BROOKLIN BRANCH LIBRARY Come visit your library. All children will have the chance to win a sweet prize-all they need to do is to count the number of hearts in the Valentine mural. Try your luck, look sharp now and start counting. Contest starts this week and the winner will be announced at the Valentine party on Saturday, February 14. This party starts at 10:30 a.m. and will feature a special puppet show. Pre-school story hour has started again on Tuesday after- noons from 12:30 to 1:30. The afternoon group for adults is also held at this time. Coming up are films on travel, slide presentations about other countries and an interesting look at early Indian settlement in our region. Call now and register this session has recently begun and many week remain. MEADOWCREST SCHOOL NEWS The first week of January was a very busy time for Wally Munday, the school's custodian, who was retiring that Friday after many years of service. Former students of the school stopped in to visit him durin the week. On Wednesday, the teachers gave him a gift of ap- preciation at a retirement tea when his wife, daughter and himself were the honoured guests. Former teachers of the school, his fellow custodian colleagues and other friends also attended the tea. Then on Friday, during school assembly, each class gave a presentation to Mr. Munday. These presentation varied from pictures of Mr. Munday made by individual pupils, songs and poems created about Wally, to humorous play produced about his work around the school. One class had been busy snapping photos of him during the past month and then presented him with the scrapbook of photos for him to keep as a momento. At the end of the presentations, the grade 8 class gave him a plaque telling of his service to the school. Happy Retirement and best wishes Wally, from all your school friends. WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE Do you know that Whitby Community Care, a strictly volunteer organization, provides our senior citizens such services as drivers for medical and other appointments, light housekeeping, serving, letter writing, visiting and more? A specialist will assist with Income Tax, and this will be done in the home if the client is a shut-in. In the past few months we have received an increasing number of calls from clients in Brooklin and Myrtie. Volunteers are needed. If you can spare a few hours a week to help out please cal] 668-6223 and discuss our services with our co-ordinator Marie Brooks. Wiii' ONTARIO HEART FOUNDATION February is Heart Month. Once again the women of Brooklin will be conducting a door to door canvass on behalf of the Ontario Heart Foundation. Our first effort last year was very rewarding. With your cooperation we can do an even better job this year. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The resolution meeting was held at the home of Levi Arksey on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Ruby Sonlly charied the meeting in the absence of president Marion Hall. A lively discussion on resolutions took place. Mrs. A. Graham and Miss Alice Arnold acted as hostesses. Next meeting will be held on February 18 at 2 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING On Thursday, January 29, at 7:30 p.m. at the Concept Cen- tre the guest speaker will be Professor James Murray, AR- chitect Planner. The speaker is no stranger to Brooklin or to village life, he has been involved in much of the preliminary planning of Brooklin's proposed growth and lives in the Village of Nobleton. The Brooklin Business Association is most interested in how growth can affect the business life of our community and welcome your participation in discussing this with Murray. The association has also invited Regional Chairman Gerry Herrema - Mayor Bob Attersley and Councillors Ross Batten, Joe Bugelli, Joe Drumm, Tom Edwards, Gerry Emm, Barry Evans and Robert Short, director of planning. This will be the only business on the Agenda are urged to take advantage of this opportunity. MESSENGERS The Brooklin United Church Messengers will meet Wed- nesday, February 4 from 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. SKATING RINK The Brooklin and District Kinsmen are pleased to see so many people enjoying the skating rink at Meadowcrest Brooklin youths to be sentenced Three Brooklin youths charged with robbing a cab driver will be sentenced in Whitby county court on February 18. Jonathon Blyth, 16, of Montgomery Avenue, Donald Wegner, 17, of Rob- mar Street, and Donald Jan- sma, 16, of 24 Ferguson Avenue will be sentenced February 18 on charges of armed robbery and con- spiracy to committ robbery. Their trial began last week. A fourth youth charged in connection with the robbery pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of possession of stolen goods and received a suspended sentence and two years probation. All four were charged af- ter the March 24 robbery in which Cornelius Den Blesen of Whitby was robbed of $37 at knife point after picking up a fare in Brooklin. BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1981, PAGE 7 School. Thanks tot he Town of Whitby the rink is kept cleared of snow for maximum use. MEADOWCREST SCHOOL The Meadowerest School Advisory Council was formed to keep you informed. Please give them your support. For in- formation regarding the committee call W. Brown at 655-4026 or D. Randall at 655-4207. The next meeting is February 18 at Meadowerest School. HINTS ON HOUSEPLANTS The Brooklin Horticultural Society will meet Wednesday, January 28 at 8 p.m. The topic will be "Hints on Houseplan- ts."» Susan Smith 655-4737 Brown's Foodmaster (before noon Saturday) CEILING BOARD SONOFLEX Residential Etched 24x48x3/4 610x1220x19mm Insulated Fireproof Ceiling Panels 40c SQ. FT. UNDERWRITERS'LABORATIES OFCANADA ACOUSTICAL MATERIAL ( 11 P' M )0 ISSUE N. 8462C Ch0.1.-1 -to S'oface B mqCharacte,,itics % tdanCe With the SIandard ULC S102 DOONtO VNY FLM A- ONTARO ACE rU MITCHELL BROTHERS CASSELS & CHURCH ST BROOKLIN 655-4991 Whitby man charged in hockey infraction Jim Richardson, 31, of 101 White Oaks Drive, Whit- by, has been charged with assault causing bodily harm following an infraction which occured during an in- dustrial league hockey game last week in Pickering. Randy Alexander, 24, of Markham Road in Scar- borough, was taken to the Ajax-Pickering General Hospital after he was hit with a stick during the gaine. Police said he was hit in the eye by a player on the other team during a scuffle on the ice. Alexander received ten stiches to cuts above and below his right eye. Richardson will appear in Ajax provincial court January 29. P2/RTlWP24TiDt1 , CARRIER BOYS CF\N NVOJV 6W buE~~ For years, Newspaper Carriers have been predominently boys. But now, we feel it's about time THE GIRLS had their turn! We're accepting applications f rom local girls over 9 for newspaper routes close to their homes in Brooklin. You'll learn how to handle money, manage your time and meet people. PLUS you'll make EXTRA MONEY for those things you've been wanting. We also offer exciting TRIPS and VALUABLE PRIZES! * WHITBY FREE PRESS * Calil Circulation: * 668-6111 P.S. We'll also hire boys. S...........eeee ....•••••••••. TYPEWRITE RS REPAIRS & SERVICE ALL MAKES DAN FORTH TYPEWRITER Rentals. Sales-& Service 408 Duridas Street West 2940 Danforth Ave Whitby Toronto 666-11-31 est. 1930 698-2589