Whitby Free Press, 18 Feb 1981, p. 32

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PAGE -"0. Wl I)NI SI)AN. H BRUARY 18, 198, WIITBY FRZEE PRESS Free Press Emiporiumn CaII1668-6111 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the foltowing Conditions. u.III AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 327 motor, automatic, as la, needa body work, heavy duty springsaitaIlaound, front end lual dome. $50. Calit723-0855 Jan 21,81 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, PIS, PIB, Power Rear Window, Ideai for contr#ctor. $550 as la or will car- lily. Oelil668-1481 Feb. 4,81 1974 ASTRA, as ea, good condition, $1300.COeil days 668-6922 or eveningsaiet668-4046 Feb. 4,81 73 GRAND TORINO, 351 V8 automalic, PIS, PIB, ln good con- dition. $60 Cali 655-3679 Dec 17,80 1974 ASTRE GT, automatlc, radio with rear defroster, In good working condition. $1375. Caeil 668-8937 Dec 17,80 1975 0000E D200 PICK-UP TRUCK, 318 V8 autometic, cap, recent peint, radiais, 71,000 miles, certif led asklng $2100. Phone 668-3052 Dec 10,80 1973 T-BIRD, loaded, new tires, good body, movlng to Fiorida. Wili sacrifice for $1200. Oelil 666-1247 Dec 10,80 74 GREMLIN, 258 - 6 cyl., FMIAM radio, .72,000 miles, good condition body wise, standard teering and brakes. Asking $800 as a. Oeail Fred at 576-7878 Dec 3,80 1974 ASTRE GT, automatic, radio, with rear defroster, ir good worklng con. dition. $1275. Caeil 668-8937 Dec- 10,80 1974 DODGE VAN, runnlng condition, PS, PIB, 6 cyl., eutomatic $600 or beat offer. As is. Oeil 666-3528 Jan 28,81 1978 MONTE CARLO, care featurea PIS, PIB, air condition, AMIFMY cassette, swivel bucketa, radial tires, 61,000 miles. $3750 certifled. Ex- cellent condition. Oelil 655-3026 anytîme. Jan 21,81 26 FT. SUPERIOR MOTOR HOME, CLASS A sel contained bedroomn wth vanity, full bethroom with sinti, venity. loîlet, bath & strower, 4 burner alove & oven, double steel inti, extra large ize fridga, large turnace, newiy decorated. 440 Dodge motor. $12.500 or beat of fer. Oelil 683-3030. Jan 14,81 1974 FORD F100 PICK UP, very good shape, Aakîng $1295 certîfîed. Oelil 655-3527 aller S p-m Feb. 4,81 1970 CMEVY IMPALA. 2-door, her- dtop 350 Power sleerîng, Power bralies & eutomatic transmission, $450 cerlified Oeil 668-7939. Feb 18,81 73 FORD GRAND TORINO Ici sali for partsa Askîng $750 or beal offer, Engîne 351 Windsor,65,000 original miles. New Holley 650 CSM 4-barraI ceruraor ew ttenh . ausr tiigh- 0 1-1 mO--.-mA&a - mA l *AV Am -a l rWO RECLINING CAR SEP mountiny brackets, valour good shape M5. COei 66&-871 8 fi X 4 fi UTILITY TRAI covered box, 13" wheela S: 668-0772 Floor ienght, double thîcknr llvingroom Drapes, $400 neý yeara old, excellent condili cieaned, $150 firm. Oeil 666-2 METAL DESK, 60"X30" toi tibia, tyepwrlter table et $75. Cati 686-2131 GREEN CHESTERFIELD (ail $350. Gatd Living room ct Lmzy-Boy chair (new) $95. S 78" X 15'" - $30. Floor poi Rug Shampooer S10. And pliances. Cali 666-1247 SPANISH DESIGN BAR, bîxc & veivet. atrobe iighls on bc includea record player, AM.I trac. large unit, includea 3 b 2 customed speakers valued asking $400. Oeli 683-303 items for sale. Bunk beds & imaîtresses $1 kitchen -table à lest $50. figure skate sizos 5h and 6 Cati 688-0170 ATS. wlth ir Inserla, '85 Dec 10,80 ILER wlth $300. Oeil Feb 18,81 ose, goid w. Four ion, juat .2794 :eb. 11,81 îp, ratrec- one aide. Dec 31,80 t Shoppe> hair $75. Snow tires ainer $10. 