Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1981, p. 20

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I -Free w w >Z Press Emnporiumi CaiI 668-M61 11 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the foîlowing Conditions. e ,i" ARTICLES lFOR SALE WHITE WEDDING DRESS, size 12, in very good condition, ike new $100. Cati aller 6 p.m. et 668-9836 Feb. 4, 81 GIRL'S BEIGE ALL-WEATHER COAT with atached hood. Siza 12. $25. Cati 668-1076. Feb.25.81 BOYS' 3-PIECE SUIT $10. Wiliigo les. BOYS, SHIRTS (appros. 61 irom 75c - $1. BOYS' SWEATERS (approx. 6) from $3 - $5. Sîza 14. Al reasonabiy pricad. Cati 728-2578. Mer.18,81 TWO MENsa HAIR PIECES, naturai hair, dark brown, current costili new, now $745 each. Can be colour inted, to suit Individuels neads. Asking $150 aach or besi offear. Caît 668-4721 Dec 24,80 ELECTR'IC GUITAR, like new, $95. BONTEMPI TABLE ORGAN $20. BLACK AND DECKER CIRCULAR SAW $15. Phone 668-4407. Fab 25,81 CONN ORGAN, $1100. Strummer section and bench. Leslie speakers. Buffet wth mîirror ettached, $100. Dresser wth mrror $50. Cai 623- 2769 Fab 11.81 KIMBALI SWINGER 200 ORGAN $800 frm. WONDERLAND DEMOLITION DERBY PINBALL MACHINE $300 f irm. Excellent con- dition. Lesa than 1 yeer otd. Cati Elmers Furnitura, Hampton, Onterio 263-2294. Feb.25,81 LOWREY GENIE ELECTRIC ORGAN, 1 yaar oid. Askîng $900. Cati 985. 8573 Feb. 4,81 SILVER HOLTEN TRUMPET WITH CASE, ike naw $250. Cati 723-0855 Jan 21,81 PINBALL MACHINE, regular sîzad, $300. GO-KART. 1980 Bobcei. $500. Catil 668-3024. Mar. 18,81 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 25 volumes of11904 edition. Askîng $65. Phone 655-4456. Mar.4,81 1978 GOEBEL ANNUAL HUMMEL PLATE WITH BOX. $185. Phone 668- 6461 aller 6 p.m, Feb 25,81 OIL FURNACE, TANK, CONTROLS, $200. 668-6644. Feb.25,81 TORONADO CELLUSLOSE IN- SULATION BLOWER, 110 volt, hose couptîngs & some hose. Excellent coniion $150. Cai 666-3528 Jan 28,81 BABY ITEMS IN GOOD CONDITION, crib $30, Padastat high chair $20. Waiker $5, Pisypen $30, Bath tabla $35. CatI 6U-6093 avenînga- Feb 18,81 STEREO wlh stand $100 HIGH CHAIR $10 3 LADIES' COATS -sîze 12- 1 Leathar $30, 2 fuit tenglh $25 eaacnCai 666-3428 Mar 4.81 ARTICLES FOR SAE Thrte TIRES for sala, Iwo snows $25 a pair, 6.50 x 13, one summer $10, 6.00 X 131 On* DOOGE WHEEL RIM, 15 inch. $10 On* 12-foot ALUMINUM CAR TOP BOAT. heavy duly, wiih 31/ HP molor, $600. On. set of HOCKEY EOUIPMENT, mans medium; skates, pads, giovas, sticks. etc., $100. Two LACROSSE STICKS, one senior, one junior, $10 aach. On. EXERCISE BICYCLE, otd style, $25. On. pair of SKI POLES, aiuminum, for parson 58" o511", $10. HEAT1NG DUCT PIPES, 4 inch diamneter lnb sections. 20 fast, with two 90 degreaetbows, $10. IRONER, full siza modal 10 usa on 110 volt systamn, $50. Cal 666-2935 of ter 5 p.m. Feb. 11,81 CASCADE 40 Electrle Waller Hestor, 5 years nid asking $50. Anthes Olid Bumîng Furnace wiih extra 2 spead motor & power humidifier, asiing $200. 200 Gallon 011 Tank, wiih ap- proximatety 40 gai oit asking $50. Cati allterS5 p.m. 668-4326 Jan 28,81 MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Two plana tickets on the 271h ni Aprît. 