Whitby Free Press, 7 Jan 1981, p. 18

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PAGE 1 8, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 7. 1981. WHIITBY FREE PRESS 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION'0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY KARATE This program *as in sucti demnand as Io warrant &ddlllonal classes being held this yaarý The cour- se wili stress exorcise and mentaI disicIplIne, A proessional black boll nstfuctof wll lso trin ;roduce lounament ilghilng aklis. Classas w*111 bc hald: Sulurdasysai htIney Hall, 900 lim. lo 1030 arný for ch ild ian (Il rs o 1 8 yrs ) st rling Jan uary 1 1h " S.aurdays ai Whitney Hall. 1030 arn ta 12.00 no0n for adule. sterling January 7<. Thuradays et Blookîts Cornmunity Cntre fromn e;30 p mIo800 pn' for chitdren sterling January 22ndi XCountry Ski Indînduale or familles. beginner or expert register noc for qualiîied Instruction in his fast growlng recresallonal actliviy. Courses cilI n-. clude lasons on proper car. and maintenance oC skis. Claasesaclîl be held ei Brookls Memorlal Park and Iroquois Park, Sundays from 1:30 p.m. o 3.30 psm. starllng January 181h and Wadnesdays, from 1:00 p.m. o 2:30 <sm. ai Iroquola Park star.l ting January 21 si. Cost: 112.00 for 8 ceeks. DANCERCISE Dancerclle frma yaur body In jusi deys along wllh srengthanlng your heari and luns. its fun, sim- pIe dancIng and e 'erclslng blskly 10 ihe lalesti music. A greai way 10 Iniprone saur coordination and develop yosr rhythkm. Classes .111 b. hald il Si. Pauls Separale Schoei on Thursday nlghts rom 7:00 p.r. o 8:30 p.m. stering on January1 22nd .-320.00 MODERN JAZZ Conlamporary music and choreography are ssed n order o Improne tha paricpantassse aof rhtyhm, physîcal ceillbelng and self conirol. Choreographed dance arangamenis l '0alo na of the regarda 0f hi. program. Cas. eng n Wednesday, January 21*1 ai Whiney Hall at 7:001 p.m.Goal $1500 for l0 eeks. SPECIAL BUS EXCURSION LADIES FIGURE SKATING FOR BEGINNERS A basic course foi mornes cho hase aicays masn laci o lainthe sitîs of figura skating ilIrIoquois Park Arasa on Wednesdays itorn 1000 arn. Io 11:00 a.m. starting January 218t. Babpsiing anallable a,attdilosal les: Coat $2500 <or 8 caeks Enjoy oui exorcise class conducied Op a qualif lad itsess instrucior. Continuous tegisiralios miilbe accapted ai ha Pool Dask starting ha weelv ol Dacamirar 15, 1980. Classas commence the week oI January 121h. 1981. Daylimae Classas - <dcce efviy for 12 ceetis. Vi hour exorcise ln Whitney Hall, loliowed bpy hhaut swim aend sauna ai ha pool. Tuesdays and Thur. sdays. 2.00 p.m. 300 p.m Evaning Classes - once waeklp for 12 weeks. ona tiour exorcse In Whiney Hall followad by Wi hour swdm and sauna ai ha pool. Monday Off Wedý nsadap oennng, 7:00 -8:30 p.m. OR 800 -9:30 p.m These limes aalabie on both nighlsý Cosi: 1$20.00 for 12 cesks NIGHT CLUB DANCING Gain confidence and style on ha dance foor. This course ls dsigned o iaach yen <he tatahl stops f0 carry pou hrough any une, chas youtra out for an evnnng oi dancing. I< l ii ncluda cha cha, dsrs, rhumba, sew cana and more. Classes will b h het i .A. Pairman Public School on Thursdays item 8:00 p.m. Io 10:00 p.m. CosI: couples 36500, singles 335.00 for 8 ceaks. BEGINN ERS RACOUETBALL Lears ha basis of tacqueibail and have fun gel. <ng lto shape eI he amre lime, A great nec cay cf cotking oui naà coniorlableatamosphate ai the Whilby Racquethati Club. Join is fast grocing sport for filoess, coordinatien daneicymant, and greaf fun. Classes cull ha haid on location anary Wednesday from 1.00 p.m. Ie 3:00 pm. earing January 31s<t. Cosi 33500 for 10 weaks. ORAWING & PAINTING iThis course .111 teach &aduits ha basic éléents of composition colour and lina dracing, Walor coor, charcoal, pencil asd Indenan lotill b. arrronq the many mediums pou .111 exprienca. Become a membe, of 1h15 ccausfor fun white s pressing pourseli asd cretiing. ClasseasahIlbe n.iil aIA.C.VI. sn the Art Room, Thursday nlghts froï ,730 p.m. Io 930 psm. sterlIng Jaouary 22nd. CosI 2500 tor 8 seetis LEARN TO SKATE Polasslonal Insructors cl teach pou lsd pout pre-scîroolers ha iondarrenteasof f1 r salg and sksilng. Iroquois Park Arasa on Wdnesd,,as 9m0 a. <o 1:00 arn starlng Jsuron 1t; BrookilsMémorial Arena on Frldays rom 2:001 p.mm to 3.00 p.m. sterling Januarlt 23(d.