1sali ap- Dec 10,80 ickileather oth ides, IIFM with 8 bar aoIls, ýdat $1,000 ý30. Other Jan 21,81 100. Osai Ladies $8 à pair. Feb 11,81 OLD FASHION TUB $7, end Continen- tl bed $40. Cali 6j66-3288 Dec 17,80 CUSTOM MADE DRAPES,4 red valvaI with valence, piu $300. COeil579-7234 BLACK GLASS DINING TABLE (roiund) and 4 al chairs. Diemeter 411, $300. 4464 Jan 7,81 BROWN ALUMINIUM DOOR, 2- 10"- X6-10",littla t Oeil668-2213 KING SIZE MATTRESS SPRINGS, f lrm comîcirt 78 $200. XMAS TREE LiTEE string and cime 15 string, $5,00 COeil728-2327 SILVER HOLTEN TRUMI CASE, lîke naw $250. Oelil: 9 PIECE ANTIQUE DININ SUITE. Solid Walnui. 6 i lealher upholslerad seats buffet & 4 modal china Tradîional style, beautil Excellent condition. $2000. 0889 ANITOUE RINGER MACHINE and Coppor Tut wash stand $100 for 801h fer. One exorcise bed $5. tioas chestertild new in Rust colour. pulls ouItIci b comperîment underneath beat olfer CaIl 666 1598 ONE PRO 2001 PROG SCANNER. Excellent cci acceasories încluded S225 fer Oelil 668-3620 aler 4 p, SOFA à CHAIR - Bue, gre floral pattern Atm caps condition $150 OeIl 666-2 CUSTOMMADE DRAPES. ot red velvet wîth vali sheers Measures M0w S106 Cati 5797234 4 panais of lus ahears. Jan 14,81 G ROOM hile vinyl SOel 576- 5 RE EN uaed $50. Dec 10,80 &BOX I" X 78. Sone 25 i. ndoor. Dec 3,80 PET WITH 723-0855 Jan 21,81 NG ROOM chairs wilh s& backs. icabinet. ul design, Y Oeil 683- Feb 11,81 WASHING ill wooden or beal cil- 2-pc soc- in Augi8O ied, sîcrage i $30Ã" or Feb 11,81 2 RAMAS LE ndîlon, Ail ,5 or hast Gil- m Feb 18,81 ,een & goId 1 n good 457 Feb 18,81 4 panais lance plus vde x 95' Jan 14,81 PLEASE BEAU Whmn the advortIsed Item Is soid, di5posoni of, or UnaValabie for whatever reason, tho Item wiiI bu doomod lu have been sold and a commission wIli bo charçjod basoci on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as IUstratocd boiow, roçprdIfîîs Il price is stated with -beet offor". If the Item is NOT SOLD, or disposod of, tho ad wIll bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wili uppiy. Ail advertIsements must be placed on an excluaivo basis wIth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at leasi ono month If flot soid. RATES (If article la sold>: 5% of advertlsed price up tb $40000 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $12000 -commIsIon due $6.00 (minimum charge la $3.00> Private advertisiflg onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free Press Immediately when Item Is sold so that we may delete It f rom the following Issues. AIl ads flot fittIng the Emporium guidelines wili be treated and Charged per week as regular Cassified ads on a pre pald basis such as: services, help wanted, Clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads flot quoting priCe or quantity: