Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1981, p. 21

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WIIITBY FREF PRLSS, WE-DNIEýSDAY, MARClI 4, 1981, PAGF, 21 (J RICHARD'S FURNITURE RFNISHING Free Estimates "«Give Your Fumiture a Face Lift" 600 EucIid St. , Whitby Cll i Rck F*orstall 666-2992 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAIN ING For Class A & D License Cal 1 PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 itchens, Çeramlc Tiling, rywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar ecks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Caîl 668-4686 BROOKLIN -ToOL CO. GARAGE t bar jacks - $80 and up, new and used, witi take trade-ins. 883. 1753 MECHANICS STARTER KIT-98 piecea set Includes att basic toola for ap- prentice mechanic, brand new regular price $750. sait for $350 cash. 683- 1753 DRILL PRESS 5811 MT No. 2, brand new $265. 6831753 SAND BLASTER for body shopa, 8 gai. aand capacity. compleewith mask, hoae, gun and extra nozzies $175. 683-1753 AIR COMPRESSORS AND ARC WELOERS, new and uaed $125 and up. Wiii take trade-ina. 683-1753 BENCH GRINDER 1/ hp. heavy duty condenser starter brand new, neyer used. $110. 683-1753 AIR TOOLS, a large assortment of new & used air drills, grinders, san- ders, poishers, ratchets, Impact wrenches. ahears.niibbters, hammera and many more. $30 and up. 683- 1753. COMPLETE AUTOMvOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1 753 A HIGH EST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coinls, old guns, CIocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, CroCks, oil, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA F0A&R HOME IMPROVEMENT job too small. For ree estimate cail .579- 545. DAVIS AUCTION SERVICES Ask anyone who has used aour services - they're our best recommendation! Estates, Antiques, Farms, V Consignment c728-4455 G. MOSS CONTRACTINO Kitchens. batha, home renovations. Fr00 Estîrnates. Cail 7287009 MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ail makes, reasonable rates, certif led teChfliCiafl, warran- ty. Cali 433-2160 We can't help without your help. 00e O ABILITY FUNO PH1C(ALLr' DISABLF D ADULrS e bARTICLESI ~F R S ALE_ SECTIONAL CHESTERFIELD. Beige in cotor. Nylon pluah. Aimosi new. AREA CARPET. Ruat cotor with pad- ded bottom. Cati 579-0569. 1 BABY CARRIAGE, i WOOOEN PLAY PEN with PAO, 1 CHANGE TABLE. $50 for att or can be bought aeparsteiy. Phone alter 5 p.m. 666- 27831 Swimmlng Pool Manufa cturer has 1980 left-ovai pools beîng of fered at a fraction of ragular seiling price for earty spring deiivery. $1,69000 as complets prîce of pools equipped wîlh fîter, pump, motor, patio, watk around deck and fencing. Smatl deposit witt hold tliidotivery date. Of- fer good onty white suppty tasta. Cati 1-800-268-5970 - Toronto 746-3340. Swlmmlng Pool Manufacturer wilI lease and inatait naw 1981 tamnity ile pool comptete with Walkway, sun deck and tencing, on a rentai basis wiih option to buy. Vour choîce of style. Try betora you huy! Catli tm- pariai Pools Toit Free 1.80(Y-268-5970. if within our local caiiing ares, phone 746-3340 (Toronto). T7OOLB FOR S ALE For Sale - 1972 SATELLITE SEBRING PLUS. 94,000 original mites. Body in good shape. 318 aulomatic V8. Bloctk heater. 2-door. Bucket seals. Runs watt. $800. Phone 655-4206. For Sale - 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS. 102,000 original mites. New brakea. Good running condition. Body in good shape. 350 automatic V8. Blocki heater. 8-tracti tape player. 2-door. $1,000. Phone 655-4206. 78 FORD GRANADA, 302 angine. 4- door, many extras, excellent con- dition. Phone 728-6739. (PATMENTS/I CONDDSFOR RET WHITBY - Brock & Dundee, 1 bedroom, tridga. stova. $175. Phone 1 -787-7308. PRIVATE RAISED BUNGALOW in prastigious area of Otter Creek. 3 bedrooma, 3 bathrooms, larga lencad yard. Possible saparata apsrtment in basemant. $67500. Cati 666-2552. Picture Homes Presents large pie- shaped and ravine lots Up ta 160 feet deep with spaciaus executive homes up ta 3200 sq. ft. in Whitby's Choicest Location. Prices from $112,000 ta $129,00O. AIl have upgraded Iuxury features. -11-7/8% financing. For furiher information, please caîl 686-1742 or 494- 5963. L. STEIN REAL ESTAÂfE LTD. eUNNOECEENTSI FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY March 14, 1981 For Burn and trana Forsylh, raaîding in Ashburn, Ontario Ha works for BîilBeasiay Friands and neighbors are cordialiy învîled lu an Opan Hous to be hatd trom 2-4 