East, Whitby. Ontario, (416) 668-5803. 575 ROBE RT B. SHORT, Director of Planning, Corporation of the Town of Whiîby, priest t() visit your home? ' Volunteers are asked to ,n of Henry concert School music department will present a concert on Friday, April 10 beginning at 8 p.M. Featured in the concert wilI be the LaChine High School Band from Montreal, Quebec. The Henry Street Concert Band and a specicil brass group will also per- form. Tickets are $2 for adults, $1 for students, $5 per family and can be purchased at Middleton's Book Store in downtown Whitby. SPRING TUNE UP SPECIAL 4 CYL. 6 CYL. 8 CYL. $29a 95 $39095 $49 395 MOST GM CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS. AIR CONDITION ED CARS EXTRA. PARTS & MATER IALS EXTRA. OFFER EXPIRES IN 30 DAYS. WHITBY 668-3304 ~IN FOR A -Up OUARATEED SERVICE OUAIANTEED PRICE OUARATEED GM PARTS SIMS MORTON McINERNEY & BRADY announce the dissolution of their partnership effective as of March 3lst, 1981. David J. D. Sims, Q. C., Michael C. McInerney, and John F. Brady wilI continue the practice of Iaw in partnership under the name of SIMS, BRADY & McINERNEY 117 King Street Whitby, Ontario Li N 4Z1 Telephone Ilo. 668-7704. Robert P. Mortoni and W. Mark Burch will practice in partnership as MORTON, BURCH 185 Brock Street Noti Whitby. Ontario LUN 4H3 Telephone No. 666-2252 The dissolution of the former partnerr.hip is being effec- ted cordially and both firms will assure ý.h.tî clients' affairs wilI be handled without disruption or inct ienience. Capers continued CONI' 1)1ROM PG. 6 WHITBY LITTLE TIIEATRE Whitby Little Theatre presents a satirical comedy 'The Torch Bearers', directed by Teril Stewart. Tickets will be available at Middleton's Book store for the April 2, 3 and 4, and 9, 10 and il performances. Senior citizens night, tonight April 1, Centennial Building, admission free. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCJI Palm Sunday - April 12 - il a.m. Communion Service, xeception of new members by confirmation and transfer, and a time of fellowship after the service. Good Friday - April 17 - Il a.m., special service to remem- ber the crucifixion of Christ. Easter Sunday - April 19 - 7:30 a.m. Early Easter murning service in the church followed by Easter breakfast down- stairs. Everyone welcome. Il a.m. easter service - special music by senior and junior choir. U. C. W. TRIP Does anyone have good suggestions for a Women's bus trip for early June? We are looking for interesting places to visit or tours to take within 11/ hour's drive, e.g. Toronto or Peter- borough etc. Ideas and addresses where contact can be made would be welcome. DATES TO REMEMBER Wednesday, April 1 - (tonight) open public meeting, 8 p.m., C.B.C. Proposal - Municipal Building. Monday, April 6 - 7:30 Whitby Administrative Committee meeting. MOTHER GOOSE PILLOW CARE ANNOUNCES A N EW SERVICE PILLOW CLEANING 3Y OUR EXCLUSIVE "PI LLOW-VAC" 'ENOVATING SYSTEM lb~ CLU DES EVERYTHING CLEANED . FLUFFED. SANITIZED DEiODORIZED AND ~RAND NEW TICKINGF, <14 MPI il 0 Ili 1 their instructions. 1 1 - 1 «Ike