Private Ciassified ads may appJear ln the Emporium section Under appropriate headings. Al &de wtll go ln clemaif led sectionunioe.otherwl.e speclfied. I f 1In do ubt, cal 668-611'1 MAIL ADS TO: OR DELI VER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 131 Brock St.N. P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Whltby, Li N 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS ISTHE FRI DAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. BABY ITEMS IN GOO crib $30, Pedestaih Waiker $5, Plsypen1 $35. Oeil 668.6093 eve SHEEP SKIN COA' ladies, size 12-14, rn dition, $150. Oeli 668. MAN'S COAT - Pile I leattier look. Size 38 TWEED TOP COJ Cruydofl, fully lined, Cati 728-2327 LADIES BLACK F FLICED LINE 8001 size 7, $70. Caei 668-2 WHITE WEDDING DR veîy good condition, Caei aller 6 p.m. et 668 BABY CAR BED $1 Jolly Jumper .ý5,0 Walker $10, Elecîrji plus glass botîles V blue beg type $5, 1t months- 2 piece $1' condition, Caîli655- DRUMMER PRACTIC symbol and hi hat $2, tric Organ $150. Cali UMBEROLLA STROL 668-ti625 GRAVEL GARDEN condition, rebuilt 7f6 reai rnower, sulky ai lug tires and chaîn $ 655-4570 TRESTLE DESK. DAR wîth brasa finish hanc Complete wîlh Capta $575 Oeali666-1899 CONN ORGAN. $11( section and bench Le Butfet wlth mirror et Drosser wlth mîirror 2769 ARTICLES FOR SALE 00 CNDITONi Three tires for high chair $20, p13 .5X13c $30, Bath table Oa1a3 rm. enings. buner, whiieni Feb 18,81 bretln dhiel Hng ections degreebcins uT, lutI lenght, O eloeW? iT vfulgli on- t, Oanetder S ri-2213 odco- new,"PegtrwS Dec21,803rie. Slize XII _____ 31__80_ Oaa et af houI Ilned darkbrown medium: skate- lina, dak brwn, etc. $100. W-40. $45. MANS On12fo l AT size 42-44, heevy duty. witl 1bltad back $60. Two LacrosseE Dec 3,80 junior $10 eaci - One exorcise ti FINE LEATHER Oaa pair of ai TS, brand new, person 5' 8" t 2213 ironer, ful i a Dec 10,80 volt system $50 - Cait 686-2935 ea ýRESS, size 12, in i like new $100. i8-9836 LOWREY GEN Feb. 4, 81 1 year ciid. A 8573 15, Ptay-pen $25, Baby Swing $10, c B1t1e Sterilîzer TORONADO 5, 2 ancwsuits - 1 SULATION BI brciwn & beige 18 couplinga &s 0. Alil n excellent condition $150. 3873 Jan 21,81 . - BRIOS AND Sl ICE PAD SET aisci in runnlrug cci 200. 40 Cord Elec- foir iewnmciwer 1576-1364 Dec 17,80 TWO MENs iH heur, darti browi ILER, $12. Caili nciw $745 esch. Ici suit îndîvi Febl11,81 $150 eachcir be TRACTOR, A-1 6 HP angine. 30" CASCADE 40 E îciw plciugh. new yeers cld astir $600. Oeil Roger Burning Fumna motot & posf Dec 10,80 $200 200 Osl - proximately 40 1K HONEY PINE, Oeil aller S p.n dles and tinoba. sîin Style Chair FRANKIE SOM Jan 28,81 GAUGE, nib ver n minI condîti 100 Strummer ,estie speakers ttached. $100 WHITE 2 i $50 Cali 623- STOVE. One cc W/hile, goods Feb 11.81 Cal! 579-2073 îsale, two an( one summer1 t sized electrl, n good condil pipes, 4 inch 20 feet, witl s$10. %sel Rim, 15 jr Storm" Rein c iight. Selm( $50 :key equipms es, peds, glov( iluminum car th 31/ HP mol Sticks, one si :h. bicycle, old aI- Ml paies, alum 05,11"$10 e model t0 u« 0. atter 5 p.m. ýIE ELECTRIC Asiiing $900. C ELLU