PAà -GE 16. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS CHIRISTMAS SUPPLEMENT RUDOLPH THE, RED NOSED REINDEER You know Dasher and Dancer and - Prancer and Vixen, Cornet and,' Cupid and Donner and Blitzen - But do you recail the most famous reindeer of alil? Rudoiph thc Red-Nosed Reindeer Had a vcry shiny nose And if you ever saw it you would even Say it glows, Alil of the other reindeer used to laugh and oeil him names. Thfey neyer letpoorRudolph Join in any reindeer games. Then one foggy Christmas eve Santa camneto say: "Rudoiph with, your nose s0 bright Won' t'you drive my sleigh tonight?" Then how the reindeer ioved hlm As they shouted out with gie "Rudoiphthe Red Nosed Reindeer YÃ"u'Ii go down in history." JOILLY, OLD Jolly oid Saint Nicholas, Lean your <car this way! Don't you tel a single soul, What P'm going to say; < Christmas Eve is coming soon; Now, you dear oid man; Whisper what you'il bring to me; Tell me if you can. When the clock is striking twelvo, When. 'm rnfast asieep, Down the chimney broad and black, With your pack -you'I1 creep; Alil the *stockings you wili find, Hanging ina row; Minewili be the shortest one, You'1l be sie to know. Johnny wants a-,pair of skates; Susy wants a sied; Neilie wants a picture book, Yeiiow, blue and red; Now 1 think l 'Il leave to you, What to give the rest; Choose for me, dear Santa Claus, You wiii know Advent Calendar ,64How many days tili Christmas?" Parents' of young children are used to ~'hearing this question time and again in the weeks pre-. ceding that big day. One way to keep young- sters entertained during this time is by having them fol- Iow an Advent calendar. Advent is the four weeks before Christmas and in many countries this period is robserved as a very impor- tant one. The calendars usually fea- turc 24 littie windows, one for each day of the season, to bc opened by youngsters as Christmas approaches. 7'0'They'll enjoy the charming illustrations that 'character- ize these calendars and will be able, to keep track of the days until the advent, or co ming, of the Nativity. Ev'ry-body stops and stares at me These two teeth are-gone as you can sec 1 don't know just who to blame for this catastrophe! But my one wish on Christmas Eve is as plain aq it can be! Chorus Ail 1 want for Christmas is MY TWO FRONT TEETH, My two front teeth,, se my two front teethl Gce, if 1 could only -have my two front teeth, Theni- could wish you, '<Merry Christmas" It seems so long since 1 couid say, "Stster Susie sitting on a thistie!" Gosh oh gec, how happy I'd be, if I could only w'his'tle (thhh.) G.OOD TIDINGS.' Ail 1 want for Christmas. is MY 'TWO 1 FRONT*TEETHP My two, front teeth, sec my, two front teeth. Gec, if 1 couid only have my two front teeth, Then 1 couid "4Merry Christmas 1I 1 could wish you.'Mcrry Christmas!" WarnWishes We hope your Christmas holidays are f illed witri warmth and fun that your home rings with Iaughter and good cheer. The best wvishes of the season to everyone. From the management and staff of j A IT 5l7Ç BY MALL ALL I WANT FORý CHRISTMAS US MY TWO FRONT TEETH TO OUR LOYAL FRIENDS &PATRONS: It's been a pleasure serving you throughout the yeari THE MANAGEMENT & STAIFF 0F WHfITBY TOYOTA WY. NO. 2, WHITBY WEST, 668-4792 The beils ring out the hcrppi- ness of the secison. Kay' you sh are in cr11 its won dro us joys. THE ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA May the feeling of peace be with you throughout this holiday season and for ail the years to corne. We give you our thanks and the best wishes fora wonderfui holiday! The management and staff of GRANT MENZIES MOTORS 1430 KI NG ST. E. 571-3600 OSHAWA