Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1979, p. 21

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'ery iun, FMDOINGWELL' Toronto electronle Musice*trio P'M 18 dolng vi well in- the United'Statei with their second albù "Surèveillance.. The album, ywhich ias bèeen out several weeks stateside, has been held UIpfOo ve month hi' Canada due to FM's Canadian distribui f belng placed irecelvershlp., However, after soï lightnling negotiations, FM's' US !label (Passpoi lias, found anew Canadian« distributor and news this new dealwill be forthconilngsot. CITY BÈOY Cocert.Productions Internationa hral t long awaited return'to Toronto of England's Ci Boy who willbe appearing at the1 Daîiforth Mmi Hall on Nýovemnber 15,1979 at 7:00 pâ. >City. Boy's 'first Toronto a ppearance was, cellent, serving as oPe nlng'act for- BeBop DeIwx And it, was amply, obvious frorn the audieni response that thls semùi-known opening,',act,, hi struck a' ngrve $ith Toronto rock fans. Wlt poise , ry~approach- to mse iyB specializes in finessd usuÙaloutiets. THE POLICE, A&Mrecordig starts TePlce play Toro .nt( Music Hall Theaýtre, November 16 (2 shows, 7:Sfl Since the release of their auspicious debut aibu Outiandos D'Aniour, The Police have been heraldq as the Vaiguard <f the "NewMsi" Their i released follow-up RtegattaDeBacshpigG iCanada, has firmiy establis hed the British trioi Top^10 charýt contenders wvorld-wlde. The Police, are Stlng',(baus),,Stewart Cop elain (drums) and'AndyýSummners (guitar). PETTY & POOS Concert Productions International lias announce that November 18, 1979 will mark an occasionc many social calendars because, Tom Petty & th Heartbreakers: will be making their long awaite Toronto debut at the Seneca College Gymtnasiui with special guests'from England Thê lFabulou -Poodles. Showtime 188:00 p.m. usual outlets.' .JAPAN Hansa Recording artists Japan will make their first ever live Canadian appearance at Toronto's Ryerson Theatre on Saturday, November 24th. .The band will be flyinginto Toronto for the sole purpose of playing this show. .The band lias juat finishied recording their third album entitled "'Quiet Lufe". Quality Records oif Canada will bu releasing the L.P. in mid-Novernber and Canada will bu the first market in the world to bave the record. Japan's last two albums, "Obscure Alternatives" and "Adolescent Sex ", b oth did'well i Canada as did- the twelve hidi Giorgio Moroder produced"Iàfe inTýokyo" single. FREÊ TICKETS -Playing until November 17, the Danny Groasman Dance Company will performn an excitig 40 minute seleetion of modern dance pieces from their reper- toire at Solar Stage daily Tues to Sat. Times 12:12 The ,program wlll include Couples Suite -a delightful dànoe on toucli and'movement; National Spirit - an hilarlous parody on patriotism; Curious Sehools of Ibeatrical Dancing:, Part 1 a sensitive exploration of the performer's world; and Higher - a -demandig viruoso acrobatie duet, whlch bas beçome the company's signature piece. 1The Danny iGrossman Dance Company 18 tde flrst in a series of tdrS special dance programs to be presented. at Solar Stage Lunebtime Theatre this season. Entitled Lunci-dance, the series will give. mldday'audiences a unique opportumity toý ex- perience three of Toronto's internationally ac-- claimed modern dance companies. The series will àaso 'include pérformances- by Dancemiakers this winter and in the spring Toronto Dance Theatre. Tuesday to Friday 12:12 & 1: 11, Sat. 1: 33. Some free tickets are available-by calling Mike Burgess at* 668-6111 whlle