Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1979, p. 10

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s i PAGE 10. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 28. 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Negotiations between the Ontario governient and the federal goverrument have led to an agreement on thefate of Loto Canada. tJnder'the new agreement ratlfled t" fallo pté o r t fro mthe federa governmen t wlll wltlidra'w from the sale of lo 1t. Q u e n 's P a r that Ontarils shtare of the profits from the new lotterywfil ueen Parkbe approxlmately $20 million next yoar. Th ucessor to Loto Canada ( a new name for the Lot- By GEORGE ASIlE, MPP, tery la yetoh be chosen» and'the Provincial lottery are (PCDURM WET operated under the auspices of the In terprovincial Lttry Tôprain Th--rfteae î,bylwd"ictdt n health care Beginning ln January, there wll be -four goverfment- owned and operated lotterles in t" province, two run by the Ontario Lottery Corporation and two run under the auspices of the, Interprovinclal Loîtter. Corporation. in whlch Ontario Io a partner. m Wlth these criterla ln mid, it lia been decided to dedicate $100) million from tue successor to Loto Canada to supplement tue cost of prevlously planned hospital con. struction. This dedication wlll of course be hi tue Minutry of Healtli, and la one tisat reaffirms'our government's top prlorlty commitmnent to healtu cam. I want to'assure you, howevea-, of tue goveanment's firm pollcy againit suppor- ting essential social services from lottery proceeds. Whlle these dollars may ha used to supplement tue existlng healtu budget, Ontarilo wil not gamble wltu healtu cam funding. Piroceeds frdm tue Provincial lottery are used for grants for healtu research in areas sucli asnutrition and aging and -re1atedenvlronmental pro)jecta. Last year, a pproximately *11,340,000 hi grants was committed tliroù0gh e Ministries of Healtu, Labour, Envla-onment, Agriculture & Foodt,Mad Natural Resources. Botu Wintaa-io and tue' newer Lottarlo which came into existencein November 1978, are operated by tue Ontaro, Lottery Corporation. and adm1nistèred by tue Ministry of Cultureand Recreation. Profits from tuese lotterles have always and continue to ha *dedlcated, by law, the supr of communlty and recreational matters.esupr Wlitarlo, Ontario's fia-st government lottery, la played by 85.9%ý of *Ontario' familles. Last year, approximately *72,Q,000,0in grants was distributed by tue Ministry of Culture and Recreation to non-profit--cominijty based groupe, and municipalities. Non-capital grànts for' usch things as sports equîpment and travel to special events, and capital grants used for tue construction and renovation of facilities sucis as arenas, are committed to five basic areas: arts support, sports and fitness, public libraries, mnulticultural activities and iseritage conservation tha-ougisout tue province. EE CHEQUES GROW The ýCanadian Bankeri Association says Canadians are avid cheque writers turning out about 60 a year for every man. .woman and I g '..TO FIT YOUR'BUDGET! 1976 MAVERICK 4-DR. Chocolate brown withbeige & brown interior, 6 cylinder, PIS, W/W, W/C, radio. Lic. LNK 277 $3595 x 7 ENLARG>EMEI WITH EVERY ROLIO0F KODACOLOUR. OR FUJICOLO.1 NEGATIVE FILM (110, 126 & 135 mm sies oaly), ROUGHT UN FOR PROCESSINO & PRINTINO LUSTRE- LUXE FINISH OFFER APPLIES NdOV 12th'to NOV 30 6 7~OL 131 BROCK sTREET NORTN, WNITSY Mon.- Wed 9 arn - 6 pli, Thtirs. Fri. 9 ain - 8pm, ýSoat -O arn - 5-pin. 1974 COM ET Chocolate brown with beige interior, 6 cyli nder auto, radio, def roster, W/W, LeH KW 556 $2995 1976 DATSUN F10 Goid, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, radio, W/W, W/c. Lic. LMB 359 $3495 1977 BOBCAT ,3«DR Runnabout Po6wder blue with dark blue accent, dark blue Interlor, 4 cyl., auto., defroster, W/W, W/C, radio. Lic. LMW 219 $2995 ~' N .9 NJCO coNr't) PROM PC, 9 The MJIand the G.himuhad An agreemeunt about cer. tain bWUidngs; ÜY Ot eW W»Adue o h future, 'lr.ce WM teorwus on Omclty; no deece 1could b. «tabilaoiuwl*Mn 1h. City à louhbefore it waa declar.d anoq» city Uwr, hé u bsa»oi oubn.[hn t I cty wM = ~ul.fronMaIy 19MtmUl 14. nO weit PSnm uml tom h i t msa» wb heh fou whid muwilot#W#iU0» wal«,=l &igth river whMreh. couldOhueVe th*eGea ,, aMd Us.,. h. atyed for th lb.lht, twh.onygat~obe. Hie coMpénlon, lài1.ms, mww sc b nsot Otib. advanclng thW>pand b oi smm à; &ly wuadm o he i Arno RAyerl Tw . Ois gd 0< Oermalli Md oeWOdver tihe bridgand had blwn a*0 lii.brig e& Mredm Canadians had arrived. Tn».G«mm ruoeggmzed hie 'sortisof the clty but whe n lro bUaUoeW arved of Canadà iastey left. So our frlend Who had been wfhh a boeb dispoeaXa demolition unlit An Norths Alfricln 19Q for tbat tAme wl theii fia-st army and lui southern France, thmon , tho egi GernyM and Holland UnWt te war was c>ver. Another 'frange incident'amnoeg uany wu Ssoietisig whlch liappened th i motiier. In 13M le liad takten a point brUSl fulI Of blood red paint and on tihe baseMaent Wall li hi, home lielias written, bis initais andl Sept. 15, 19«4. No one paid any attention to it, boylsh prank or a funi thing. His parents at one time were notifed that lie was miasing in action, believed to'be P.O.W. In Auguat 1944, bis mother got up every niglit and wandered about; sleep walking. Slie went to her doctor who was. unable to help her and she couldn't understandwliat was happening te lier. on Sep- tember 12,1944 she got up in tlie niglit and went down to tlie basemient; lierý husband followed and asked lier wliat she was doing. She said, "* I bave found it" as she lookedat tihe red paint on thse wall. Sise discussed tisis with lier husband and thse sleep walki'ng'stopped and on September 15, 1944 word came that tiseir son was safe! Strange? Not really. Tisese things do happen and nowadlays are being documen-, ted. So we shail iear more Of tisis man at a later date. In the, meantimne we must have pride in oua- country and pride in Our past. 1t's to men like this Who have kept oua- country, free tisat we tliank and. now do oua- part in epginta 'w a y .k e p g l u h a 'uoery pronits to be used'for ýeNiÙM'eThempost 21,4. DÏu St. I.' Whby. N'm.": Mon. -Su aEê Iup By Appointnunt Oniyj 5 MIT )UR m ACanadian h~IW2 Italy

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