PAGE 14. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1979, WFITBY FREE PRESS Coiing vets- SKATING DANCE- ThIe Auxlllary 0f the Ajax Fiure Skating Club wIl hold a Fallfest Dance in the Ontarlo Boom 0m f the Ajax Conimunlty' Centre on flday, Otober 2 ftom B8:30 p.m. toi a.rn., Entertalnment wiJl be provided by a D.J. and there wll be a bar and European food for sale. Tickets are $7 per couple and, may be purchased by YOUDON'T PAY FOIR YOUR MISTAKES uzt PHOTOGRApHy HARVEST 0F CRAFTS The Kinette Club of Brooklin and District wMl hold a craft and baked good sale called a 'Harvest of Crafts',0 on Saturday, November 3 at Brooklin's Oddfeflow's Hall. It wilbe held from 1 p.m. to 4p.m. Admission 18 free and there will be door prizes. SOCIALPLANNING The next meeting of the Social Planning Coundil of OshawalWhltby wll be held on Tuesday, November 6th, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Oshawa City Hall Boom 7AM. The public la invlted to at- tend. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Mms. A. Wilson from the When you bring in a roll of film to be proossed, we charge you ONLY FOR THE PRINTS THAT COME OUTý 'W'lalto lie there to give you friendly, professional advice (if you want it) and show you where you made your mistake. MJ.. -'The Fr1 endly ProfeulIoncyl MEDMI .PHOTOGIRAPHY, 131 BROCI< STREET NORTH WHITBY- <66&.61il Mon, Wed, 9 - iThr4Fi 9 -8; Sat jo 5 1- IL IO t! 'i Civic Garden Centre will be the guest speaker at the Brookln Horticultural Society's October meeting. Mrs. Wilson will be speaklng on "Decorating the Home for Cbrlstmas". The evenlng wIll include deninstratuon on how to make your own ,decorations for the holiday season. Meeting Urne la 8:00 p.m. on October 2th at the Brooklin United Church Hall. Everyone welcome!1 SIELENTAUCTION St. Mark's United Church Silent Auction this year will be held on Monday, October 29. A repent of last year's successful feature will ho a soup and sandwich luncheon served fr om 11: 30 a.m. to 1:30 pan. Bazaar and bake tables also operae from 11: 30 a.m. Afternoon tea and muffins will ho served from 2:30 p rr' The auction will ho held in uij- evening starting at 7:30 p.rm. The Silent Auction is, done in Uii way: donated items are displayed, if in- terested a bld is , ade with the naine of the person on a ballot and deposited in a special box. On October 29 the box is opened and the highest bidder gets the chosen item. Programa for the week of Wednesday, October 24th - Tuesday, Octohor 3th, 1979 on Cablecast 10, the Coin- munity Channel, servirig Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville,ý Brooklin & Newcastle. Wednesday, Octohor 24th 2:00 Whitby Town coundil Highlights 4:00 Durhami Dialogue with guest M. MacDonald 4:30 T.B.A. with Expression 5:00 0.D.C.A. with the Oshawa Symphony 5:30 Evening Report wlth G.M. Video News 6:00 Let's Find Out with the topic ..Distrs 6:30 Knights of Columubus TV Bingo 7:30 Education Scene with George Pearce 8:00 Let's Discuaàs It with a variety of topica 8:30 Focus On with Dianne Mills ... Coping with Mental Health 9:00 Rescue 9:30 Sign Off Thursday, October 25th 2:00 Women in Politics with Elizabeth Gomes 2:30 Law -High School Law students froin Anderson Collegiate 3:00 Let's Find Out -, Distress will ho discussed 3:30 Rescue 4:00 Focus On 4:30 McLaughlin Art Gallery Presents... 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Evening Report 6,00 The Storybook House 6:15 Happinessis Bowling 6:30, Durham Sports Scene 7: 00 Motor City Bowling Roll-Offs Friday, October 26th SAVE UP TO 7 0 0%0 AND MORE 0