Whitby Free Press, 12 Dec 1979, p. 9

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The Chureh Speaks Christmas - the real thing By THE REV. ANTHONYMEAGHER St. Johin the Evangelist. R.C. Church "The Bottom Uàne" is a phrase which has crept into our vocabulary from the world of finance. Its general accep- tance hi express the concept of that whicb is most impor- tant, or tbe final outcome, reflects a value judgement as to what men consider of true and ultimate value (possibly money). The Kodak people told us last year, at this time, that.we were rapidly approacbtng "Thriftmas". This year, Zellers has left an eternity of distance between its bottom line - "The good news of Christmas begins at Zellers" - and tbe true Good News of Christmas. Twenty-five hundred years ago, Ezekiel, a Jew, ideft- tified the longing of the human heart wben he looked for- ward to God's gift, the Messiab, who would take from our -bodies our "stony hearts" and give us "natural hearts". Our deepest hunianity longs, above everything else, to love and to be loved. Neither Zellers, nor Kodak, nor even Eatons stocks this gift - and down deep each of us knows it. Nine Hundred years later, St. Augustine, reflecting on his Fanily ailowances up Healtb and We1Yare Mimister David Crombie today announced that there will be full escalation of Family Mllowancesifor 1980. The Family Allowanqes Act provides for annual rise ti paYments in January of eacb year- to correspond with increases in the cost of living. Effective January, the Family Ailowances paid monthly for children under age 18 will rise to $21.80 from $20.00 in most provinces and in the territories. In ad- dition, the refundable Child Tax Credit program will provide up to- $218.00 per child per year based on family income. The amount and méthod of payment of Family Allowances varies in two provinces. Under -a frovision of the Familv_ Allowances Act, a provincial governument rnay ask the federal governument to vary the rates payable according, to the age or number of children in a family, or both, providing the payments average $21.80. Aberta and Quebec chose this option. Special Ailowanc es, which are paid to foster parents, welfare agencies, gover- riment departments and in- stitutions maintaining children, will increase to $30.51 from $27.99. During 1979 the federal goverriment paid out more than $140 million each month in Family Allowances for 6.9 million children in 3.6 million families. The national average allowance for each recipient family was about $39 monthly. air- Rib Tomorrow, morning you may be better off to Tomnorrow could, be a critical day in yoir emotional* cycle and you co-uld be subject to accidents, poor judgement or just an al around "off" day. 1.n that case, you,should stay away from difficult situations and important decisions and be more careful than you would normally durîng the course of that day IS UT POSSIBLE TO FORECAST WHAT KIND 0F DAY YOU WILL HAVE TOMORROW? Your personal biorhythm computerîzed calendar chart can teilyou in'advance what the state cf your physîcal. intellectual and emotional cycles wîll be LEAD A HAPPIER, FULL ER LIFE THROUGH BIORHYTHM Biorhythm helps you have a better understanding cf yourselt becaUse it'lets you know ahead cf' time what yotur strong and weak cycles are. when they wîll occuir and yotî can easîly use thîs advance know1ldqe te your advantage. Typical biorhythm chart. WHITBY E early 111e of selfish indulgence, penned, ini joy and thanksgiving, the words "Our hearts are restless, 0 Lord, until tbey rest in Thee. " Augustine looked back and Ezekiel looked forward to a gift given for ail men - God's gift of Himself, God's gift of sharing lits 111e whicb is love. In 1978, a child said to me that if he had hurt bis mother and made ber cry, be would want to go to ber and say "' sorryl1" "But", he said, "that would flot be enough." To be at peace, he would want to heàr her say "I forgive you" and to feel ber arms encircle him. The first Christmas, the In- carnation, was the fulfiirnent of Ezekiel's longing and of Augustine's restlessness. That first Holy Night in Bethlehem in the city 0f David, God began to put,,Its arins around the