Whitby Free Press, 4 Feb 1981, p. 20

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Free us> AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 327 molor, automnatic, as sa, needs body work, heavy duty aprings ail around, front end ju5t done. $500. Cali 723-0855 Jan 21,81 13 URANDE PRIX, PIS, PIB, Power Windows, Power Soate, air, tlut, AMIFM stereo, buckets and console. Raiiy wheeîs. 10,000 miles on naw molor, very good condition. $1800 cerif ed. Cail 666-4409 or 6553794 Nov 5,80 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, PIS, PIB, Power Rear Window, ideal for conîraclor. $550 as Is or wili cor- ify. Cali 6681481 Feb. 4,81 1974 ASTRA, as la, good condition, $1300. Cali daya 668-6922 or eveningsaiet668-4046 Feb. 4,81 73 GRAND TORINO, 351 V8 automalic, PIS, P/B, In good con- dllon. $600 Cali 655-3679 Dec 17,80 1974 ASTRE GT, automnalIc, radio wlh rear defroater, In good workIng condition. $1375. Cali 668-8937 Dec 17,80 1975 DODGE bffl FICK-UP TRUCK,' 318 VB automnatic, cap, recent paint, radiais, 71,000 miles, cerlified asking $2100. Phone 6668-3052 Dec 10,80 1973 T-BIRD, loaded, new tires, good body, movIng to Fiorida. WiI sacrifice for $1200 . Calil666-1247 Dec 10,80 74 GàREMLIN, 258 - 6 cyi., FMIAM radio, 72,000 miles, good condition body wise, standard steerlng and brakes. Asking $800 as ls. Cali Fred at 576-7878 Dec 3,80 1974 ASTRE GT, aulomnatic, radio, with rear defroster, Ir' good working con, dition. $1275. Calil 668-8937 Dec 10,80 1971 PONTIAIt CATALINE, 4-dr, al naw brakes (rotors), running $400 or beat of fer. As la. 1973 BUICK CEN. TURY, 2-dr, $500 as la. Cati 668B-2298 Nov 26,80 1976 MONTE CARLO, care features PIS, PB, air condition, AMIFM 'cassette, swivei buckets, radial tires, 61,000 miles. $3750 certified. Ex- cellent condition. Calil 655-3026 anytime. Jan 21,81 26 FT. SUPERIOR MOTOR HOME, CLASS A self contaiflad bedroom wth vanity, fuit bathroom wth sink, vanity, toilet, bath & shower, 4 burner stove & oven, double steel sink, extra large size rldge, large furnace, newiy decorated. 440 Dodge motor. $12,500 or beat of fer. Calil 683-3030. Jan 14,81 1974 DODUE VAN, running condition, P/S, P/B, 6 cyl., automnatic $600 or beat ofler. Asis. Cmi 666-3526 Jan 28,81 1974 FORD F100 PICK UP, very good shape. Asking $1295 certified. Cali 655-3527 aller 5 p m. Feb. 4,81 Be Press Ca 1668 Emp oriumi -611f Emporiu m Ads wiII only be oiccepted subject to the following Conditions. f2iAATMOTlVEI J REPAIRS/RPARTS TANDEM BOX TRAILER, 2400 pound capacity - $300. Cmii 686144 Nov 19,80 TWO RECLI NING CAR SEATS, wth mounting bracketa, velour inserts. good shape $50. Calil66-8785 Dec 10,80 H:H US'Ei5iD GOD BEDROOM SUITE, double bed, dressing table, chester-drawars. $150. Cali 576-2366 Jan 28,81 METAL DESK, 60"X30"' top, relrac- tibIa, tyepwriter table ai one ide. $75. Calil 86-2131 Dec 31,80 GREEN CHESTERFIELD (art Shoppfs) $350. GoId Living room chair $75. Lazy-Boy chair (new> $95. Snow ires 78" X 15'" - $30. Floar polislher $10. Rug Shgmpoor $10. And amal Sp. pliances. Calil68-1247 e108 INGLIS GAS DRYER $75. Cali 725. 2911 a ter 5 p.m. Nov. 26,80 SPANISH DESIGN BAR, back lealher & veivet, strobe ights on both ides, includes record player, AMIFMV wilh 8 trac, large unit, Includes 3 bar toola, 2 customed speakers vaiued at $1000 aaking $400. Cali 683-3030. Qîher items for sale. Jan 21,81 Sm ROUND TABLE à 2 MATCHING CHAIRS, very good condition $35. 