1-way. $100 each. BIg savînga on regular prIcat Cati1683-6571 eveninga. Mar. 1881 a n kATOMOBILES FOR SALE 1 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 327 motor. aulomatic, a5s i, needs body work, heavy duty apringa ait around, iront end jusl dona. $500. Cati 723-0855 Jan 21,81 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, PIS, PIS, Power Rear Window, ideai for contracior. $550 as is or wîtt car- lily Cai1668-1481 Feb. 4,81 73 FORD GRAND TORINO 10 sait for parts. Asting $750 or besi olier. Engina 351 Windsor, 65.000 originat mitas. New Holley 650 CSM 4-barret carburator. New Offenhausor figh- rise manifold. New Mattory duat- point disiribulor. New ripla-core radialor. Superior mag rima ait around. Ail parla good in this car. Catt 7259537. Feb 18,81 1974 ASTRA, as is. gond condition, $1300. Cai days 6686922 or evanings ai 668-4046 Feb, 4,81 74 DODGE CORONET. Gond run- ning condition. $700. Can be cer. tified. CaiI668.1564, Feb 25,81 1974 DOOGE VAN, running condition, PIS, PIB. 6 cyt , aulomalic $600 or besi ofarAs is.Cati 666-3528 Jan 28,81 1974 FORD F100 PICK UP. Very good shape, Askîng $1.150 cerlilîed Cait 6553527 aller 5 p m Feb.4,81 1976 MONTE CARLO, care tealures PIS. PIS, air condition. AMJFM cassette, swivei buckels, radial iras. 61,000 mites, $3750 certîfîed Es- cellent condition Cati 655-3026 anylîme Jan 21,81 PLEASE READ Whmn the advertised Item Is sold, disposed of, or Unavalable for Whatever reason, the item WIII be deemed to have been sold and a commission WIII be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilUstrated below, regardless if price Is stated Wth "best 0f fer", If the Item Is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad Will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 WilI apply. AIl advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis With the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at Ieast one month If not sold. RATES (if article la sold): 5% of advertleed prie up ta $40000 2% of balance over $400,00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertîsed for $120.00 -commssion due $6.00 (minimum charge Is $3.00> Private adVertlsing only! Please notlfy the Whitby Free Press immediately When Item Is sold so that We may delete t f rom the foIIowiflg issues. Ail ads flot fitting the Emporium guldelines WiII be treated and Charged per week as regular Cîassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help Wanted, Clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads flot qUotlng price or qUantity: Private classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section Under appropriate headings. Al &de wiiI go In cîeslfîed sectIon unes otlserwîse specf loci. If ln doubt, Caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WhItby, Li N 5S1 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock St.N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 350 CHEV SM BLOCK, 4 boit main. 11.5-1 TRW pistons. cam, 202, heada, more.Bis 10 prove. Brand new $1.000 or beat niler. Cati 683-6487, Mar, 18,81 15'" WIRE SPOKE T BIRD WHEEL COVERS, reguiariy $385 for $100. Cati Hank ai 668-4795. Mar. 18.81 ELECTRONIC IGNITION for '75 Vega and Asira. $25, cati 666-3995. Mar,18.81 CHRYSLER PARTS FOR SALE 16 NEW TRW LIFTERS for big blnck $70. NEW CLUTCH DRIVE UNIT with fan $70. On@ NEW EXHAUST PIPE (replaces converleri for V8 LeBaron, Cordoba. Dîpiomai $45. One NEW OAS TANK FILLER NECK tragular gai for 2-door LeBaron. Cordoba, Dîptomal $18. One NEW DOOR SKIN for '67'69 Baracuda, passanger sida, $45. One NEW 7-BLADE STEEL FAN $18. 