PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1981. WHI'T Region may spend $2.6 million on long awaited Port Whitby sewer line The Durham Region public works committee will recommend that $2.6 million be spent this year to con- struct a diversion in Port Whitby to eliminate sewer backups that have recently plagued the area. Last September, residents of the Brock Street South, Front Street and Charles Street areas all suffered sewerage backups into their homes. Officials suspect that this backup was caused by in- mates of the Whitby County Jail who may have suffered rags down the toilets thereby clogging a pumping station. The project, which has been planned for some time, is expected to eliminate the problem by removing the pumping station from ser- vice. However, there is con- siderable doubt as to whether the region can committ itself financially to undertake the construction of the Pringle-Corbett Diversion Sewer this year. The budget for the depar- tment that was approved by the public works committee last week indicated that the project will be undertaken, however, approval is still needed from the finance committee and from coun- cil-as-a-whole. Last September's backup caused hundreds of dollars of damage to furnishing and basements and although residents claimed for com- pensation, the region's in- surance agent said that it By MARGARET BEATH BHS Director The topics were infor- mative and the timing was right, as the Brooklin Hor- ticultural Society opened the new year with two of our Captivate his heart with a new you... a young, fashionably-right custom WN hairstyle will do it! LA CONTESSA Beauty Lounge 119 Green Street was not negligent, therefore, the residents were not en- titled to compensation. The new diversion sewer will not likely be in operation until 1982 according to regional works officials. Aside from ending sewer backup problems the new diversion sewer is expected to allow for more industrial development in Porth Whit- by. own members as guest speakers. President Valerie Hundert opened the meeting at 8:05 p.m. on January 28 and welcomed all members as well as visitors from Kent, England and Whitby and our District 17 Director Allan Foss and his wife. Valerie also announced that we are planning several new activities for the year, including flower arranging courses, using our own tarented members. The president requested all members to submit their recipes to the writer as soon as possible as the proceeds from the sale of these books will assist in fur- thering civic beautification. Joan Brak spoke briefly on the year book to be issued soon and complimented Grace Coe on the cover design. Carolyn STevens then ad- vised that there are already 109 members for this year with 18 new ones and stressed our goal of over 200. Mrs. Hundert congratulated Neil Wick of the society, for placing the winning design for a heritage plaque for historical Whitby buildings. This was followed by a horticultural jigsaw puzzle game, initiated by Mary Housego which provided much amusement for all. Our first speaker was Audrey Young and the ex- perience she has gained in her capacity of show secretary for several years, assisting the judges, was evident in her presentation which emphasized that do's and don'ts of placing entries in shows. Our second speaker was none other than our own wise and witty horticultural specialist, Ken Brown whQ showed slides of several species of plants, followed by a question and answer period. It was obvious that this young man is a person of many and varied talents and his horticultural knowledge was evident in his replies. Margaret Davis thanked both speakers. Our next meeting will be held on February 25 when *Ron Death, a local fruit grower will speak on apples and strawberries. There will also be a bake sale so be sure to attend and bring a friend. Society's first report for the new year Shop the Annuity market with Mutual Life Through Mutual Life's Product Placement Service, i can provide you with the best rate for single-premium "payout" annuities from over 30 life insurance and trust companies. Cal if you're looking for a quote. l'Il shop the market for you. Herb Tran 725-6564 Mutual Life of Canada