2 MATCHING DRESSERS (red mohogany) $35 each. 1 vccum Clanar $10, 1 Eiactrlc Tam Ktti. $5. Calil allerS5 p.m. 668-5180 Feb. 4,81 OLD FASHION TUB $75, and ConlInan- tl b.d $40. Cali 666-3288 Dec 17.80 CUSTOM MADE DRAPES, 4 panels of red veivet with valance, plus aheers. $300. Cali 579-7234 Jan 14,81 50 SOUARE YARDS, LIGHT GREEN PLUSH CARPET with underpadding for sale. AskIng $300. Calil 68-2139 allter :30 p.m. Nov. 12,80 BLACK( GLASS DININO ROOM TABLE (round) and 4 white vinyl chairs. Diameter 4ft, $300. Cail 576- 4464 Jan 7,81 IBROWN ALUMINIUM SCREEN DOOR, 2'10"' X 6' 101, luttle uaed $50. Calil668-2213 Dec 10,80 KING SIZE MATTRESS à BOX SPRINGS, f lrm comfort 78" X 78"*. $200. XMAS TREE LITES, one 25 string and one 15 string, Indoor. $500 Cali 728-2327 Dec 3,80 SILVER HOLTEN TRUMPET WITH CASE, like new $250. Calil 723-0855 042l8 10 GALLON AQUARIUM, wrought not sorry ron stand and some accessorlea $5. not srry. BRiGS AND STRATTON 3 HP Orngine. in running condition needa mutler) tor iawnmower etc. $45. Cati 579-2073 1 Dec 17,80 Whi'n the advertised Item is sold, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the item wiIl be deemed to have been sold and a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated beiow, regardless If price Is stated with 11trest offer". If the Item 15 NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiIl be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGiE of $3.00 wiiI apply. Ail advertIsements must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If not soid. RATES (If article la sold>: 5% ai advertlssd price up ta $40000 2% ai balance over $40000 EXAM PLE: SoId Item advertised for $12000 -commission due $6.00 (minimum charge le S3.00) Private advertIsing onlyl Please notIfy the Whitby Free Press Immediateiy when Item Is soid 50 that we may delete It f rom the fol lowing Issues. Ail ads not fttlng the Emporium guidelines wiIl be treated and charged per week as regular classifiled ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help -wanted, clothIng, reai estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: PrIvate classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under approprlate headings. If lndi MAIL FREE P.O. I WhitI Ail &de wligo ln cImmmiad macîlon unlama othamîma aopaîf lad. Ioubt, cal 668-6111 ADS TO: OR DELI VER TO: EPRESS EMPORIUM 131 Brock St.N. Box 206, Whltby, Ont. by, LiN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 6 W oeý9ARTICLES IFOR SALE AMB OATlarg Thr. tIes f .AqtMB mOAd lui ag heire Io1 cufewtmmae $600 1par6X13. LAROID CAMERA , 538 Nov 26,80 or sale, two snows $25 a 3one summer $10, 6.00 X On. tan p.ad bîka, Sunlar gears $60. On. bamabail fiaidora glova, aduit Cop- par Black Diamond $20. On. aparlmant aizad alectric slave, 4 burner, white In good condition $75. Haating duct pipas, 4 Inch diameter n sections. 20 t eet, with two 90 degree eibowa - $10 On. Dodge Whoel rim, 15 Inch $10 Onae'"Peter Storm"~ Raln Suit, brand new, light wight. Samon Derby 'prize. Size XL $50. On. et af hockey aquîpment, mans medium; akates. pada, gioves, sticks, etc. $100. One 12 foot alumInum car top b03t, haavy duly, with 31/2H p motor. $600 Cali 666-2935 aller 5 p.m. Dec 10,80 CASCADE 40 ElactrIc Wal.r Hater, 5 years oid asking $50. Anthas Oid Buming Furnaca with extra 2 spaad motor & power humidifier, asking $200. 200 Gallon 011 Tank, with ap- proxlmatly 40 gai o11 asking $50. Cali after 5 p.m. 668-4326 Jan 28,81 TORONADO CELLUSLOSE IN- SULATION BLOWER, 110 voit, hose couplinga & some hose. Excellent condtlon $150. Caii 666-3528 Jan 28,81 AEROOUIPT SLIDE PROJECTOR wlth remote controîs. Takes 36 and 100 alida Irsys. Excellent cordition. $100. Calil 655-4957 Nov 12,80 TWO MENas HAIR PIECES, natural hair, dark brown, current coat If new, now $745 each. Can be colour linled to suit individuais needa. Asking $150 each or best offar. C-alil 668-4721 Dec 24,80 Two pairs of childrens sks, polos and boots, S30. Acoumtlc Guitar $20. Child'a bicycla $10. SmaII chord orgen $10. Boys and girls skates $5. Cali 668-3234 Feb 4,81 LOWREY GENIE ELECTRIC ORGAN, 1 year oid. Asking $900.rCmli 985- 8573 Feb. 4,81 TWO GIRLS BIKES. On. 26" - $3. On. 24'* - $30. Cali 86662334 Nov 5,80 BLACK PERSIAN LJ size, Ai condition,c Ienght, worn oniy a