world, and to say to mankind, througb the voice of lits son, "I love you and I forgive you. " lis arms stil en- circle the world, and lis voice, the voice of Jesus, still says "I love you and I forgive you.".It is feit to us in the Advents of our life to say "I arn sorry" and to admit "I need You." Because Jesus is the Word of God, is promise "I will be with you always, yes, even to the end of, time." is kept today, as it wii be in the tomorrows of our Èive, and tbe tomnorrows of our world. He does, today, speak to our very STAY INBE-D!l BIORHYTHM A RECOGNIZED SCIENCE- Bî'rth signais the start cf human biologîcal lite and its three cycles (physical, intellectual and emotional) whîch wîll continue throughout your lite Today. science tells us that through the use cf a computerized mo'nthly biorhythm chart., we can stayý away f rom tinancial problenis. accidents, anguish and discouragement. Many large airlines make extensive use cf bîorhythm te better determine their pilots' critical days and thus ensure evèn greâter safety in the air Many insurance co mpanies recognize -the importance cf bîorhythm as a very important tactor in the preVention and reduction et accidents. VYOUR OWN PERSONAL BIORHYTHM CHART Luctor Management Ltd. offers you the opportunîty- to get your own chart at a low prîce se that you can etfectiveiy plan your social and professional activit ies ahead et tîme for more success and-happîness. DON'T DELAY Give yourself thîs important PLUS in li fe. Ail we need to k 'now is your dat *e of birth, Our exnerts wilI supply you with your own personal computerized monthly biorhythm chart, complete with instructions anîd revealing data This confidential and vital informiation package about your biorhythm cycle wîll enahie you to ead a tuiler and happipr lite hy puttinqj ail the chances on your Sîde r-1 yoLr everyday lite IF YOU THINK THIS IS JUST ANOTHER GIMMICK and YOU WOuLJd lîke te rec.eive more information hefore placing your order, we answers te aIl your questions Send $2 OO and check Bohr on the 1 Enclosed S$14.95 for my own personal computerized monthly biorhythm chart for 6 months e e S e * * -sneedo moeybic. \1paue abeauty of a Xl HOLIDAYSEASON, Looking pretty for the holiday season ahead is a must! Allow us the pleasure of' seeing you look great! GUIDA DING 10, Byron St. S. Wtiitby INSTITT! 0F EAUT 6688-3621 or 668-6031 .' INSITUE O O U o Name - Address City Date of Bîrth - ___Postal Code _____ C heq ue or rnre or der <>hliy No rCas~h IVa i iq . ,rl ha uni 11<4 t Iu<1(l L--IEBroChuire YPS r1ntr7l lltrdn ju )rIItf'?'d Iinih y riylrîîC ,în ht itiId ilke t10 receuve youjr brOc hujre hkff(rf- pia ýrl] lily orneér E ri"c Snipie(1 '!irul S;> 00 tle ( over the c ost of the brochure Se~nd ttits ctonr L - - - ---------------- - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- J p. w. Luctor Management Lîmnited P.O. Box 4399 Ottawa, Ontarîo KiS 5B4 FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1979, PAGE 9 ears, through lis living Word. In the Sacrament of Recon- ciliation, today, lis voice says '«I love you and I forgive you." His Humanity and lits Divinity, today, touch and strengthen us under the appearance of bread and wtne, as its sacrifice of love is made present on the table that is an altar. And his presence can be met i our neighbour. The Nativity and the Incarnation'are God's gift today, as they have been for 2000 years. For this reason, each Christmas of our life should be filed with freshness and mystery. "Peace, tbrough integrity", says the Prophet Baruch. Peace, through God's personal gift of Himself to me and to ail men this Christmas of 1979. May God be with you, and may you experience, tbis Christmas, the only authentic "Good News"; namely, that God is in love with you. Your truly valuable.gift this Christmas is God's gift of Himself to you. May you be prepared, through your prayer of Advent, hi receive, Hlm and to make'Hlm welcome in the Bethlehem of your life and in the manager of your heart of bearts. P.S. Have a Merry Christmas, and don't'settie for less than the real thing. Despite tbe advertising, it isn't Coca Cola. Mi ýfifh Yràar

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