Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1979, p. 7

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<-'WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14,,1979. PAGE 7 2,206 'Vistaifi rat eight mont h of '79.. Victorian Order of Nurses- ar mmore demand than ever FLEA MARRET An Indoor lea Market Ill ib. Opeuin on Novemboe the Brooklin Commun1tý Centre 09 asl Rd. E. Il operate,èvery.Sunday.from 10:00;a m.-4:oo p.m.,wit exception of-Deceinber 16 (Olde Tyme rlistmas).'l wlUb. ýa ide selection of goods both new and used. tc every teste. Thus,-la fun way tq shop for thôse special or uni Christmas glfts. Chpose from among antiques, local:cý or quality goods atwholesae prices. Piîck up some V4 clotinig ,forý the children orakickak for you .ýCorne and brlng the whole faMilyý Refreshments wi, available. Vendors wlshing Io reserve space may cail 655-367 655-3446.' SHINNEYHOCKEY The Gordie Howe types are 'playin g Shinney Ho4 Thursday afternoons (2: 00 p.m. - 5: 0O'.m.) ýat the Broc Memorial Arena. Tue rules of shinney hockey are simple., a) skates stick b) teams - pickup c) periods lest as long as the wix the, players d) scoring counts when puckbits either g post (no goalie). Brooklin Business Association members. are urgec duat off those skates, buy a stick at the hardware, and h some fun playlng pfickup Shinney Hockey Thursday, p.m. Local- groupe are urged- to keep me advised of y meeting nights and times, to advertise in the Bylines. Any special meetings or speakers'vwould be of interes the community. Please feel free to cail enytime with items you wisi eppear in the$yllnes column.-Remnember, this is your ni section. Susan Smlth 655.3932Z Brown's. Foodmaster (before noon Saturduy) Ostomy.meetin Tue Oshawa and District Ostomy Association are holding_ their next meeting Wedns&y,, November 21 i room 1002 - F. at the. Oshawa Geeral, Hospital, at 7:45 p.- Mrs. 'Marsha Parrott a pharmaçieit-at, the Oshawa Clcwlll diecuss certain druge being used. and, their results effects. and, possible sig Ail ostometes, famnilit medicel people,, soc! workers, are welcome. For more information cà Betty Allen 72"4126, Louî Anderson 728-1869, anytlmt 1Refreshments wiil hé se ved. during social periq foilowing meeting. Each year, more and 25 in more residents 'of* the [t- willl Durham' Region use the. ser- th.tii vices of the. Victorlan Order ree of Nurses. o suit' Elizabeth Shanti, nurse- ln-charge for the. V.O.N, usual says that a major réason for .rafts the yearlyicrease 18 'that Varm more -patients are céoming rself,' home sooner from hospitals. Il 4A "Adecede ago, a patient may have - stayed in the 79 or hdopital for as long as three weeks 1,to recov rfrma orton"says Miss Shan- tz. 4"Today, the same paient ckey may leave thehospital after kfin only five dys 0f recovery." The purpose of the Vic- and torianOrder of N urses is to id of provide iRursing,*care at, os home on a visit basis. Miss Shantz says the V.O.N. wii d to notý refuse patients the ser- ave e beciause of, an inability 2:00 tâ pay. She says the fées are negotiable -and, thet more >than half.of the patients 'use government. assistancé to your pay for the nursing services. United Way funds areused St to to subsidize. There is a total of 25 full- I to time and part-time nurses in ews the' Durhami branch of ,-the V.O.N.'Ail are registered, nurses and modre- than- half have .preparation in public heel "th in -the 'form of a- diploma or degree.' Miss Shantz* worked* for. the. V.O.N., in Lindsay ýand York County (Rithmond coming to Oshawa in 1969 and she says most of the. nurses are well accepted.1 A "A visit'ng nurse is a Swelcorne' guest in' the household," she saye. An individualvisit 'an lest ýd- anywhere from 20 minutes t. two hours with the VON. nurse performing such ies, duties a 1s giving inesulin .il shots,. changing stenile, dressiigs and giving tub and sponge baths. No houeework le isinvolved.. e.- -Some nurss Work at the Cheshire Home for* the' phsclydisabled on Slm- coe Street in Oshawa and the V.O.N. nurses, wltravel -anywhere i -the, Reglon of Durham on the referral of t'Ih. patient huiseif or her- Iself, 'a neighbor, a ,famlly member or - a doctor. A physiclan le always con- *sulted if a special ,medical procedure Wl e .followed. ýWhitbY and. Oshawa- each ,.,had separate units of the VO.N.uniHl964. From Januraryt. Augugt of this year, V.ON., nurses made 8,559 visite in, Oshawa aLdn 2,206 in Whitby. And bcuethe .population -0f thé. Durham Region le con- tinually, increasing, ,'Miss Shantz says there are more poeple who Winl potentially need the service. "People are living longer," she'says, l'and I- home.nursing tare makes it psible for elderly people foi exemnple, t. sta7r in their own homes loûiger." <Tii. Victorian Order of Nurses le a member agency of the United Way and, is funded in part by the -Oshawa-Whitby United SOMETHUNG BLUE' Sat 1., ový JUBILE< 4% PAVILlONM w LAKEVIEW PARK, OSHA WA DeANCING 9 P.M'.-1 A.M. REFRESMPTSAVAJ LABLE, .~AdvanceTicket e sand'Reservations "7e-223oý-72848429 Admission 3OPto ,.%Le xÊt à 3.OOàlPe MW y v v v v v v v v M'r. Airs Tune-up Spéciil FREEIlLB Mhon pou purchase jur Fail Tunooa rom2 95 Mr.Air Aluminum STORM DOOI Keep. out -the elemî Sturdy construction Tempered' Safety gl and summer screen. Whft., .$1 2OM approxmontoly $15o ents. with lasso MITCHELL BROTHERS BROOKUN 655-4991 M TAKE'NOTICE T 1HAT a Public Meeting'0f The -Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wîil be held at THE ROYAL -CANADIAN L EGION, 217 MURRAY -STREET, PETER- BOROUGH, ONTARIO, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1979, atthe hourof9:OOo'clockin the forenoon, at which time the Board will hear 'applications for new licences in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act, 1975 and Regulations thereunder. The following establishment has applied for a licence of the class indicated, and the application will be entertained at the afore- mentioned location and time. -.A. Scala -The Old Hatch House Restaurant 3 01, Byron Street South, -Whitby Dining Lounge Licence Appicant: Antonjo's Cusmic Restaurants Inc. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident in the municipaîity and who wishes to make representation relative to' the application, 'shall make their submission to the Boardin writing prior to the date of the hearîng, or in person at the time and place of the hearing, (copies of written *submissions wilI be forwarded ta the applicant). Executive Director.' Lîquor Licence Board of Ontario, 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, Toronto, Ontario. M5E IA4. MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL- RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, 1975 -8 cyl.* parts not Includeci 95 Nelso Ste Oshom 571 -0048 Open oturcays pu mmum

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