Bus ten ders aked o By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff Whilesome councllors-maynot-have changed- their min-, ds, buises,,wiII again be.Up for.discussion, this time during the budg et deliberations.> According to Mayor Gim Gartshore, the only place to talk about thebuses is during budget talks. "It's the fily time to talk about it inteligently," hesaid. A few weeks_ ago, .Gartshore. cast the tie breaking vote that killed the latest staff proposai for. abussstmin- Whitby. Gartshore sadfiat omne councillors lhad approached him and asked that the townreceive tenders on the costof a' bus servjice. The tendersa were <elledfor lkst week.ý "Tbeywould like toý discuss it with the fact.s ini front of themp," he said. Gartshore said that the, request for costs could have been donie un6fficiaily through estimiates, but that there ,was no reason not to dot officially.' Gartshore said that, the tenderswould-give an indication of the exact cost. He also said thathe is in support of discussing the matter> at buidget time. 'Tomry mind, it's the proper place to look at it," he said adding that council could weigh the cost of a bus system against the total cost for everything in the 1980 budget. "It is theonly'place it should be discussed, " he said. The idea behind asking for the tenders, he said was sim- ply to >get' some confîrmed costs and was .flot a sign of anyone changing their position. "I don't think aânyone has changed bis mind, " Gartshore said. But there are probably some people in Wbitby wbo wish tbey would. Be safe this Halloween For trick-or-treators this Halloween, the word from the Durham Regional Police is safety. Constable Tom Holmneg, the head of the safety bureau, is asking driversie be extra cautious bet- ween 5 and 10 p.m. tonight. <'We would like motorists to use extra care, in other words, expect the unexpected at ail times," Holmes says. If children are wearing masks on their travels, the eyes sbould bu large "4so the cbild hb a good view of what is going on. " 1Although they would like to wear'something clark and scary, Hoinues advises parents to dress their children in sometbiiug light, preferably white so that they can be seen by oncomlng motoristý., Children should also travel ini pairs, neyer alone. Holmes also urges that children go Up one side of the street, ýcroes at the intersection and proceed clown the other sîde. "Don't criss-cross the street," be says., Holmes final word of advioe 18 to have the children do their trick-or4roeating in their own neighbourhood visiting people they know. S Have fun and be rat e this Halloween. Handi-Transit is now-mobi e [n VWhitby, Lasf Tiiesday the Whitby Rotary Club presented the van to Handi-Tr'ansit and.Mayor Jlm Gartshore. The service wbich'bas operated in Osh awa for the last four years is expanWdnginto other areas.o0f Durbam Jiegion. The van' will. be used to provide transportation for the handlcappedpeople of Whitby. ýShown lier iê-"th theé van are Jim McEwen, director and Joe, 1Franissen, charman of the Handi-Transit board of dfrectors with Whitby Mayor Jizn Gartshore. Until 2,400 unit,.s* are.reacbhed, Dvpentmy-be frozen The ,.development 'Of B.rookia could be frozen for up té -four years, if a- staff. recommendatio.n 18 .,accep- ted by coundil. At last week's coundil meeting, west ward coun- cillor Joe ýBugeii mtroduced a staff report that oeils for the land in the'Bropklin development etivelope i to rezoned, temporarily,' aicultural ta, prevent any premature development. >Coundilgave tfial ap- proval ta the growth of Brooklin but made it con- ditional, however, on 'the.. growth of the town south of Rowsland Road. A- flrpoton thé prooa i s'exqpected witbl thre weeks' ibm planning ^Bugelli saîd the romasso beWMthépgrepuwas past experkmae With *,other. «* AparetJy -thore have been cases where the developer juznped the gun and the municipality was powerless to do anything about it, " he said. When Bugelli asked for the feasibility report he1 said that he could not understand the objections 0f, other members of coundil , notably Brooklin's !Bob Carson. "It is morally wrong to al of a sudden, in mid stream, even consider clown- zoning," Canson-said. "We have put ail kinds of restric- tions, wy i heaven's name is the staff saying down-zone now?PP Bugelli replied that dI cape"t.sam wby 'everybody 18s gettig so upset' about bîrinin in a rieport; 1IwoÈd: liketo sSa reportto sSeif it- joedtlfeS cmnof staff imembsWho brought it ta lIam sorry iftdûs motion basruffled auj feathers bât apparently the conern is based on past experience." Council was split on the issue until Mayor Jixn Gar- tsbore cast the deciding vote in favor of the report saying that he wanted ta see it witbin three weeks. Save your Xmas trash Enun asks Coun. Gerry Emm wants you ta save garbage at Christmas, for a few days at least. Emnu would like as nmy people as possble ta bhang onta, thefr Christnms refuge 50 that overworkod coilec- toms cam keep up with the rush. "I would Mke to appeal ta the citizen. ta hoid back for two, weokstbelp -in pr»luswlth collectin,"l the. cëbuiman ait the public wakîcocmmttooaid. "fanathemcoûld do il, it would certainly bu ap- preciated." "It would ailow our forces ta spend fewer hours doing it during the Cristmias season.J The recently approvod Cbrstmas garbage pick-up sedule states that there will bu no service from December 22 ta 25 and froma December 29 to asury 1. .Pick-up for tUme day. wlfl ho made on Decomber 7 sud 28 sud January,2 and'm - Taftitcorn e Jhib