Br~kin MEAI)OWCHEST I'L'BIC S(UIIOL NEWS The grades 7 and 8 have been busy recently with oral speaking contests. Congratulations to Joni Koster on being chosen to represent the school in the Regional Oral Speaking Competition. Also congratulations to Lesley Shaddock for receiving honourable mention. For three days in March, 28 students from grades î and 8 were at Ste. Marie Among the Hurons Mission for a historical survival camp. Many thanks to Mitchell Bros. Co. in town for giving a discount for the wood needed to make spoons and bowls. In preparing for the Musical Play "Oliver" to be presented April 15 and 16, we wish ta thank the Cashway Co. in town for the wood donated to make the stage sets. We also want to thank the Anderson Solski Lighters for helping again with the lighting effects. EUCIIRE A euchre party will be sponsored by the Ashburn ladies on Thursday, March 26 at 8:00 p.m. in the Ashburn Community Centre. Ladies please provîde lunch. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Tweedsrnuir History meeting will be held at the Brooklin Community Centre on Wednesday, March 18 at 2 p.m. Members are asked to bring an article that is 50 years old or more. Current Events - Mrs. L. Arksey. Hostesses - Mrs. N. Walker and Mrs. H. Grandy. Mrs. L. Sonley, convenor, will be bringing us up to date on this organization formed in 1910. Visitors are welcome. BROOKLIN JUNIOR FARMERS The Brooklin Junior Farmers sponsor a cammunity euchre at Mt. Zion Cornmunity Centre on March 25, 1981 at 8:15 p.m., $1.00 per person. Ail praceeds go to back the community centre. Lunch is provided. The motta for the group is "Self Help and Community Bet- terment." The program provides opportunities for young people between the ages of 15 and 30. This is achieved through social and educational activities. The Brooklin Junior Farmers are always looking for new members. If in- terested caîl Neil Guthrie 668-3855 or Joanne Manderson 649- 5663. BROOKLIN BRANCII LIBRARY Take a trip into space! Join us for "Fantasy Week" at the Brooklin Branch Library during the spring break, March 23 1 1,009 out of work in F ebruary The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Em- ployment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the' month of February totalled 11,009, consisting of 4,826 female and 6,183 male clien- ts. Placements in the three offices totalled 5M0 for the maonth, which compares 1<) a total of 432 placements during January. The majorîty of clients were registered in clerical an(l related; sales; service; product fabricating, assem- bling and repairing: con- struction trades; mnaterial handling and related. During February, the greatest emnployment opp<)r- tunities existed in retail trade; rnanufacturing of transportation equipment and the primary metal in- dustry. In Fehruary, there were 37 agreements signed under the Canada Manpower In- dustrial Training Prograrn. As a result. 62 people will benefit from bath training and employment in the Regian of Durham, At the end of I'ebruar,, there were 212 students in the' skill courses sponsored hv the' Canada Emplayment C .entre and 6 5 people receving acadernîc upgra(IIng a t IDurhiam t ollege to 27 everyday fromn 2:30 to 3:30, featuring stonieýs, crafts and movies. Sure to be lots of fun. There will be regular story hour Saturday, March 28 frorn 10:30Oto 11:30a.m. BROOKLIN UNITED) CIIURCII O'n Sunday, April 5 the Brooklin United Church Women will be taking the morning service. Since this is the Year of the Disabled we are delighted to have Jo Anne Chisholm corne ta us fromn Toronto. She is disabled herself from an accident 8 years ago. She has overcome many problems and presently is attending the Centre for Christian Studies in Toronto ta become a Hospital Chaplain. Af ter the service there will be a congregational pot Iuck in the C.E. Building. Bring your food ta the kitchen before church, then plan to have a leisurely dinner with family and friends. Also on April 7 the Brooklin United Church Women will be having their april Dessert Meeting. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. with a short business meeting followed by dessert at 8 p.m. Worship and programn wiIl follaw. Marge McCoy wiîl be showing her slides of Oberammergau and tour of Europe. Everyone is invited. Corne and bring your friends for an in- teresting evening. BIIS MEETING The Brooklin Harticultural Society looks at "The Vegetable Plot" at its next monthly meeting. Rene Thiebaud, a society member, will help us ta under- stand the do's and don'ts of vegetable gardenfing and sonme hints that have helped him ta become such a successful gar- dener. This timely topic should appeal ta the ever-increasing number of tillers and toilers of "The Vegetable Plot", The meeting wilI be held at 8 p.rn. an Wednesday, March 25 at the Brooklin United Church. Came along and bring a fellow gardener. -Susan Smith 655-4737 Brown's Foodmaster (bef are noon Sa t.) Chamber meeting The next luncheon meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce will be held on March 23 at 12 noon at the LeChalet Restaurant, 110 Dundas Street West. The topic for discussion is a group insurance proposai. Tickets are $7 per persan. To confirmn attendance cali the chamber office at 668- 4506 before March 20. Pssst... Want to lease a Rabbit? Lease one of our 1980 company cars. Example .1980 Rabbit, 2-door, PND 163, 36 month net lease, 72,000 kil limit, $164.40 per month. à ~ v0KSWAGEN Tia WNtby Cr Oshawa 1425 DUN DAS ST. E., H wy2é_. 0 I WHITBY_ 668-9383 Toronto line 361-1128 Hwy 401 4 '4 .9 'p Aluminum STORM DOORS Keep out the elements. Sturdy construction with Ternpered Safety glass, and summer screen. Un colors: Brown, $1't 3010 $12000 $8500 Call us to measure and instail. Wl llIYPi FRlII-lPRE:SS, 'I)NI-ESI)AY. M ARCilI 18.,1 081,.PAG E 7 TIAMS ORDER YOUR BASEBALL UNIFORMS TO AVOID DISAPPOINIMENT N@Wif BEST SELECTION DELIVERY and PRICES DONE ON PREMISES MANY SAMPLES IN STOCK Monay hOu rS ey10-8 __ _ Equipment Ltd. Soaturwoy 9-6 Y 7J S980 BROCK ROAD SOUTH VIS PICKERING oe VW-1,LCljO AU THE CORPORATION 0F TETOWN 0F WHITBY GARDEN PLOTS FOR WHITBY RESIDENTS The Parks & Recreation Department of the Town of Whitby has established garden plots for Comrnunity use for the 1981 season. The size of the lots will be 25' x 50' at a cost of $25.00 per lot to the user. The land will be plowed by the Town and water made available. AIl requests will be on a first corne, first served basis. If you are interested, you are invited to apply to: Parks & Recreation Department, Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario PR ESENTS SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK 1975 VOLKSWAGON RABBIT, LIC. KDL071 oo ~21975. SIIOP AT THE BIG LOT AND SAVE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA 7256501j MTCHELL BROTHER BROOKLIN 655-4991 ____________________________ 'I y Li &%- I cenuumidong l -1