(Pé schooiers mas attend tessons cihoul patent ih spéclal permission). Cosi: $2500 for 8weeks. HOCKEY SCHOOL 7 AND Up This course emphaslzes skating skllls Lsd ha abilily fo handle ha puck ln order fo prépare ha boys asd gIrls for more advanced hockey play. Chldîan shauld be able Io skte and muet supply <ha 1Qlolomng equipmeni: skaes, helmai, lace guard, stick aid glones. $22.00 for 10 ceeka et Iroquois Park Aona, Prldaps, 4:00 p.m. o 5:00 p.m., arte January 101h. PARENTS & TOTS Mothots and athars cas enjop skaiing wiih hit younq children alihouf leur et crowds. Adultes 50t, childran 254 on Mondaps, 900 &.m. <o 10:00 a.m. ai Brootilin Mmorial Arasa. or Thursdays, 100s . <0o11:00 a.m. at roquos Park Aresa. SHINNY HOCKEY Free lime alloiied fot Individuel hockey practice or skating. $2.00 par person. Iroquois Park - Mon- deys, 98- 11i arn.. Tusdays, 9 - il arn., Fridays, 1i 3 p.m. Brookls Mmorial Araa- Wednesdays, 9 ar..t p.rn. sterling ha ceek of Januaty l9ih. KITCHENER FARMERS MARKET & TOWN 0F ELORA 'etrn rdcso Not far from Whitby, in the mlddie of Kitchener, resides the famous Mennonite Farmars Marketfeurnprutso Amnlshand Mennonite people living In the Kitchener ares. Home baked broda, preserves, cooked chasse, fresh vegtables and handîcrafis avalable for purchaslng. The Whitby Parka & Recration Dpartment wiiI b. hosting a bus excursion on Saturday Febrary 28th. Not only wll the Fermera Market be lncludedI on Ihia tour but the Town of Elors will iao be vielted. One can expect t0 venture through some of the moat novai epectllIy stores In Canada, along wlth the Famnous Gorge Miii which la now e andmnark In Ontarlo. The day wiil surely be f Ilied with exclting thlngs to do and ses, compllmented by a fabulous meal at Bîngemnan Park ln Kitchener which has been arranged wlthln tha tour package. Regloter ~ by mail or In person bet ore February 16181 Date of Trip: February 28181 Time: Departure 7:30 a.m. Iroquois Park Complex Information: phone 668-5803, ext. 32 ÇENERAL REGISTRATION INFORMATION Date: Location: Phone: Mime: Saturday January 10, 1981 Iroquola ParkComplax 500 Victoria St. W., Whtby 687765 9:OOa.m. to 11:00 ar. IROQUOIS PARK SWIMMING POOL LESSONS - commence January 12th, 1981 12 Lessons - once a week. PLEASE NOTE: Classes are filled on a 'lfirsi corne, fitsi served basis"- EnrlIment on registrahbon day is encouraged. Aso, the dlasnes below ste lis<ed progressinoîy, each day and lime representing one casos. Each person rtgisering rnay do so for rnrmbers of one family only. LEVEL MONDA Y TUESDA Y WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FR/DAY SA TURDA Y Mom & Me 6: 00 p. m. 6:00 p.m. 10:30 ar. Shrîrnp 5:15 p.m. 5:15, 6:00 5:15 1).M. 5:15, 6:00 9:45, 10:30, or 6:45 pm or 7:00 p.m. or 11:15 ar. Shark 5:15 p.rm. 5:15, 6:45 5:15 p.rm. 5.-15,6:00 9:-45, 1115Sam. or 7:30 p. m 7.00 p.r. Pre-Beginner 6:00, 6:45, 7:00, 7:45 9:45, 10:30, or 7:30 pm. ______ P.m. or 11:15 a.m. Beginner 600, 6:45 7:00, 7:45 9:45, 1030. or 7.30 Pm. P.m. 11: 15 a. m. Advanced 6:00, 7:30 7:O00p.rn. 9:45 ar. Beginner P.m. Survi val 645P. m. -10:30 ar. PreJunior 6:OOp.rn. ____ _7: 00,7: 45 Pm 9:45, 11:,15 ar. Jiunior 645,_73Oprn 7.45P. m. 1030,11.15 ani Lide Sa ving _______6:00p.rn. ____ _7: 00p. m. 11: 15 ar. lnemdae6:45 p.rn. __ _7.45 p. 'n. ___ 9:45 arn LifeSavnq l &lit9:00 .rn Senior _____ 730,o. ___m______.___ 10.30an) RFL SS. ronze ____ 7:30P. m, S:30 . ,- Leaders - 830p.m. ____ ivýro _____4-5Sp.m. 4-5 p.m.___ Swîm Club 56.0 5-6 p.m. 56:0 56 7 ./.mI±nO n [Divng ______ _____________ ADUL T INSTRUCTIONAL LESSONS - (EVENINGS) Learn w Swîrn 8:30 p.r. 8, 30p.rri. ____ Begîztner 8:30p.rn. 8-30p.rn. Advanced Beginnler 9:15 p.rm. 8:30p. m. Juntor 9: 15 p. m. 8.30 p. m. lwerrnedîare/Senior830 . rn.8:30 p. 'n.1 -- DAYTIME INSTRUCTIONAL LESSONS Mom & Me 9:00a. m. 130 p.rn. 2:30p.rn. Shr,'n 9:OOa.m. : JO p. M.