supplies last. Please only eal if you'll use them. WHJITBY FREE PRESS ýWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1979, PAGE 21f Chri-stmas seal Campa.igun, under wa.y to s avel iïv.es for one i, every -* >four. r a Canadians. ..some 5.8imillion itor peple...suffer from lWIgnt me abnormhalitles aeeordig- to r) Durham,. -Region Luiig iOf , Association as it moves into RÉ's.'1979 '-Christmas'.Seal *campaign. These abnormalities are due to -asthma, chronic »bronchitis,, emphysema and' the' occupationýal. dust diseases:. ity sucli» as. asbestosis. In- Sie dustrial and,..domestie air pollution. aggravates the ex- situation. This yeWar'anual Ke. appeal, began officiaily on ice November 1 with the. mail*ig of Christmnas* Seals* ,.a, to .some 7,Ã",000,0Canadianý OY homes. > In, _DurhamRÈegio,the _"178 --eampaign, ,raised $81,000, and the local associations stated ýobjective is. to, raise at Ieast*8,0 ~ thisyear. < Lung. disease extracts a staggering, sum' from, the un Canadian economy. The cost led -of hospital treatment alone àt- is estimatedat, more than eld . $400 millldn annually. as > » Payments 'to ý,physicians, the cost <ifdrugs aînd other id related charges a re estimated to totàl another- $100 million. To this must ho ,added..the cossof - <timé lost fromý sehoolý and work, and the inestimable price in human ed suffering. clsaear àe. the greatest 'cause oif absen- Dd tecism of any health hazard, rn and- the cause of more than ls 19,000 deaths in Canada are emphysema and chronic bronchitis, with- cigarette smoking reasponsible for 7 per cent of these.cases. New, data abso indicates Ut a79 Per centof all beavy 81mokers wlll develop lung cance. Since -1908e Chrjstmnýas_ Se" als rae .been ýused t o raise funds to support the research and comnmunity programs whlch hep vie- tima 0f lung disease. the annual 'campaign is the Sole- method of support for "Durham Region Lung Association, and al other Lung -Associations ars Canada. -MI KNUGHTS 0F COLUMI CAiBLE CHANNEL EVRYWEDNESID AT 6:00 P.M. UP O 375 NP LAST WEEK 'S WINNERS GRAND PRIZE.F. GARDNER,-Oshawa - M. WHITE, Oshawa M. *McGILL, Bowmanville E. WA LLIS, Whitby Mi. RZNIK, Osh'awa i-M. XABIER, shw Bin. o rds oolbea portécipating mirchmnts * 3 f or t$1,00 -(soc 6'ch) Bailey Pharmacy - 372 >Brock' St. S. tbafev Baskin Robbins - 372 Brock St. S. (Safewa Jury & Lèveil Drug Store - 317 Brock St. Kameka Footwear'-.Thickson Rd. S. (Whil Oshawa Meat Products & Delicatessen 1818 Dundas St. E. Shorty's Cigar Store - 121 Brock St. N. Shorty & Son ýBiIùi4rds - 130 Dundas St. N' WLhitbv Glass & Mirror'- 210 Brock St. >S. T owne F lowers, 601'Dundas St. W. Blair Park Varietv. Luoin flr Cou nty BoWI, 118 Byron St. N: BUS -0 IAY RIZES ýway Mail) ,av Mail) .S. itby Mail) ip -- Whitby Comm uny Binigo- Bigger & Better Starting Nov. l2th 2 - $10000.00 Jackpots in 50 Nou.sý 1750.00 Jackpots'Un 52 500.00 Un givon No.'s $10000 Conisolation, plus$1 000 per lUne, 20 - $20.11,1 Regular Games 2 - Early Birds 5 -Late Games 1i Share the wealth No Admission Charge - Free Bus Every Monday nlght 7:15 p.m. * MedensorePavillo'n (Corner Watér St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby> - Operated by: a Joyce* e Kiwanls Lic. No. 23552' " BILL DUEL* GREG CHARU< " JOHN McGEJE * SALLY CHAPPINS .e EVA MACKAY Select Representaives from these pipe band.. . City of Oshawa, 'GCeneral Motors, Peel Reglonal Police, Toronto District and Niagara &District Pipe bands. *Kinsmen 0 optimste (No chlidren under 18 admltd) -1 ommumb-doulb

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