Whitby Free Press, 7 Nov 1979, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1979, PAGE 19 Wi*et and exeereis e for the nilnd and body The first of a iind is the new ciet and exercise centre that lias just copie to Pickering. The two 'belong together lu order to, sculpt a coniplete body that we can accept and be proud of. t This ta the main phllosophy of the originators of this business. Along with glving the people a more personal ap- proacli, Shona, Fitzgerald and Judi Kowalchuk have set out lu do just that. Eight out of every ten Canadians are trying to, lose weight or trlm down to achieve better fituess levels. Since exercise and diet are essential to other, Shona aud Judi joined forces lu, develop a plan to achieve "Fitness For Life" and that is wbat tliey named their new cen- tre. Four years ago, Judi Kowalchuk, loat 60 lbs. and since that tine lias devoted mucli of ler time and energy lu helping others lose weight and enjoy this society that is lutaily geared to thin people., Shona Fitzgerald, holdsaa degree in physical health and - education and psychology and believes strongly in the benefits of good nutrition and regular exercise. Sliç has spent the past three yesrs advlsing and designlug exercise programs to help people lmn- prove their own fitness levels. The diets are safe and nutritional, based on Canada's 'food guide, wlth a> wlde 1range 10f 'different means of cooking in order to add* variety. Informative lectures meant lu inspire and motivate the individual luwards reachlug bis or lier Creative fun for 1kids The Whitby Jaycettes present Creative Fun for Little Ones with Donna Harris at 7:30 p.m., Monday, November 19, 1979 at the Whltby Public Library Auditorium. Refreshments will be served. Admission: $1.00 per person. Mrs. Harris, wiII give a talk about. the stages of creative development in chidren and wil have pain- ts, musical instrumentsand books on sale following lier talk. This is a great oppor- tunity to acquire Chritinas gifté for the little people in yourlilfe. ickets are available at the door or cail Mrs. Cece Wagar 668-1612. Industrial Contacts The Ontario Ministry of Industry and Tourism indus- trial officers located in 1 5 field offices across the prov- ince made 1 7,953 contacts with inidustry last year as welI as 944 contacts with municipalities regarding in- dustrial -develoPment 1assis- tance, reports the ministry's annual review. gasare given weekly along with private weigh-ins. "Our Instructors have ot weight and suffered the miserles of being obese; therfore, they can relate to their members. Fad dieting ta not encouraged but replaced witli nutritional in- formation," a spokesman for the centre says. Learning how te liandie oue's owu body is the -main factor that they stress at this Point. Shona and Jucli are both against long term cou- tracts. of large sums of money. Nor, do they like the use of expensive machines that people begin to reby on instead of their bodies. Exercise should be en- joyable and fun. Trim classes are just that. Toning and stretching exercises are doue to music and in a class with other in- dividuals ail sliaring the, saine commong factor-get- tiug into shape. For the per- son that can discipline hin- self, or herself at home to exercise, tliey offer a'.per- sonallzed fltness test and prograin designed just to work on trouble areas while luming the restof the body as weil. Durlng this test, the strain on the heart la noted as wel as measuring the over-al fat-content of the in- dividual's body. The cost for this service could cost as much as $»0 at an elite liealth club but their will glAdly set up an appoin- tment for you for only $35.00 Dieting can be done as best to suit each individuals needs and financial limits. There are regubar classes at a cost of $500 'for registration aud $3.75 weekby tliereafter. Or for a quicker weight loas and a more disciplined weight loss is a program of more strict food control in a smail group atmosphere with mrore inter-action among themselves. This is a six week course trying to teach dieters liow to cope with their everyday eating problems and become aware 0pf their own body image. For $40.oo they will receive thiscourse and a faster weight boss. There is abso,ý an option open lu the person wlshlng a one-on-one plan. This plan ta desigued speclflcaily for the one who needa extra weigh-ins throughout the course'of a week aud private coun-- sebbing to deliver en- couragement and maximum motivation. Naturaily, to maintain a weight-boss a good foilow-up program is a definite must. Judi feels anyone can bose weight and probably at some point did but to keep it off is -the real secret. She lias in- corporated a monthly meeting for maintain ers that wlll be fun and inter- sting too. There, wlb be a weiglimaud at sucli tixue if the m ember Is two pounds above bis or lier goal, they wil be charged a penalty fée of the 'regubar' diet class of $3.75 and must enrol then lu a diet prograi and have their excess loet by the next *month. The two aspects of their centre compliment each other best in a six week dieting c'ourse aud a eight week 'trim for $60.00o. Tis program ta meant te trimusud sIlim as best as possible in the least'amount of time. "Our main purpose," tsays Judi aud Shona," la to lielp people become aware of their bodies and if they are not happy witli theinselves, help them. to realize they can shape them luo wha t they what. Al 0f us are iuterested In resens wliy we became fat. But, let's remnember, that; even If we ciscover those reasons, the> ex- planation alone will neyer make us thin. Onbya good, nutritionaily balancéd diet and, a regular exercise. program can do tha." TOWN 0F'WHITBY <REQUIRES SENIOR CITIZENS: CO-ORDINATOR- Applications wiii be received ln writing by the undersigned until November 4th, 1979 for the position of Senior Citizens Co-ordinator, for the Town of Whitby, Parks and Recreation Department. THE JOB PrImary responsîbîîîtîes wiii be to organize and coordinate recreationai actIvItIles, craft programmes and special events for the Senior Citizens membership, reporting to the Deputy DIrector-of Parks and Recreation. The Co-ordinator wili assist In the management and administration of the Centre. QUALIFICATIONS Social Science training from a University, Community Coliege or equivaient qualifications. Work experience with Senior Citizens or ln the field of communlty organizations wouid be heipfui. Tactfuiness and the abiiity to innovate and communîcate wIii be of mandatory Importance. mm -il - M - W 1 LIN

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