PAGE 12, WEDNFESDAY, MARCII 18, 1981, WIIITBY FREE PRESS GIVE TO EAStER SEALS Mayor Bob Attersley and Jim McEwen show off a poster proclaiming the beginning of the Easter Seal's 1981 campaign with the slogan "Show You Care". 1981 Easter Seat drive is under way Between now and April 19 "Show You Care. " The Easter Seals 1981 campaign kicked off this week with thal. slogan in the lead. Over the course of the campaign's 35 running days they hope to collect $3 million through donations. Local chairman of the cam- paign, Jim McEwen, has unofficially set a goal of $7,000 for Whitby. The Easter Seals cam- paign is the only one of its kind which appeals annually Have yau seen our yellowv whit andbluetravelling bill ,boards ? 1arn referrîng yau ta our delivery trucks whiçh always icarry messages o f~ goqod will ta aur many satîsf îed customerS. RN NGA KDON BOWER w 218H s..d &S' Aax,*ntari disabled children in Ontario. McEwen said that 50 per cent of the money raised locally will be put in an ac- count set up by the Whitby Rotary Club to assist physically disabled children in Whiby. He saîd there are 14 such children currently being helped. The money is used to buy theraputic equipment and anything the district nurse for the Ontario Society for Crippled Chidren deems necessary. Ail funds which are not used from the account wîll be returned to the society. The remaining funds go towards financing provin- cial undertakings such as the Simcoe Hall Crippled Children's School and Treatment Centre. There are nine such facilities in Ontario. McEwen said the goal of the campaign was to help children reach their highest potential of what they are capable 0f. He said that residents of Whitby and the surrounding areas would be receiving their Easter Seals and donation envelopes within the next week. iw TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The Lîquar Licence Board ai Ontario wulI be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LE- GION. 217 MURRAY STREET, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO on FRIDAY. APRIL 3rd, 1981, at the hour of 10.00 o'clock in the torenoion, at which time the Board wili hear applications for new licences in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act, 1975 and Regulations thereunder The followîng establishments have applied for a licence of the class indicated, and the ap- plication will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time: Marias Place Restaurant 1615 Dundas Street East Whitby Mail Whitby. Ontario Dlning Room Licence Applicant: P. & M. Salis Enterprises Imc. Prince Restaurant 1009 Dundas Street East Whitby. Ontario Dining Lounge and Patio <Dining Lounge> Licence Applicant: Burger Prince Ltd. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any persan who is resi- dent in the munîcîpality and who wîshes la make represen- fatian relative ta the applica- tion. shaîl make Iheir submîs- sian ta the Board in wrting priar ta the date af the hear- îng. or in persan at the tîme and place of the hearîng (Cop- ies af written submisstans wilI be forwarded ta the applîcanti Executive Dîrector Lîquar Licence Board af Ontario 55 Lakeshare Boulevard East TORONTO. Ontaria M5F 1A4 MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT. 1975 i ilii '1 ALCOHOL FUEL? TO HELP YOU PRO DUCE YOUR OWN ALCOHOL FUEL FREEDOM FUEL CORPORATION has *Hydrometer kits Enzymes *Distillers yeast *Books on alcohol production *Blueprints for stilis *Manual for converting your engine to use alcohol FOR COMPLETE PRICELIST WRITE: 9 Victory Avenue Winchester Kentucky, U.S.A. 40391 CONFUSD BY TAXEFS? This year, the new Shorter Special J Income Tax Form can make preparing your return more confusing than ever. That's where H&R Block comes in. We'll make sure you get al your deductions and credits, whether they are contained in the form you receive or flot. Were income tax specialists. So we can help you out. This year be sure. H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS IWe can help you with Ontario Tax Credits. OSHAWA WHITBY 15 Bond St. East 122 Oundas St W 1343 King SiEasst PICKERING 924 Smcoe St. 82 Kngston Rd W. Openn9 Gsm. - 9 W..kdays, 9 - 5 Soi. PhoneSU58-3371 Whitby. Open 7onlghl. no appointmOrit necessary AletMo in thess. locations durlng thoir roguler hours thIe y [Searsi EATO N'S mif:fcmL.1.1:m u - - 1 1 -