SLC ILOWER, 110 some hose. 0. Caîl 666-352 STRATTON 3 F ndition (need r etc. $45. Cel HIR PIECES wn, current c h. Cen be colc iuels needa. )est ciller. Caîl ielctric Water ung $50Anl ace wîlh extri wer humidifiei alon 011 Tank. 40 gai oi asti m, 668-4326 0 SEMI-AUTOI enied $250 or t ion Call 666- BURNER TA control for bolt shape. wOrkir Dows $25 a $10, 6.OOX c stove, 4 ion $75. idiameter h two 90 ch $10 Suit, bran ion Derby nI, menas ,s, sticks, top bout, oir. $600. ,enior, one ýyle $25. ninum, for Ise on 110 Feb 11,81 CORGAN, Cali 985- Feb. 4,81 DSEt IN- volt, hose Exceiiont 28 Jn28,81 HP engins, j s muffle; il 579-2073 Dec 17,80 S, naturel st if new, Dur tinted Agtking 668-4721 Dec 24,80 1 Heator,5 ihes OIId a2 speed r, asking ýwîth aP- îng $50 Jan 28.81 IMATIC 12 est offer. .2806 Feb 18,81 AiBL E-TOP ýh burners ing $15 Feb 18.81 TWO SETS 0F SKIS AND lteilloansd unemens. L lîoeu, sureti rvuîeeiftse 9 boî C(.4i11 1111 3200 MAN% SWOW MOBILE 8 filmck & GoId $45. SKI-E fait linrs. 131ck & Golg alripe. Onmnaan made 8: 2327 LARGE Frameloee ap-sa conîditioni$30.Vealos Slave Hood, 36 inclies -s 1 ountry te, size W14721 .F CLUE 1 head Oeil 666 10. 80ý -3234. K BOA' îctric at 1800 lb. e (uaedi kets.$ Fan E on (50v RAILER ew tiras, JSEIK à OOD~ One DOUBLE BED, BOX MATTRESS. Good condl $100. Have one LIVI COUCH à CHAIR. Gold blacki. Good condition. One red 80V2 RUO for$ STAND $20. Cati et ter 2098. SUPPLIES OEPAOF ZE1fA ýNc ffEs,14 BOOTS, one a pair. ONE PAIR DIAMOND DOVES, .adiea saize 5 $20 e pair. Ideal for chrliaa gilat Dlt. $50 a Set. and will hoid liii OChristmas. Cati 668. 2461 Janl14,61 Dec 10BO lUIT, sîze XL. >00 BOOTS, 8 MONTH OLD MALE SHELTY Id with oliver Sfrealtend Stieep Dog), house trained, 20. Caii 728. vary quiet, papera, excellent dog for Dec 3,80 showlng. $200 have sean for $400. Cali 666-1576 aller 6 p.m. ick, excellent Feb 18,81 Copper-Tone $30. Caeil655- . Jan 14,81 lesther ski r 6. l11w new Dec 10,80oIBS, 14 club covers, V112~ 6-1247 Dec 108 ; ,~1 V )ys and Girls Feb 4,81 AiT with con- N W ttrie.SetT WN once), 2 gas $1,100. Cel LET US PUT F18,81 DUT THE MAT Engine, new FRYD miles). Plus FO UI q (hes wood Swith plates - Feb.18,81 I X SPRING & Ilion. Asking fING ROOM Id, white and lihe Miii tamgu$illet'thWr ldn 1.$l5OIaet. 668-9168 o $50. One TV o r p.m. 666- Phone 579-7521 Feb 18,81 PeaInUtS By Chorles SchuIz 16 sIN SCarriers are SAjax, andE elwood anc Kendalwoc by. Anyor feels they job for a kc of time car THIE WHITBY C-(68- IPROrEICT YOUR LUNGS FROM S FUE, GAS AND DUST A message from vour Lung Association 723-3151 'Ess anieeded in Last.of Haz- Zu i east of xi in Whit- te who can do the l ng period n apply at: rk WHITBY PRESS FREEPRESS l 1 One pair crassecc boots - blue & whlt $15. OelilHarold 66 BEN HOGEN GOLI set, new bag and price cil new $300. chiid'S BICYCLE$ Skates $5. Oeil 668 1975 14-FT. KODIA vertible top. 35 ae motor. Brand new of weterakia & rope tanks and life jala 668-9656. 74 ÈKI-DOO 440 angine, lest seesc DOUBLE BED TF aIdes & ends). Ne, $800. COeil668-212, c:HOG lit. 1

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