Whitby Free Press, 12 Dec 1979, p. 20

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ci fo P. Pli Phi 71 wi' Exi As Pho 197 aloi Pho 77 pacl Ch. cap. C-B. Pli 1971 blac mal; teri Phot 197d Pow dilk )AGE'20, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBE-R 12. 1979. WI4ITÉY FREE PRFS Fr eers AUTOMIOBILES UFOR SALE 1977 THUNDERBIRD Numoroue Iras Inciuding air, oniy 26000 r Muat,81 oeifl..Phonoe668.7689. Dac. 1 1970 442 CUTLASS 455 400t transmission. Power windows bucicet ge018. $1.000 or bost Phono 66481. Dec. 1 71' LEMANS station wagon.,,E mites. Good condition. Zabarred proof. As la. $750 or besi of fer. Fr Dec. 73 FIORD MUSTANG Coupe 56, niles. Wilh 302 englne. V-8.p Peint. Power sleoring. New shcg Rabulitcarburetor. Snow lires cluded. Mageallai round. Ask 1,600. Phone68-5328. Ask for Sr Dec.5 987 MGB.GT and .1967 MGB Rc 1er plus man; new ond unuaed, )arts. Engines, wire wheeia, etc.t 'r lot. Phono 655.4107. Nôv. 28, il METEOR v.8, aqtp PISý, P/B. S r beat offer, Cati 6682354 at' - Nov. 21. 1BEAUMONT 307 automatic i IB, good condition. $650. Cortifi hone 655-4495. Nov. 21, 1FARGO CAMPER VAN equipp, Ih fridge, stove & water. 6 cyl. 21 collenit running & body conditic s3l but can be cerlified. $1,5G one 655.3006. Nov. 21, '4 DOOGE CHALLENGER 360, eed, verY good conditilon. 3'2,66 one 655&300e. N0v. 14, 75 74 0000E DART 318. Pow, )erlng. Radio. 314 vinyi roof. $1,0(X one666&1487 Nov. 7,' FORD' HALF TON Explore ckage. Low ileago. 300 cubic ir .Automatic transmission. Foil pAM-FM, 8-track, power boostef 3Asking $4800. Ask for Brod one 68&5328. Oct'. 17,1 F PLYMOÃ"UTH ÉEIRINO Red will :c Interior. 31,8 2 barrai. Mas, so with radial. 60 series pionsi 're system. Witt certif y. $2,800 ne W&89496. Oct. 3. 7t F4 AMIASSADOR BROUGHAI oer steerlng & brakes. Air con. ning. Radio and ciock. Good iition. Wiii cortify. Asklng $1,695, )e 868-0581. Oct. .1 79 à eLTMOUTH FURY V.oi> ower 'ing & brakes. Good condition. Phono 668-3580. Sept. 26, 79, D 'ODGE MONACO v-8. Power ing & brakes. New tires. New l>st system. $1,100. Phone 668. Sept. 26,79 ATPARTS rim 10 of whe tralaer: 2 MICI 15X sic 53W6 SNOW'1 radlais. dtion w for pair. 668813! Metr chani _______ Nov 21. 79 ric - ti s worth the ige is ex- 12,79 turbo àand 0f for 12, 79 3,000 d ruat' %hne 5,79 6,200 New cks. ikIng Irad. 5, 79 load- pare $500 B, 79 $40U> ar 6 1.79 PIS led. ped '25. Ion. 00O. 79 4 M. ý9 oer DO. 79 L ln'- cg id bi or, d.- 9 ai - 7: h or si 0. NI '9'2 w - ýd ln 5. AM l rai > ho i - -FAI r m& v 668 ACi Ain of fe -Lau 663-61 tmporlurn Ad 4 -15" DODGE RIMS $10 oach; hE duty traiter hitch for Ford van or1 up. $50. Phono 668-8564. >Nov. 21, POLYESTER SNOW TIRES witht rims for Chevotte or Acadian. Usec year. $110. 'Cati aller 6:00 p.m. e 8154. Oct. 31, 1 RÈREAONALA VEHILES 1975 BON AIR traier. Steepa -Fridge, stove, aink & furnace. 82,3( 'Cati Gall Anderson 668-4599. Doc. 12, MOTORMOME 26 fI. Ciasa Superior. Compietaty refinished wl new broadioom, drapes & voty uphoîslery. 2 singlo beds wlh nig table. Compile balhroom wl balhtub & shower. Has a 4 burn stove with aven. Double stainlie .steel sinks. Large sizo kitchen tab wlh banch stylessls on alheride Approximatoiy 30,000 mitas. Askir prico $18,000. Phono 683-303 Pickering. ,Dec. 5.