Whitby Free Press, 10 Oct 1979, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER' 10, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS ýCorri*dorý Capers W m PAPER DRWE The slxth Whltby BOY Scouts are now looklng after the, paper drives in (the corridor area. The next drive la Satur-' day, October lSth, at 9:00 a'.M., so romember (o put your old panera out before thonso tho scouts cari pick (hem up. CORRIDR CAPERS DANCE Our serml-annual fund ralalng dance wiJl be held < bis Saturday evenlng at Heydenshore Pavillon. There are ,a llmlited number of ticketstsWl avallable, so call and maake reservations to-day. The Profit from the dance enable our associatio7n to flnancially asslst the communlty as a wbole. Last yearwe made a contribution-(o Communlty Care. Don't forget - Saturday, October 13th,ý Heydenshore pavilion, 8: 30to 1: 00 p.m., tickets $8.0a couple, fun,,prime and lunch. See you there!1 WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCE Saturday, October 13 - 3 to 6 p.m, open bouse atthe Mani- se. Everyone la invlted toô dropi at the Manse for a Urne of fellowsblp.: Sunday, October 14 - RaUy Sunday willl honour tho Sunday Sehool and teachers. The ciYreand.teachers willl be a part M (lite congregation for the glvlng Mf atten- dance-,award and recognition of (ho -Sunday Scilool as, a whole. Wehope tatvoryone will be i attendance (o make it a real rally. day. Saturdayr,'October:27 - Annual Turkey Ainer. 4reat reasons Wh ou- should sho Red,-&- White, ~free groceries' Youeouldwn.the value ofyour Red & WhMte Cash Tape ini FmeeGrýoceies. 1) -Simply filin your naine, addessaând telephone number on the back of your Red & White Cash ae 2) Deposit it in the cntiy boxait thc front of your Red & White Store. 3),Each Saturday attime posîéd byeachmerchant, a customcr shopping ai thaitire will bu asktd to pull one tape froin ail those deposited during the cwient wetk of business. 4) Tht sclected cusbomcr, after-anaweriing a lime limiited skill tcsting questin, will receive fret groceriesequal ta the value ai their winning tape. No cash will be oieedin lieu of gnroceris. 5) Chances of winning are dependent upon numberof cash tapes depnsited esch week. 6) Ibis contei is opn to ail residents af Canada over the legal age oi 18 except for the employets and iminediate famies of NationAl Orocers Company Limited. its afiliated Group Stores and advertising agents. 7) Congcst ends Saturday Novemnber 10, 1979. 2. m ustangghias, > (Appro)umate.Retail Value $7,033.20 each) J) Simpy 1 t yournamne. address n tlphne numberin tht cntry 4) Tht eece intat wilIl bueintacted hy' telephonc and mus1 aalbefromn tht ca.shiest nyRe do,& White store. or a answer a lime Iimittd.skill testing question. Car- must bu sccepted reaâsonahle hand drawn facsimile. No puicha.se required. as. uwarded. no cash will bu offtred in lieu of prizes. 2>ý Deposit kt in the enitrvtxix marked 'Wîn a l9t11Musang- ai the 5 .Cha'ncesulfwinning arc dependent upon numbereofentjesr.,eîvtd. front (ifeach Red & Whitemsotv. 6) This contcst is open to al residents of Canada uîver tht legal sgt of 3) At the end of the contest. ail entries réccived fnuîn Red & White. 18 except for tht employcet and immediste families îof National Super Save, O.K. Econon y and Marche Suprime Fooid Stores In. GnKers Company Limilcd, its afriliatcd Group Stores and Ontario and W mtr Quehcc will bu split ïnto 4 geigraphic regions 'Advtrtising Agents. and unt 1980 Mustang.wilI bue aw.srded iii cach arcs. 7) Contési cndt',Satunlsy Novembur t10., 1979. Winncrs will bcudrawn Tht four am-as are as follâw%: at 22 St. Clair Avenue East, Tuoronto on friday Noivembur.,23. 