____ 2:30P.rn. 2.30 p. m. Shark :00 arn. 1:,"0 0.rn. 2.30p.rn. 2--30p.m. ._ J., onnerF9Oa.rM. P:.O. Acjuabics WCE WEEKL Y, TUESDA Y 9:45 a.m.& FRIDA Y 10:30 a.m. Learn ta Swim 94-5a. M. 2.30 p. m. junior 945 ar. 2:30 P. m. Intermediate/Selior 9:45 a.rm. 2.3 0 P.rn. InstructioflRaies. Mom & Me SPfirmo & SPiarti Chldlen Adui 40 min. 40 mn . 40 min. 45 mn. S17 .00 S17MD S20.00 Leaders - Synchro Aqijabïcs 16 leisons 120 min. 2 hr.Irnk. V' i rlvok. S25.00 S20.00 S22.00 Trevor (D. Garfield Andrews) has found hirnse1f on the receiving end of Malcolm's (Barry Stevens) anger as Jan <Kathy Guselle) stands helplessley by. The trio are currently acting in the Stardust Dinner Theatre's production of Alan Ayckbourne's 1 Bedroom Farce" which is playing at 419 Brock Street North from now until February 1, 1981 -Free PrSs Photo by Stephen Greenaway New Yea brings, "Bedroom Farce" to Whithy's Stardust By S. GREENAWAY Free Press Staff With the ringing out of each old year and the toasting in of the new an air of expectation and en- tusiasm is everybodies' mind. Last year the Town of Are You Wàrrled? Are You Havlng Bad Luck? Why -- There le HeIp. Start Being a Star ALIGN TOUR SELF WITH TOUR UNNER POWERS. 1. StartILookingBetter 2. -Start ThinkingBetter 3. Start Dressing etter 4. Start Doing Better 5. Start Improving YourPay Check Astrologici Beaclinge Cen Bun Up To $200.00 and Order your Astro-WheeI Reg. $13.96, Now 0*iiy$7.95. Speclal Lndted trne only. Send ck. or M.O. for $7.95 tax, postage, hgndllng included to ASTRO-WHEEL 6331 Hiollywood BIvd. Suite 924 Hollywood, CA 9W028 NAME ADDRESS _____________ CITY ________ZIP______ Our Accumulation Annuity offers competitive rates for convenient .periods A floating interest rate or a guaranteed interest rate for one year, three years, or five years - it's your option with our Accumulation Annuity. And because there is no front-end load or policy fee, ail your mon ey goes to work for you immediately. Caîl for the current rates of interest on our Accumulation Annuity. Nothing else grows quite like it. Herb Tran 725-6564 Mutual Lite of Canada Whitby has made the home of the Stardust Dinner Theatre, an inexpensive, night out spot which now provides the region and surrounding areas with a dîner and professional high calibre live theatre. Opening in September the Stardust completed two suc- cessful runs of "What the Butler Saw" and "Mary, Mary", filling the house nearly every night. The first mun of 1981 is Alan Ayckbourne's cornedy "lBedroorn Farce" which opened officially on January 2 after a special New Year's Eve preview. "Bedrooma Farce" is a departure for the stili young Stardust in two distinct ways. First off, and most significant to the Whitby area, three local actors were cast for roles in this produc- tion. Kathy Guselle, who plays- Jan, has been a part of many local plays including "Blithe Spirit", "Diary of Anne Frank",. "Guys and Dols" and "A Streetcar Narned Desire". Reg Tompkins, Ernest, also in his first appearance at the Stardust, has acted in plays like "Pygmalion", a"My Three Angels", "12 Angry Men", P'"Oh, What A Lovely War, and most recently, "There ;oes the Bride". Finally Joan Hill rounds off the list of local actors with her protrayal of Delia. Hill has acted in "The Mousetrap", "Glass Menagerie<', "The Odd Couple", "Night Must Faîl", "The Killing of Sister George" and "Blithe Spirit" as well as directing local productions of "Oliver", "The Last of The Red Hot Loyers " and "Anne of Green Gables". The second departure for the Stardust is the manor in which the play is being presented, usîng three dif- ferent settings on stage. Three different couple's bedrooms have been set up. With this arrangement the use of lighting plays an in- tricate part in the presen- tation of the play. i3e'dt Dom Farce is the story of Trevor (D. Garfield Andrews) and Susannah- (Ellen Wilkinson) who are having marital troubles.» On a particular evening the couple travel to their friends houses, ending up in each ones bedrooms, inflic- tmng their miseries and causing havoc amongst them. CONT'D ON PG. 19 1 m '

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