« 1977 PE250 SUZUKI 1,200 kitomneler, Nover used this yoar. Compiete wit endurable ponts & boots and ais hoimet. $1,000. Phono 66È-2113. Nov. 7,Z 40SKI-DOO Vory fast. Used soasons. 1,250 mites. Liko new $57 or bost of fer. Phono 666-5155. Oct. 31,'7 MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE175. 2,00 KLM. Porled & potished. Fox shockc Air lorks and Boit Moto 3 hoimel Asking $1.800. Phono anytime after p.m. 668-7105. sept. 26, 71 EELCLANEOUS INGLIS Stovo,' white 30" oýniy $40o bosl offter. Phono 655-4364. Dec. 12, 7! LIVING ROOM SUITE Consista of Chesterfield, 2 easy chairs, ottoman, offee table & end table. Cream iight rown coiour. $450. Phone 668-3926. Dec. 12. 79 1NEW black & white balhroom shetl 3haped sink. 30" x 19 314". $60. Phone r28-0074 etfter 5 p.m. Dec. 12, 79 SKI BOOTS Soni Remo Size 81/2 Ieariy new. $35; Ladie's winler boots. i1ze 7½ý. Worn once'$10. Phone 576- ?368. Dec. 12, 79 JEAUTIFUL OLD DESK 3'x 6'. Use d nWashington by war corres pondent. ýsktng $300 or best offor; slrongty wit fiat troiter size 10' x 4' with pipe iting 1i½' high. Tires 550 x 12" $200; îur steeli amp potes 24' ienglh îttow centres and tapered ends. $30 ach. Phone 655-3166. Dec. 5,79 NMILY FUN Star Explorer pin boit achine. $200 or neoresNoffer. Cati e-5919 allter 8 p.m: Dec. 5, 79 CORDIAN TITANO professionat, dot - grand - 120 bss with case. Most new. No. - 42288.$600 or bosl ir. 688-2480. Dec. 5. 79 RPET POli SALE 4 places <orange) Nov. 28, 79 1~ I - I only'be'-accept*ed subject to thefollo'wing Conditions. -M When the advertised item is sold, disposed of, or unavaitabte f whatever reason, the item witt be deemed f0 have been sotd anc commission witi be charged based On THE ADVERTISED PR 1< as iiiustrated betow, regardîess if price is stafec w it'h "best ofier If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed oic the ad witl be run for MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 witt, appiy. A acivertisements must be placed on an exctûsive basis with fi -WHtTBY FREE PRESS and run at teast one monfh if not sot RATES [if article is soîdi.: 5% of advertised price Up to $400.00 2% ai balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $120.00 commission due $6.00. 1Iminimum charge is $3.00] Private advertising onty! Ptease notif y us if you fi d a refaite tisted as a private advertis'er. Ptoise no tif y the Whitby Free Press immediatety whènf item i! sold so that.we may detete itf from the foiiowing issues. Alil ads not fitting the Em-p,.riurn guidetines wiit be treated anc charged per week as regutar cîassified ads on a pro pai 'd basi' such as: services, hetp wanted, ciofhing, reat estate, and persona messagJe type ads, or ads not quofing price or quanfity: P'rivafi ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. swi Oavy pick 1, 7e the id 1 179 300. 79 A vith Ival Ight rIth mer les Ing 30, 79 ith 10 79. 2 i75 79 10 Çs. 't. ,4 79. it y * Ic H F u LA 66d Frd OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS'IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CRIS & Mattresa $25; matching'. change table with bath $20; Gendron 2 positon stroitorike new $20; 2 diopor pales $1 each. Phone 655-8084. Nov. 28, 79 BOY'S SKATES 1 Pair CCM, size 5 $3; 1 pair Daoust, sizo 5'h $10. Good condition. Phonoe6W.4065. Nov. 21, 79 OUEEN SIZE b9d with hoadboard, casiers $50. Phono 668-8534. Nov. 21, 79 2 BLACK WHITE TIV. $25 each. In go0d condition. Phone 668-5541 aiter Nov. 21,,71 TECHNICS SB.X1 speakers. 