or beat 0f fer. POL 440 - $30. Cal 683-7. SHEEP SKIN COAT, full lengit, ladies, sîze 12-14, in very good con- dition, $150. Calil 668-2213 Dec 31,80 MANS COAT - Ple ined, dark brown, leather look. Size 38-40. $45. MANS TWEED Top COAT size 42-44, Croydon, fully ined, belted back $M. Cali 728-2327 Dec 3,80 LADIES BLACK FINE LEATHER FLICED .LINE BOOTS, brand new,' size 7, $70. CalII668-2213 Dec 10,80 WHITE WEDDING DRESS, size 12, in very good condition, like new $100. Calil af ter 6 p.m. at 668-9836 Feb. 4,81 BABY CAR BED $15, Piay-pen $25, Joiiy Jumper :.5, Baby Swing $10, Waiker $10, Eieclric Botle Sterilizer plus glass botîles $5, 2 snowsuits - 1 biue bag type $5, 1 brown & beige 18 montha - 2 plece $10. Ail In excellent condition. Cali 655-3873 Jan 21,81 GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, $20 and 2 c ri ba $20 and $15. Cali1668-6746 Jan 28,81 DRUMMER PRACTICE PAD SET aiso symbol and hi hat $200. 40 Cord Eiac- trtc Organ $150. Calil 576-1364 Dec 17.80 LESNEY AND CORGI CAR COLLEC- TION $8each. Cali 668-3495* Nov 5,80 GRAVEL GARDEN TRACTOR, A-i condition, rebuil 7.6 HP engine, 30" reel mower. sulky snow piough, new iug tires and chain $60. Cali Roger 6554570 Dec 10,80 TRESTLE DESK. DARK HONEY PINE, with brass finish handies and knoba, Complete wth Captain Style Chair $575, Cal 666-1899 Ja281 74 SKI.000, 440 Fan. $700 or beat Of- fer. Call68 -2129 J n7 8 MAN'S SNOW MOBILE SUIT, eIze XL. Black a Goid $45. SKI.DOO BOOTS, feil liners. Back & GoId with iliver stripa. Canadiann md.$20. Cuit 728- 2327 Dec 3,80 DOWNIIILL SKIS, BOOTS, POLES, -lenght of skis 175 cm - $65. Oel 683- 6838 Novl19,80: BEN HOGEN GOLF CLUBS, 14 club sel, new bag and head covers, 'h price of new $300. Calil668-1247 Dec 10,80 ~ESOELS TO MORRIS: i apologize sincereiy for any distres or inconvenlence i may have caused you throughout the years. MayJ n If your car's ouf ofshape you get rid of it, right? What If your body's out of shapeP TWO SETS 0F SKIS AND BOOTS. one ladies and one mens. Ladies size 5 boot, and mens size 9 boot. $50 a set. Calil668-3209 Jan 14,81 One pair cross country Iesthar ski boots - blue à whîts, size 6, like new $15. Cali Harold 668l4721 Dec 10,80 LARGE Framaisas nap-sack, excellent condition $30. Vntaisa Coppar-Tona Stova i-ood, 38 Inches - $30. Cali 655- 4220 Jan 14,81 CROSS COUNTRY SKIS. poies & boots for child age 8 to 10. Like new, $25 complet. Cali 668-1063 Jan 28,81 LE CAIL A PROESONAAL ORGAN LESSONS Don't buy an organ - fInd out If you enjoy playing f ir- st. Try our exciting evaluation course which ln- cludes the use of an ln- *strument ln your home. Cali 728-4455 and talk with our qualified and enthusiastic teacheÈ. P S BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Calil666-3231 ~~HELPI NEEDLE CRAFT OPPORTUNITY. Join our weIi estabiished company with a proven melhod of selilng neediecrafi producîs. Generous commission. No territories. No ex- perience necessary, we train. Manager position avalabie. Cali Sharon Goal in ai 986-4826 JANîTORIAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited for janitoriai services at 400 Centre Street, Whitby, Ontario. This contract is for a 24 month period. Tender documents may be obtained from: Min istry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M 7A 1N 3 Teiephone (416) 965-1152 Seaîed tenders wiii be received until 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 11, 1981, at which time they wiIi be opened in public. Tenders wili be opened in Toronto. NOTE: For further information, please contact Mrs. L. Sid- ney, Public Tenders Office, Toronto. The lowest or any tender wiil not necessarily be accepted. Ontario MINISTRY 0F GOVERNMENT SERVICES PLEASE READ a PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1l98l1, WIIITBY FREE PRESS T.O. 271 safe

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