MVEADOWCREST PUBLIC SCIIOOL1 NEWS The Grade 7 volleyball boys' team recently participated in the Tournamenl of the Durham Region. Out of 25 teams our team came second in their grouping winnîng 4 out of 5 mat- ches. Rohby Mason received the most valuable player on the teain award. The other players were Robert Lightle, Grant Reveler, Brent Duff, Michael Cann, Richard Neely, Graham MacDonald, and Stephen Owens. From the school's Science Fair on February 27th these students will represent Meadowrest at the Durham Regional Science Fair at Port Perry High School on April 9 and 10 - for Grade 8, Troy Hanson, Rick Marten, Lesley Shaddock, Sherry Axhorn, and Jennifer Lively. The Grade 7 students are Mike Cann, Paul Barsketis, Jody Batty, and Jennifer Huron. Grade 6, 7, and 8 students are preparing the musical op- peretta "Oliver" for their stage production this year. Be sure to reserve either Wednesday, April 15 or Thursday, April 16 evening to see this grand presentation. The advisory council for Meadowcrest School will hold an open meeting on Wednesday, March 18 at 8 o'clock at the school. A presentation will be here by Bill Smith concerning drug abuse. Also attending, to form a panel for discussion, will be John Buchanan and Mr. Frinbow for the Durham Board of Education. ASHBURN NEWS Where can you spend a morning cooking up a storm? Receive a recipe book with lots of new recipes? Have lunch? Ail for $5. Burns Presbyterian Church, Ashburn'Ladies Guild presen- ts "Neyer a Duli Meal" - casserole cooking at its best. Satur- day, March 21, 9:30 a. m. - 12:30 p. m. plus. Please caîl Barbara Porter at 655-4652 to reserve your spot. The Ashburn ladies will provide a Euchre Party on Thur- sday, March 12. The charge is 75t. Ail welcome. WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE Whitby Community Care, a volunteer service for seniors, is ï-apidly expanding in the Whitby, Brooklin and Myrtle areas. Our client file now numbers over 500! We can use volunteers immediately to assist with driving, light housekeeping, and office duties, particularly typing. Volunteers who directly assist clients receive a smahl remuneration. A few hours a week is ail we need. To our clients, we are presently arranging appointm-ents to assist with Income Tax. If you can be of assistance or, if you need assistance, please cali 668-6223. FLOWER ARRANGING COURSE The Brooklin Horticultural Society is offering a four-week flower arranging course to be held at the Concept Centre, corner Baldwin & Cassels, from 7 to 9 p.m. beginning Wed- A piece of Hland blossoms in Whitby with Bell-Ivig ulp By S. GREENAWAY Free Press Staff April showers bring May flowers. If that is the case then the rainfaîl and unseasonably high temperatures Southern Ontario experienced during the month of February must have the flowers pretty con- fused. With the "early spring' some flowers have taken this opportunity to put in an early appearance, as in the case of four special tulips, carefully planted ast faîl in a vase inside of the Whitby Municipal Building. Last September these four tulips were part of a ship- ment of 1,000 tulip bulbs sent to the Town of Whitby from Bloemendaal, Holland, in appreciation and com- memoration of the part Canadian troops played in the iberation of Holland during World War,II. "Single Again" course A weekend workshop for divorced and separated Christians will be coming to. Oshawa later this month. This course, called "Single Again", is designed to belp those who have recently gone through a marriage break-up. The intent of the prograrn is to encourage participants in sharing their experiences and in helping them to cope with feelings of guilt, grief, anger, etc. There will also be an oppor- tunîty to set some new per- sonal goals. The course wilI be of fered a t Christ Memorial Church, 81 Hillcroft St., Oshawa, on Friday, March 13 to Sunday. March 15. The leadership will be provided by Gladys Bryce. human relations specialist and family life educator. She wiII be assisted bv Ron Wyman and Elva M;.rphy. graduates of previous courses. Further information or regïstration forms rnay be obtained hy calling Canon Don Beatty at 728-8251, Leading the troops into Amsterdam on V.E. Day, May 8, 1945 was Major- General H.P. Bell-Irving, of the Canadian Army. In appreciation for his ef- forts during the liberation a cottage tulip was named af- ter him on May 6, 1980, 35 years after that fateful day. The General Bell-Irving tulip was named while now Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia Bell-Irving and 350 of the original liberation troops returned to Amsterdam to receive a hero's wekcome. With the exception of the four tulips which have already bloomed, the remainder of the ,000 bulbs should blossom early on in the spring, possibly around May, into dark-pink General Bell-Irving tulips. As part of his upcoming vacation Victor Veninga, the custodian at the Town Hall, will be visiting the city of Bloemendaal to extend best wishes and thanks on behaîf of town council and the people of Whitby. Veninga wiIl be arriving in Holland on April 28 prior to being- accepted in the Bloemendaal city hall at 3 p.m. the following day. At the ceremony he will present the Bugomnaster (Mayor) of the city with a plaque expressing 'ap- preciation for the gift of the General Bell-Irving tulips. The tulips were planted around the Town Hall, at the cenitaf, Rota ry-Centennial1 Park and Coronation Park, last September. 'I ITI3Y FREE PlRUSS, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 1 I, 198 1, PAGEh 7 nesday, March 18 and continuing Thursdays March 26, April 2 and April 9. The course will include basic flower designs as welI as cup and saucer, corsage and mini-arrangements. Cost is $15 for non-members which includes a inembership to the society and $12 for members. Additional costs will be minimal. To register please cali Joan Brak at 655-4742 or Valerie Hundert at 655-4931. Susan Smith 655-4737 Brown's Foodmaster (before noon Sat.) if your pOMM usb rçpaw wl giOWyou a lomno Y if your Tophonos Uniniftd tulophoc oueds adjusbmntM or repaît we'N Imn you a phono to usa whh your phon. Io ln our %hop. Just brin Ev.ry Twiephnes un= ==odtlohn, aw.rng machLrw and tulepho-C- acoeoay fisdauby warrantn - by the ma.wfactiarei5 ad by our own ful pts ad sw<lce depavtmont TELEPHOMES UMLIITCD M3 YP SsuutCh@ 4P ~ 1278 .mip i ~Sd 8.12 bo WMend etB4 mN wmt Aq 5iffl TIltS NEW KITCHEN BY BELVEDERE Color cornes to the kitchen in an exciting array of decorator woodtones for this spectacular new kitchen! Heritage by Belvedere feutures gracious, flowing Unes and antiqued accents the superb quality and convenilence that keep this cabinetry new-looking through years of farnily service. A fine new addition to the First Lady line by Belvedcre! MIUTCHELL BROTHERS' CASSELS & CHURCH ST BROOKLIN Me-655m4991 A Il FRONT0 *BRAKE6P di 1IE %80 * Drum $70 Os 1instail1 New Brake Pads or Li ningI lTurn Rotors or DrumsI M Repack Front Wheel BearingsI * Inspect Calipers or Wheel Cylinders m Inspect HosesI IFiII Brake FluidI linspeot Master Cylinder *Inspect Rear Brakes Ilnspect RearWheel Cylinders and SealsI *Road Test Car :Thing th:s ad in for the front Brake Special Thi oferiseffective from March 2-March 31,* 11981 * 668m-688- --8-- 8 - -3