1 poir Excotient condition. 'Onty 4 monthE ->td $275 firrm; 6 watt guitar amplifier, Idoat for-bogininers. Hardiy usod $50; H1.0. train set. 1 yoar otd. 6 pce. train track, accassorios etc. $40 Cati668. 5180 afior 5 p.m. Nov. 21, 79 FRANKLIN firopiace $75. Cati 668. Nov. 21, 79 WASHER AND DRYER ln good workIng ordor, $200 or-besl offor; chIld'a swing sot wtth gtides, soaswa, stido and two swings ln now con- ilon $50; antique rockIng chair and 'natching armchair, beautIfutiy upholterod ln sitk brocade, eariy Canadiens, $400 or bosl 0f fer. 668- B Nov. 21, 79 ÃŽOVE Konmora Mark 2, white, mosl new $175. Cati 688-3260 Nov. 21. 79 IABY CARRIAGE 2 ln 1. $25. Phono Nov. 21, 79 EAVY DUTY TRAILER HITCH for Drd Van or pick up. $50o. Phono 668. IjNov. 7,79 ILARGE 3 SEATER Chosterfiod. RusI I velO with malching pattern chair. IExcellent -condition. $500 or best of. fer. Phono 725-9973. Nov. 7, 79 BOY'S 10' SPEED 13UCE Good con- ditlon $55; 1 pair size 5 Tack skates $10; 1 pair size 5 Langs skates. Usod 1 sooson $25. Phono 655-4495. Nov. 7, 79 40 SO. YARDS of white, shog cor- peting with undorpodding $250. Cati aller 5 p.m. 688-0127. Oct. 31, 79 AMERICAN baby carniage $50; Gar- man stroiter with boit suspension $40; baby crib $25; convertible baby carriageè'car bed $20. Phonoe6W3.1574. Nov. 14.,79 ELDEGAS bass guitar <etectric). Guitar case. Amplifier. Ait ln good' ,condition. Asking $375 for package. Cati 66".297 sitar 4 p. Nov. 14. 79 UNDERWOOD Manual office typowriter. Excellont condition. Greet. Christmas gift for the student $150. Phono 668-1076. Nov. 14,79 40 80. YARDS of white shag ca r. poting with underpaddîng. $250. Cati 1 CHESTERFIELP with malching chair. Dark blue cotour. Suitabto for roc. room or cottage $50. Phono 683 3764 aller 5:00p.m. or weoknds. Oct. 31, 79 BROWN NYLON BRgt;ADt choster- field & chair. Excetlent condition. $285. Phono 668-823. Oct. 24, 79 BEDROUM MET $150; baby crib $20; walker $2; bottie warmer $3; training bike $20; baby car b.d $5; pony waîker $10; room dividor $20; heavy duty f loor polîsher $5; etectrle kit. chen ctock $8; siender bonder $35; hydroili rower $40; steam Iron $10; 3- HR78-14 steel boited radial tires $30;- 1-XR78-14 $10. Caii 66&1847. Nov. 21, 79 Y'S Stock Panther Bauor.skates. l8.$20. Phono 668-1063. Nov. 114, 79 EtL TU REIEL Panasonic stereo, oe recorder. Use il atone or with ner amplifier. Ouantity of lapes & ch corda $175; Singer Zig zog vtng machine In Portable casa. ew condition $150. Phone 666-1690 er 6 p.m. Nov. 14.79 >lE'S wInter coat. Groan with zlp- llning. Size 36/38 $15; Man's win- c001 wilh zipped llning. Size 38140 iPhono 668-7595. Nov. 14,79 W4CAN PHYFE-dining table, drap L Noado rafinishîng. $100 or wili de for secrotarie's desk. Phono 61l51. Nov. 14,79 IIM INCeLIS stove. While, 30". $160; baby carniage, con tum mb o strotier or cor bed. $30; lwo tawn mowers, 1 eiectnlc, 1 gos $25 oach; 1 sofa $25; 1 telephane table $15. Phone 57o9.69 Oct. 24, 79 1 BROWN PERSIAN LAMD COAT with peari mink collor, sizo 18.20. Uko new, used only o few limas. Price $400 or beat of fer. Phone 668-4368. Oct. 24. 