WHITBY FREE PR ESS,V Comig Eents. W'EDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1979. PAGE 17 * HOCKEY SCHOoL FIMS M The Whltby Public lbrary la presentlng a, serles of films from the j Howie Meeker Hockey Sehool from Saturday, November 17 to Saturday, December 15 inclusive. The films wlll start et 3 p.m. and wlil cover a wlde area of hockey skills from, j skating drills, basic puck control, passing, goal ten- ding, scrlmages, .and ýevery thlng else that the young hockey player sbould ho awre of. Admission is -free and for more information oeil the in- formation desk at. the libraryat 668-6s4. THE BRARY PRESENTS Every Saturday noinng from 10:30 to 11:30 the llbrary will have lt's story hour for school age children. Tuesday afternoons at 4 p.m. -there will ho after- school miIni-movles in the library's 1auditori. Features to ho shown for the restof the month are: "The Selflsh Glant",, "Philllp and the White Cold", and' a Léaurel and Hardy classic "Lauaglng Gravy". The next Tuesday nlght film wlII ho on November 20 wlth a hIng of, "The Oshawa Kid", a documen- tary on the 111e and times of the- late Col. R.S."Sm McLaughlin.. The show wilI begin at 7 p.m. BAZAAR John's Aniglican. Chur- ch at the corner of Victoria and Brock Streets wifl hold' their annual "Snow Flakes Bazaar"o on Saturday, Novenihor 24 from il a.m. to 2 n.m. CHILDREN'S BOOK FESTIVWAL The Children's Book Festival wil ho held the week of Novenihor 17 to 24. The library wlll ho having book displays and film strips for children and there will h two special programs. >At 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Novenihor 22, Gordon Penrose, the creator of "Dr. Zed the Zany Scientlst" will ho at the library to entertain and thrll children with his crazy experieMents. Tickets for this program wlll ho available at the children's desk at the llbrary the week of Novem- hor 17. Admission is free. Mary Lisko - The Happy Cooker wlil h at the library on Saturday, November 24 at 2:30 p.m. Each child attending will ho given the ingredients and help requlred to make their own creative Christmas dishes, which they will h able to takehome. While admission is free, registration is necessary for this program. Registration should ho made at the children's desk. For more Information con- tact the ibrary at 668-6541. THE GALLIARD ENSEMBLE The Whitby library present the Gallard En- semble, a group of four, talented musicians whose medium is charnhor'music. They will appear in, con- cert on November 15 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $3 each and are available from the in- formation desk at the library. TOUCH AND LEA1UN In celebration of the "In- ternational Year of' the Child", the library In con- junction wltb the Lake On- tario Conservation Autbority have put together a program of nature exhibits for children. The show will ho held in the Preview Room of the library Novenihor 12 to 30 from 10: 30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday to Friday and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. The ibrary recommnenda that children under five years of âge ho acconi- panled by an aduit. provided by the Magie Miitral D.J. and there wil ho food, prizes, party favors and much more. For tickets cal:.* Marg at 668-9691; Tony at 668,6130; Annette at 668-661; Earl at 668-607 or Lynn at 668-66. CARDIAC REHABILITATION On Saturday, Novenihor 24, the Cardlac Rehabilitation Organization is holding a rummage and bake sale and flea market froni 10:30 a.m. te 4 p.m. at the Slrncoe Street United Church in Oshawa. Home baklng, articles of used dlean clothing, White Elèphant at any other items in good conditions would ho eppreciated. Ail proceeds of the event wiIl go towards the pur- chasing of equipment for the honefit of hotter health. For more information co,'n- tact Mrs. Preston at 728-9732 or drop off articles at the church by 9:30 a.m. on November 24. 4 p.m. at the church whichlis located on Manning Road, Whitby. There wiJI ho booths such as home baking, knltting and sewlng, novelties, white elephant, candy and more. MORNIG COFFE "Christmas with Pine Cones"$9Is a special feature of the Ajax-Pickering Christian Women's, Club morning coffee on ' Thur- sday, November 22 at the Annandale Golf and Country Club at Bayly and Church Streets. The guest speaker will h Bonnilee Ashley, national representative for Christian Women's Clubs and she wIl relate "How She Overcame Fear"', special music will h provlded by, Marguerite Pelman. .Ail ladies are invited to join the club for coffee at 9:30 a.m. Telephone. 683-5397 before Novemhor 20 for a reser- vation, or more information. Free child care. Ad- mission $2.