2 NEW UNIROYAL ICE RADIOS. No. P205175R15, $140 for pair 4 NEW MICHELIN ZX RADIOS. No. 165I705R13, $240 for sel 4 NEW RALLY WHEELS for Omni and Horizon. $80. 4 USED AUNGER HOT WIRE ALUMINUM MAG WHEELS, 15 x 7". $150. One USED 340 AVS INTAKE MANIFOLD $60. 2 USED 3401383 AVS CARBURATORS, $30 each One USED '89 BARACUDA NOSE PIECE, $20 One NEW SET 0F RAC GAUGES lotit. war, ampi $25. ,s0ne USED RADIO for Honda wîlh speaker and sntannse $30. Cati 655- 3266, Mar. 18,81 SOFA& CHAIR - Blue, green & goid floral pattern, Arm caps. n good condition $150 Cai 666-2457. Feb 18,81 ENGLISH BED-SETTEE, steeps lwi., Wiiiden frames and armresls Blackr & gray 2 malching armchaîrs $280 Catil 666-1896 Mar 18,81 ANITOUE RINGER WASHING MACHINE and Copper Tub à woodsn wash stand $100 lor bolh nr best of fer On* exercise bed $5 2-pc sec- tionat chestertliîd new min AugI80 Rust cuon.pulls 5ouI lu bed. siorage r-onparment onderneaîh $300 or oesI ufle' Cali 666 1598 FaO il ý81 HOUSEHOLÉ ANTIQUE OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. 6 chairs & hulch. Excellent con- dition. $950. 54" SPANISH OAK FORMICA BUFFET wîth glass doors. 1 yesr otd. $325. GENERAL ELEC- TRIC STOVE. Whitea, excellent con- dition. $150. Cati 579-8915. Feb.25,81 SOLIO PINE WITH OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. Hulch boîft. 2 arm chairs. 2 aide chairs, specîiltacquar finish on top. Table 6' long - oniai Two V, teavas. Medium brown staîn. Askîng $2.800 Phone 723-9398. Mar 18,81 One large TEAK COFFEE TABLE, gond condition, $50 Cati1668-6747 ai ter 5 Mar.4.81 THICK SOLID PINE TRESTLE TABLE, 37 ½ 'ýwîde x 59 long Extanda 10 80" $500 4-DRAWER CHEST ON CHEST Roln 45 hîgh s 34 wîde. $350. 3-SEATER BED CHESTERFIELD AND MATCHING CHAIR. $300. SWEDISH STEEL FIRE SCREEN, 36 wida i21/ hîgh and MATCHING FIRE SET. $35 comptete CaiI668-2258 FaO 25,81 TRESTLE DESK, DARK HONEY PINE, wih brasa finish handies and knobs, Compltawih Ceplaîn Stlei Chair - $575. Cati 666-1899 Jan 28,81 ANTIQUE WALNUT DRESSER. C"rca 1890. 8 drawars. 3 mîrrors Il flit tength, 2 wîngt. $350. Evenings. Sundays 668-3729. Feb 25.81 CHEST 0F DRAWERS, bîrch, 5. drawar. gond condition. $60 MOVIE EQUIPMENT, Brownie 300 movie protaclor. adilor and acreen. ire new. $75. Cali 655-3285 Mer 11,81 SPANISH DESIGN BAR, blackr teaiher & valvel. stroba tîghtS on both sîdes. inctudes record playar. AMIFM wîlh 8 trac, large unit. inctudes 3 bar sînols. 2 cusiomad speakers valued et $1.000 askîng $400 Cati 6W3-3030 Other items for sale. Jan 21.81 2 YOUTH BED 6 *x33 Van gond each CaIt668-4193 MAITRESSES condition $20 Fab.25.81 ~HdOLà D One DOUBLE BED, BOX SPRING à MATTRESS. Good condition. Asking $100. One red 8x12' RUG for $50. One TV STAND $20. Cati star 5 p. 666-2098. Feb.18,81 Floor I.nghf, double thlcknoss, gold lvîngroomn Drap@s, $400 naw. Four years.old, excellent condition, Just cleaned, $150 firm. CaliI666-2794 Feb. 11,81 HARDWICK OAS RANGE ln good condition $150. Cali 668-1504 aller 4:30. Mar.4,81 REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, $115. RANGE, 30, $100. WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC WASHER $225. Aitl n good condition. Calil 623-1534. Feb.25,81 GAS STOVE wîth rotîssarle, 59" high x 30" wida. $200 or beat ofifer. Cali 723-2005. Mar. 11,81 WHITE 2 BURNER TABLE-TOP STOVE. One control for both burners. White, good shape, working. $15. Calil 579-2073. Fab 18,81 BLACK GLASS DININO ROOM TABLE (round) and 4 white vinyl chairs. Diamtar 411, $300. Cati 576- 4464 Jan 7,81 2 elaeant LAMPS, gold bases, black sheer piaatad shadas with goid lining. $60. CaiI668-2320 aller 6p.m. Mar. 18,81 21" BLACK à WHITE TV, Floor model. $25. Cati 666-3995. Mar.18,81 BELL & HOWELL MOVIE CAMERA. One year nid. Cosi $379 - sali for $100. Plus screen $20. CaiI666-3995, Mar. 18,81 SOLID CHERRYWOOD EXTENSION DINING TABLE to seal up to 12 people. Like naw. Wilh 4 chairs asking $550. With 5 chairs asking $600. For information cati 728-9732 baiwean 8 and,10 arn. or aitar 6 p.m. Mar. 11,81 9 PIECE ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SUITE. Solid Wainui. 6 chairs wilh leaihar uphoistered seais & backs, buffet & 4 modal china cabinet. Tradîtionai style, beautitul design. Excellent condition. $2000. Cati 683. 0889 Feb 11,81 Two sels of SWINGS FOR CHILDREN. Escellent condition. One cosi $129 - sali for $50. Qihar cosl $39.- sait for $17. Cati 666-3995. Mar 18,81 ANTIQUE HUTCH BUFFET plus 2 mafchlng side chairs. Excellent con. dition, refinished, 60 yaars nid, soiid oak. $475. Cai 666-3995 Mar. 18,81 8EDROOM SUITE, BOX SPIIING à MATTRESS. Prîce $250. Phone 668- 9894. Mar.18,81 8 MONTH OLD MALE SHELTY( Sheaitend Sheep Dog>, flouse trained, very quiet, papars, excellent dog for showing. $200 have sean for $400. Cati 668-1576 alter 6 p.m. Feb 18,81 ST. BERNARD, $10 to good home. Good with chiidran. Phone 725-8370. Mar.4,B1 WANTED - GOOD HOME OId Englîsh Sheepdog, female, 5 yaars oid, short-haired, purebrad, r«rgistered, can breed. Asking $100. Phone 655-8029. Mar.1 1,81 SSPORTINGI TWO SETS 0F SKIS AND BOOTS, one adies and one mens. Ladies size 5 boot, and menas size 9 boof. $50 e set. Cati 668-3209 Jan 14,81 For Sale - 1 PAIR 0F DOWNHILL SKIS, BOOTS & POLES. Fisher 170's. Look 57 bindings wifh salety brakes. 8001 size 81h. $250 or best 0f fer. Phone 655-3100. Feb 25,81 1969 SKIDOO, excellent condition, $425. Cali 623-1534. Feb.25,81 '72 SNOW PRINCE. Excellent con- dition. $350 or besi 0f 1er. Cali 688- 8090. Mar.1 1,81 Junior 5.SPEEO BICYCLE for sale, CCM Pursuit 5, mini condition. Asiiing $75. Cati aler 4 p.m. 668- 5603. Mar.18,81 74 SKI-DOO 440 Fan Engine, new angine, lest season (50 miles). Plus DOUBLE BED TRAILER (has wood sidas & ends). New tires with plaies - $800. Cali 668-2129. Feb. 18,81 LARGE Frameissa nap.sack, excellent condition $30. Venfiess Copper-Tonu Stove Hood, 36 inches - $30. Cati 655- 4220 Jan 14,81 SQUASH RACKET, brandr Cai 668-6563. naw, $10. Feb.25.81 Pssst... Want to lease a Rabbit? Lease one of our 1980 company cars. Example .1980 Rabbit, 2-door, PND 163, 36 month net lease, 72,000 kil limit, $164,40 per month. VOKSAGt ID W h W hty Ohw 1425 DUNDAS ST. E., Hwy 2 0 WHITBY 668-9383 Toronto line 361-1128 H wy 401 PACL I20. 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