79 CRUSr-,ED VELVET coucn, grey, luxedc style. 5 years aid. $110. Phone 66&-1 0;zéif ter 6p.m. Oct. 17, 79 CCM BOYS IKE $5. Cai fter 6 p.m. 655-3282. Oct. 17, 79 ELECTROHOME console stereo wth AM-FM automatic record changer, 8. - tract recorder & payer, wanut . cabinet. Asklng $225. Cai 668-1148. Oct. 3, 79 2 VELVET SWIVEL ROCKEWPCHAIRS Fat base. Bearing swve. 1 red, 1 ust. As new. $150 each. hone 688. 6062. PLEASE REAW for Jfa r3 ho Id. r is ci s il e 4etri'c 98% of th it ust be easy_ SENSIBLE SNACKS NO LONGER FAD THROUGHOUT CANADA by Joan Fielden 1 Between.mealVeating is no longera fad. lt's a fact! Today most homemakers 'Plan shopping t0 include foods for that fourth or f ifth daiîy family meal. What some people tend f0 forget though is that foods eaten between meals have just as important an effeCt on your family's nutritional health as foods eaten at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Snack foods, if chosen carefuily s0 they are part of the day's eating plan, can contribute essential amout motn ntihs. To do this they must be chosen from the basic food groups like bread and cereals, fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products, meat, fish or poultry. The amounts of these foods' which may be sensibly eaten between meals will depend, of course, upon the total amounts f0 be eaten at other meals dur- ing the same day. The grand total of, aIl foods eaten shouîd be just enough to supply daîîy needs for nutrients and calories f0.' iet e e brta vraig vno urtoal It's wie o remember at oereuacti, eve ofnutrtinalîy pveuabe wfo odsany a aneupac dntceOvreatn an pisaes.the way tovematnnwantd usts ieiand panutrtional dietae n toeeting- aand tornev ananuoe- beweighae knotbemporanatrdsein Candaca's nu- bcer onehat poîm-ooaydies ndatro scTeosis. o peae ret ewenmlsak Thke ianexim!e youneparooe fo eat a bewe eealsnacmk, meaefrit o sensb!eoeloes.foongcis îe br-ed, chneesen-lk metjfutreeable s. Eatirg can baehatýlvn e funwIlplnnden Joan Fielden 18 an independent home economisi and is nutrition consultant 10 t/w Bakery Coun cil ot Canada. I 1~ Em poriuMI Y &AIR M A A'&%.JLààà A JLJUL7bj il i 1 ÂOI% - a a ý Ààr, V, A If in doubt, cati 668.6111 MAIL ADS TO:. FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P-0. Box 206, f/hitbY, LlN 5S1 1 1 1 . 1 1 m I I I i 4 I I I I bi -BABY GOODS Package demI. In. Icludes: Silver Cross carna&ge, stroier, 1011Y umper, todder seat, back carrier r&ker tounga chair & others. Ait In A. 1 condition. $200. ihone 668&3794. Sept. 26, 79 FOR SALE Purpe rug & drapes sutabto for rc. room. Asking $300 or bot offer for both. Phone6W6.1618. Sept. 26,79 CARDIGAN CORGI FOR SALE needs very affectionate home. Mae. 4 yeare old. Perfect for older couple. $50. Phono 6681372. Dec. 12. 79 FOR SALE Maie, il month- old pure bred Samoyed. Registered with papers $150. Phono 6681815. Nov. 28, 79' 3 COLLIE PUPPIES 6 weks od. $15 ach. Phono 688-4089. Nov. 28, 79 EýEU R- CKS 76 FORD 'h on Lik e new. 31,000 mies. One owner since new. With cap. $5,000. Phono 728-2714., Nov. 28, 79 NEW IN TOWN' LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR'YOD! 'tgi MOIS famcuîs Iset i n ftie Wcndro The streets are for tue people. Exercise your rights. Wallc a block a day.*

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