PAGE 18, WEDNESD)AY, DECEMBeR 19,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS 60.yearsý married Mr. & Mrs. John Waterhouse, -of Scarborough, were the honoured guest.s at a reception held at the home of their son Gary, in Whitby recently to celebrate with their family the occasion«o their 6th weddixg anniversary. Mr. & Mrs. Waterhouse were married in Manchester, England, but have resided in Canâida for more than 50 years. Attendling the celebration were their two sons, along with their wives, four grandchildren, and four great- grandchlldren. After they opened their many gifts, they were presented with congratulatory messages from the Mayor of Scar- borough, their local member of Parliament, Premier -William Davis, Prime Minister Joe Clark. A telegram was. also reeelved from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II con- veying hier best wishes.