Whitby Free Press, 10 Oct 1979, p. 2

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PAGE 29 WEE (FREE PRESS Wrould only be part of Metro Toronto......, Gartshore urges region toM dumpNorh Pickering Buy Canadiar', 78 THUNDERBIRID Dark jade,. matching landau' 5vi nyl roof.. Automratic, 8 cyl- inder, a ir conditioning, ami f M stereo , tiàtad 9gla ss, W/W, wire wheel covers, twincomn- fort seats.> Lic. MST 990. 77 ECONOLINE, VAN Powder blue witb dark blue, two toue, 6 cylinder, standard, W/W. Li. E36 163. _$4850 77LT Il 2 dr. H.T. Dark jade, metallic, white lan- dau'roof, automatic, 8 cyinder, air conditioning, poWer steering, power brakes, W/W, W/C. Lic. LVC 244. ByMICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff Much Wo the dismay,,and possible anger --0f otherý reglonal councillors, Whltby Mayor Jim Gartabore bas said tbat tbe coundil sbould go on the record asbeing, against the North Pickering development project. In a motion lntroduced Wo the regional council, Gar- tsbore, aiong witb Oshawa's Margaret Sbaw,, asked, coundil tW advlse the Ontario government that tbey were against sucb a project. Gartsliore said tbat the proposed, deveiopment on tbe .western border 0f -Durham Region would only make Pickering. a part of 'Metro Toronto and accused the Ontario governrnent of foregoing tbeir Go-east The proposai would build a city of 80,000 to 90,000 people mi tbe area just south of the proposed Pickering Airport site., "We bave facilities tbat areno bengused," Gar-, tsbore said. He, polnted out tbat the reglon ba s $70 million«0 the used water and sewage pipes i ýother -parts of tbe reglon, and until the rest of the reglon la fully developed, Pickering sbould not be con- sidered. "It la very questionabie tbat, they sliould,,go ýabead witb the North Plckering plan," i' e sald.. "'Other municipalities are strugglîng for industriai growth." Gartshore said that the people of sucli an area wouid not be looking Wo the région as the centre of work and commeIrce but Wo Toronto. "It ýcan be nothing but an addition to.,Metro Toronto, no m natter wbere the political boundary is, " be said. The proposalisl being put forwardby the Ontario Land Deveiopment Corporation, a crown. company of' .the province.>< Tbey have askedto make a presentation W t the coundil on November 14 wben they wiil give council the total concept of tbe project. Pickering :Regionai Councillor Doug Dickerson, said that, the, project wil provide fr6,0 acres of residentiai development and 1,000 acres'.of.inâdustriai and commercial development. lI the initial stages. (from tbe yèar .1979 Wo 2000) the population, wiliionly reacli 7,000,people he said. >"They (Ontario Land Cor- poration) desire flot tï be associated witb the Ontario gjovernment but to 'be trealted exactly as any other developer, " he said'.' < "Diekerson said that the OLC could go straîglit to the Ministers of Houslng and the Environment for 'approval but chose fot to. Diekerson said that he was amazed that coumdil would even discua the matte r before an officiai plan amendment application was made and even accused them -of being, prejudicial towards OLC. "Tbey showed bad taste by dlscussing it," he said. Gartshore recognized that OLC did not have to corne to the region for the officiai plan amendment. "Idf they want to do it, they will, despite the feelings 0f council,". he said noting that the region's officiai plan oriinaiydesignaàted the area a study area until the Minister of Housing cbanged it to urban. "It can do nothing but detract from the rest of the areas,(in the region)," Gar- tshorésaid. Oshawa Mayor Jim Pot- ticary seemed to be, in agreement witb Gartsbore's position when lie asked wbat the. project would do to equalized assesament. He noted that taxes would go up without an industriai base.' 76 OLDS DELTA ROYALE » Maroonwith matching valeur interior, matching vinyl roof, automat'ic,ý 8 cylinder , power-., steering, 'power birakes, ami fm ,radio, W/W, W/C, radial tires. Lic. KKD 774. *~r$3675. 1"We must bave sometblng to go along witb the houses," he said. In a later interview, Gar- tàbore sald I"that area can't help but look to Toronto. ", *Theyr would believe tbem- selves to be- part of Metro and not of the Region of Durham, he sald. ",My main concern," he' said, "ýwastW get the North Plckerlng ýProject in front of Ail member are ex- tremnely'concerned about it >he said despite the, facet'that b is motion wasý tabled until after the OLC'makes it's presentation to the* region next month. ."Where are they golng Wo get that many people?" he asked noting tbat the rest of the reglon las bavlng a bard Urne ýIwltb present develop- ments. -He again iempha'sized that the projeet wouid 4"detract"P from the central'Whitby- Oshawa arýea.- H e also said tbat hewas not sure, if the Pickering Airport"proposai wouid help matters. "I,,haven't given enough thought te the Pickering ArrtWmake c omment,"I lie said altliough he ex- pressed fears that it mIlt become another Mirabel., "We don' need:»another unused'airport," 'he said. "Although it would be nice to have a major industry like that W our west."1 ý Man charged -e h armed 76 MARQUIS BROUGHAM 4 dr. >Gold metalluc, with matchingl vinyl roof afd vleu r intericr, air conditio'ning, poweir.wind- owsc ruise control, am/fm .sterea, fully Ioaded with lux- ury, twin comfort seats. Lic. KSB 529. 52r$4575 .NCOLN Buy>, a Sofa, Loveseator Chair iii your choice of fabrîc and style, during our.1LRT Custom Cover l*L ivi C >U&EAU Sireel E.,Whilby 660-3481 robbery A mani las been ar rested ta the connection -wltb .the armed robbery at the Mac's Milk store at' 313 Brock SteSoutb., Cbarged 'in last, week's robbery is RobertJ. Rer- bert,, 26,.cf 12 Nelson Road, Ajax. A'emnployee,,of j. and F. Trucklng I Ajax, police sald tbat beh was arrested at bis placé of work. The'robbery cf tbe store occured last week when ýa man entered the store wearing overals and bis bead and face wrapped li whtegauw . The suspect had indicated that be was armed and got et BURNS WHITBY £ ,V el 216 Mary 5

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