p M ai tna Thundarbird Cuit & Coun- try Club in Ashburn, Besl Wîshes Only 4~ ME DO YOU HAVE A MAJOR CLEANING JOB YOU NEED HELP WITH? WE DO ALL ODD JOBS! CALL 668-5312 ANYTIME. SDRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS DONE PHON E668-2864 CHILD CAREj SERVIES DAYCARE IN MY HOME. Hot lun. ches and snacks available. In the West Lynde area. Cati 666-3839 anytime. MOTHER 0F TWO WILL PROVIDE. EXPERIENCED AND LOVINO DAYCARE IN MY HOME. Monday thru Friday. Key East Area. Good lunches. Fenced yard. Please cali 668-1218 anytima. BABYSITTING IN MY HOME, ex- perienced, any age. Lupin Drive area. Cati 668-1947. THYO YU RAZEY To ait our relatives. frienda and neighbors wie send our deepest thanka for carda, floral arrangements and donations to the Cancer Society, Your tholightfulness and sympathy in our time of sorrow cannot be ex- pressed ln words. John & Pam Razey and famiiy ATTEN.TIONe * DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED S ADVERTISERS 9 *Please check your ad for errors on the 0 f irai day of publication. The Whitby$ Free Press wiii not be liable for faiure* to pubiish an ad, or for typograpflic or* ohrerrlnpublication beyond the. csoftespace occupied by the$ error up tos maximum cost of the ir- *st incorrect insertion. The WhitbyS *Fre Press reserves he ighi' 0 *ciassify or rejeci ail sdvertîse ments.* Box numbers are availabie ai an ad ditionai charge of $2*'. DeU DEADLIN ES DedLina for Emporium Ada ix Friday noon prior to publication. Dead Lina for Ciassîiad Ada ix Mon- day noon prior to publication. CALLS 668-6111. * PRE-PAIIJ * ADVERTISEMI * DISCOUNT * ou may charge your CIî *vertismant to your Char *Account and recaîve ac *the prica of tha ad.Pieas Visa card raady whan catli *M ENT * Iassîlîad Ad-S rgax or VisaS dîscount on Ig ise hava your îlng. WAATEDTED EXPERIENCED PRINTING SALESPERSON REQUIRED for local f irm, good comnmission and bonusea. Rapty 10: P.O. Box 561, Whilby, Ontario with fuit dataits. BABYSITTER WANTED 3 days during the week for 5-6 hours par day. Cati 668-2278. Are you looklng for a carmer oppor- tunIty wlth good potentiel advan- cernent? Young progressive com- pany requiras a manager for a tican- sed restaurant. Flexible hours, local location, expertenca preferred. Appty n parson onty on Friday, March 6 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. 10: DURHAM ARMS RESTAURANT 21 Clin. Street Oshawa, Ontario STRIKE OUT LUNG DISEASE Support Vour local ~,Lung Association 723-3151 Sea the world .\\x., The Canadiani Forces îs searching for seamen, and even if you've neyer set foot on a shîp you could qualîfy. The Forces wîII pay you to Iearn any one of nîneteen technically skllled sea trades. And you'II see more of life than you ever dreamed in the bargain. It's an exciting begînnîng to a solld career. For more information on sea trades, contact the Canadian Forces Recruitlng Centre .Under "Recruiting' in the yellow pages. ASK US - THE CANADIAN ABOUT YOU ARMED FORCES Visit Our Mobile Recruiting Tearft' OSHAWA ARMOU RIES EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. HORSE PEOPLEI Don't misa Ouarlaramat More than 1,000 horses compating for over $11j00000 in priza monay. A 100- horse, $25,000.00 barrai race; $24,000.00 halter futurity; $13,000.00 Open Rainîng; An Open Jumping Clasa; Engliah and Western Pleasure. Plus a huga exhibition of Western lacti and loga. trucks and horse traitera. You know you'Il anjoy a day with the Quarter Horsea. Onty $3.50 adulta; $1.75 youths, Chiidran under 12, frae. Ai the Cotiseum and Horse Patace, March 4.8, 1981 (8 s.m.'tii 12 midnighl daîtyt. ni Il LARGE SELECTIO N - TIP UUALIIT BRAND NEW, BRAND NAME FURNITURE PERSONAL -HOUSEHOLD-GIFT ITEMS FULL GUARANTEED BY MANUFACTURER ON SUN DAY MARCH 8th z 7:00 P.M. AT TORO LIQUIDATIONS - HWY 7 & Thicksofl Rd. 2 miles north of Brooklin. 12 at1 Open for viewing and pre-auction purchasing Thursday and Friday noon to 8 p.m. 2. 3 & 4-piece chestertiaida. bedrooms. dtning rooms, kitchen sae and mc- cassorias. lampa. alereos. TVa., coltee and end babies, glifla. bye, novllties, boots, radios, hideabed. paintinga, mattrasa sets, plus numerous other items. Antique raprus. china cabinets, hall stands. tamn stands. brasa beds, tes caris, waii dlocks, rockers. Tf DLa-C- <h - Charmax - Motter Card - Choue wth 1.0. HELP THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION' IN THE FIGHT R LIFEB %S'el Kidnvy Foundation of Canada 10

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