Whitby Free Press, 10 Oct 1979, p. 5

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Lette,.. GOto stop on Hwy. in JVhitby Dear Sir:- As,'a matter of Information, we thought you Mght like to. publish the -contents 0f the attached letter dated ,.October 2nd, 199from the, Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority. This'letter basi»ca'ily Indicates that Go Transit Operating Autho rity. This letter basicail'y indicates, that Go Transit wiii pick Up and drop off' passen gers within' the Town of Whitby in accordance with'their present poiicy after December 2nd, 1979. Yours very truly, Wm. H. Waliace, A.M.C,.T., C.M.C., Clerk-Admnstrator Mr. W.H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Cierk Administration,« Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whltby, Ontario. Il N 6A3 Dar Mr. Wal lace.« i arn In rocoipt of your letter dated 25 Sep- tomber, 1979 IndIcatIng Councii's request for Go Transit to pick up and drop-off passengers.within-the Town of WhItby on 1-ighway No. 2. Please. be advised thatwe have taken the necess'ary steps to alter our public tîmetables, and the wording "but not within Whitby" will be deieted'. The operating timetabies ýhave already been printed; however, specilIinstructions will be sent to the drivers anthe'restriction,,wili be eliminated. i trust that this action wiii meet requIrements. your Vours truiy, R.C. Ducharme, Head, Market Research& Deveiopment., WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1979, PAGeE5 Drnkngeducantion progi.ram starts- Aimed at students as .young. as grade 7 A publicity' and education drive against abuse of alcohol, whlch Includes a prong directed,,at 'school students a youngas thie ,Grade 7 level, is about to be launcbed in Ontario. The campaigng, to begin i November and to, include public advertising which, will be particularly visible, during the Christmas and New Year holidays, -was an- nounced here today by Health minister Dennis Timbreil. "There are an estirnated 250,000 alcoholiesi Ontario, more than double the nuin- ber 15 years ago," Timbrel sad. '.'n addition, there are m any more problem drinkers who lose Urne from work,,cause agreater num- býer of accildents' and spend more Urne in hospitals'. <"IAdded to thaï is the fact that , the Incidence of drinklng in sehools is growlng and the age affec- tedisbeomigyongr.A survey in Durham Regiont for examnple, shows that, 24 per cent of, pupils between the ages of 14 and 18 i that region exhlbited systems of alcoh 'ol dependency...that 41 per cent were social drinkers and 8 per cent were problem drinkers without dependencysymptoms. "These figures help to demonstrate thé' magnituded, of the health problem created by alcohol abuse." He said, the theme 0f the campaign will be: You - cl the Shots. ,Television' vlewers will be reminded of. the wisdlom of moderation. So wil riders on public tran- sit. The scbools, wlth the Co- operation of the ministry of Eduction, wil be supplied with education kits which Mr. Timbreil sald are com- prehensive and flexible, aflowlng teachers to taller the lessons te the individual nieeds of their students.; The kits are for use i Grades 7 te 10.* The Ministry bas allocated $600,000 te the campaigtn. New seas <onfor shuestring players, Like a fine wine Durham Shoestrlng Performers im- proves with age. As Oshawa returns to normal, after the summer, Durham Shoestrin'g Performers is busy trying to improve, on last year's imnpressive history. Randy Gough hasl retur- ned to dlrecting and is put- ting al bis energies into a one act play called Some Are So Lucky, by Hugh Garner. Jeannine Butler, ig also directing two sketches, A Storm, is Breaking. by- Jim Damico and Swordfish and Broadsw ords by Ja Ck Mor- se. She wilI also'provide a bit of fun for the audience by en- tertaining them with soMe. "Theatre games" a littie, treat that is usually, for "behind the scenes". Ail of these productions wili be performed each evenlng of Octeber 18, 19,and 20Oat 8:30 p.m. at the0Osh wa Arts:,ResoÃ"urce Centre, City Hall Complex.ý ickets ar e $2.50 advance' and $3'00 after Octeber 17. They'wli be available at the Studio Gallery, 155 Sirncoe St. S., The Key Man at the Oshawa Shopping Centre ,and at In formation, Oshawa at the Arts Resource Centre. D.A. ýLeroux DENTIST ,Wishes to announce the opening of hi GNEALPRÂCTICE at By- 214 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY Phone, on'y, The. Education Relations Commission today aninoun-. ced the appointmne nt of Mrs. Maureen Saltman as a .fact finder to assist the Durham Board of E ducation and "its *sécon dary school teachers in' theýir'negotiationsà. A commission spokesman sadthat the fact fiinder will prepare a report on the negotiations, identifying the outstanding issues. The fact finder is expected, to present a report within 30 days. The report wli set for- th the'positions of both sides and may or may not make recommendations on set- iemient termis. The report will be- presented to both parties. If there, is stlil no agreement within 15 days, or at the latest 20 days, the report W'ii be made public. The commission was established in 1975 under On- trio Government legisiation, to foster barmonions collec- tive bargaining relations between scbool boards and teachers in the Province. Saltman is a lawyer and bas previous labout relations exporience. Saltman, bas assisted the parties in the 'counties of Elgin, Frontenac-Lennox and Addington, Peter- borough and Fort Frances Rainy River., COUGARS COM>E, TO G6L EN WOOýDIe PAPER DRIVE $AX SAURDAY.,OCTOBER l3th WHITBY ."DISTRICT BOY SCOUTS BT 9:000 a.m. paper drive, wiII be held ihe- e Y 0f EVI Twoé live cougars wili be in Whitby on Wednesday October 24f, 1979 at Gienwood Lincoln Mercury. They wiii be there from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. and a professionai photographer wili be on, hand to.take FREE pictures, with thecougars. lt's educational and entertaining. So.- don't miss this unusual exciting event! MERCURY LIN COLtN rMONTH F act -finder namedii teacher's dispute

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