PrAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Brooklin needs industrial land -as well, .Drum Joe Drumm came out fighting and hopping mad at last week's coundil meeting saying, that a developed ,Brooklin would flot be able to carry it's share of. the tax load despite an increase in the alloted industrial space. The east ward'councillor told council that Brooklin Would have to corne up wlth the equivalent of 15 Lasco Steel plants to meet the $24 million in industrial assesament that was forcast by planning consultants. "We should'be looking at one million square feet of in- >,dustrial," he said. "It bas got to be one million to make it break even."1 The original plan'called for 100,000 square feet of in- dustrial space with 30,000 of it ready by the end of the fir- st three years of the Project. Coun. Bob Attersley in- troduced a amendment that increased that, figureý to 250,000 square feet, 100,000 to, be ready at the end of the three, year time period. An additional 20,000 square feet is to be ready at the end of the remainmg seven years of the ten year' staged growth proposai. Under the plan,> there will be two inidustrial parks, one is to be located south of Win- chester Road and the other, east of Thickson Road. Development along Bald- win Street, , the hamlet's business section is also ex- pected to boost'assessment. "That $24» million represent 130 per cent of the total indus trial assessment in the whole .town 0f Whit- by," Drummý said. "There 's no way there is enough land to put that on. " "Getting- $24 million means putting liu-about -15 Lasco Steels, or 34 DuPonts, or. 38, Sklar -Furniture; that's what we're . taling, about."ý Othier members of council gave Drumm.- littile support with bis proposai.' joe Bugelli, the councilor. for west ward, said that the 250,000 square feet -as Atter- sley, proposed - makes' assessment more- equitable and that încreased building in the southeru parts of town wil "change the ra tios, and relationships Coun. Drutm is refering to"l by the tme the projeet begins. $100 Dial»668-1331 and hear a three - minuteinspirational mes sage éby Pastor Emmno Oltmonni ofthe Emmnanuelchu'rch at 40.1,Rossland .Ro adW. i.n Whitby winner Mr. Ben Brackenb ury of 407 Cobourne Street West, Wbitby is the1 winnà er of the Whitby Historical Society's Draw. The draw took place on October 23. at, Lynde House ,and Bra#ckenbury was the luckey N4nnerbf a $100 bill. ji BORDTHE, WINNERS'EXPRESS: ýON RDO !t 7 nice to -have abig brother The Big Brothers Association volunteers spend severalI hours each week with fatherlesas boys helping them develop into good citizens through utilizing skills, time and frieindship.: Above Big Brother Bob Joues gets a'helping hand from Henry Hodgson (9 years old).' The Big Brothers Association is one of 29 local agencies assisted by the Oshawa-Whitby United Way. COUNTiRl c o DENTURE THERAPY CINIC HARWOOD PLACE MAL 683.6074 Wmdow shot out DAILY GUVEAWA Y' WITH A'GRAND PRIZE *0 o ATRIP TO THE I-AHAMAS GOO0D COUNTRY MUSIC Return the attached coupon to: 97 McMaster Avenue, Ajax LOS 2E6 If you aren flt a member of CHOO Country Club, join now NAM E i ADDR ESSVo ur Favourîte Country Art POSTAL CODE 3. PHONE U RTHDAV PROUD TO B E PART 0F YOUR Co by MAKES THE DIFFERENCE 1it iNITV' WE OFFER TOP QUALITY FILM PROCESSING AT COMPETITIVE PRICES - AND THAT'S VALUE! M.*B.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY 668-6111 Mon - Wed 9 amn - 6 pi. Thurs, Fr1, 9 am--Snrn. ýSot 10am -Snm. local boys Construction seemed to be made more dangerous last week. Durham Regfional Police report that last Thursdy two windows were shot out of a front end loader belonging to Jaboni Bros. Excavation of Toronto. The. weapon used wua BB gun and the incident oc- cured on Przgle Drive. Police reported that three maie .juveniles were ap- prehended and at preet timne no formai charge bas been laid althouth the Y'outh bureau will bu loking hnto the matter. There were no njudisin 9m pe Cwii DO