1979 I) Central Ontarioi 3) liasten' Ontariuo & Western Quelie at 30.)> p.rm. 2) Southwcstern Ontario -9) Nî'nhem <)ntaritî lokfor the midfrting istor salving1S, One of many unadvertised Red & White-specials each tis week savings alum îufi i 01 ~x 2 25 g __Reynolds Wa.,. o9 .... roi>l' ____extra absorbent o am * ~~~disposable diapers pk 242 7 Pam pers ..............or 30 * ~Colgâte 10m v STEW. toothpaste, ..........con> . 39 Streteli 'N Seal ...roi .65 assôrteJ '"TnTYntrna1.0 e sotd>ideal for dressing Soto.h.o soup ..... , ... z n.e59 d eU t opn m w«. dtadimtd or fmoe &d Tasters Choioecoffée ' a r5.79, Q>Ualer assWoed harvestcrunch bar..2ww . 09U e... p3*591 assoed"arietùt Hamburger> iteiper 6 to 8 oz . 69 cornedbeef... lo 16 toa'o uce...... zlin .69 orange pekoe 9 Salada tea bags ...iop,%1a y Kellëgg rice krispies ......... g1.29 Kelloggs' crackfin bran ...........l 89 Shirrff good mring 241lf marmalade .........oz. tin ieJ7 Kelloggs frozen io. ' Eggo .waffles........mg0 GoId Star pure Barbados 6 Crosby molasses...P.... 79 'pure vegeta Crisco. Thorfed dog foc vasekie ibi shorng 1 IL 8 Carelotion =Xt.1 CordonlBlue. siewsi 24 oz.ý tin .99 Valley Farmn frozen choice french. 1h 2 frics 29. Duncan Htnes cake mixes Mos&easy,.or ... 89..p spaghetti . ...g9 *.59' Highliner 7oz' frozen.shrimp. ..,- k,2*99 frozen assorted Chun King dinners ..'.pkg. 9 chattce skced or whole Avon potatoes... ..-oi tin 43 -oc. tmported slicin'g TOMATOES No.49 Home grown nutritious No>.I CARROTS 2 Lb. Bag .29 pork spareribs fresh whole or hall park picnic shoulder. roast ... .....lb, ,-891 Maple Les! vacpack sweet pickted cottage rolis................. lb ..48 from the shoulder, tresh portk but> or -M shoulder chops ... ..l.... b.1 Swift Premîum brown n serve 1 8 sausage .. ... ...-P,Og Maple Leaf 16 bologna ...............pk * g158 Swîft Premium» skinlesswieners l6o . 44 Sw>! Premium chieken loaf ..... -- 16,o .6 Swifts'Premtium sizzlean. . . Maple Leaf golden garlic coul polish sausage and koiboosla Swift Sugar Plum cooked ham ........ 2t oz ..b. 1,099 4 oz. plcg. 0.891 Homegrown yellow ONIONS No. 1 2 [L>. Bag.2 Pledge ............ l ... ..... e6ol~ powdered detergent - 6 litre Cheer........*.......... bo ltquid detergent 2x70 M ir ......... .... ... mot fabric softener Downy ............t... complection stze 4 bar Dial sap,............pg Gîllelte Trac Il razor blades ........PX 3*29 1.49 2.29 1.49 ,1.29 Mks BROWN 'S FOODMASTERý DROOKCLiN 6554#521 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEk 8:g0a.m.- 6 p.m. EXCEP THURS. & MR. NIGIITS TIL 9 p.m DELVEnY AT NODM#NAL CHARGE pink salmon 7T3/4 oz. tin ,r.aay te setys EU EU EU EU ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Saturday, NoveMber 3rd, from 1 p.m. (' o 4 p.m., ýthe congregation Mf St. Andrews Church will hold their fal bza.There wlU be a tea room, bake table, sMW and sticli, arts and craft, white elephant etc. Plan to attend. CAR>IAC REHABILITATION CENTRE, The Cardlac Rohabilitation Centre la in dire needMo more equlprent. IThey aàlreadypucaea cardian t esting machie, but to effectively carry one, more equlpment las necessary. They are attempting to ralse money'and one of their future projecta will beo a fund-ralslng dance at Heydenshore Pavillon on March 8, 1980. Tb-ey now hold their'meetingspatcentral Colleglate. A representative of tho group wllý attend ourexecutive meeting on Tue"ayevenlng (o explain (ho aima of tho organization.-If, you, have any novel, fund-ralslng suggestions, contact Anri Preston at 728-9M3. Have a gooweek. M. McEachern.725-8967.' quariUm. 1 1

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