Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1979, p. 36

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Irwm S~ECS MOKLIN TOOL CO. SPECIAL SALE Air tools W $40,ý Micrometers $19 2ton hoist S3' Onu i,ýPress $225 3 Ton 'Car Stand $21 1Impact' Socket set $30 Tàp& Die $35 Plus, other related prod, Dealers welcomed 'j Comrplete Automotive Garage Supplies ,683-1753 HIGHEST PRUCES Paidfor 0GOId and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jevWery, dishes, furniture, crocks, ail, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CARPENTR HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitche 'ns, Ceramic Tiîîng, Drywall, Rec. Roomns, Cedar Decks and Patio, Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cati668-4686, APATMNTS, FORRENT AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1 2 starey, 3 bedroarn apt., fuliy broadloomsd. i1 i baths, neer echools & shopping. $372 Including utilties. Phono668-0028. L UIrOS SATURPAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Saise ime il am. Farm equlpment and Llvsstack Auction sale the pmoporty of Gerrow Bras. of Scugag Island Lot 22 Con,7. Bslng ans mileseost of Port Perry, and one mile north on the main roed of Scugog Iland. Fard 4000 tractor, Internatianal 105 combine soIf propeiied, 10 ft. cut, excellent condition; now Hoiiend 477 hay bind, 2 years aid. International 130 manuro aproador double boater. International H row crop tractai. International 5 ft. rotary mowor. mIn. model 37 balorwth thrower, 3-basket rack hay wagons, mIn. 1300 mower - B point- hltch Massey Forgusan model 06, 3 furrpw t!lp beamf plough EMlles Chaimers single row forage harvestor with hay head. Ellis Cheimmrsbiawer, 40 fi. of biower Ipes, 20 fi. of delivery pipe, 2 e~sleage wagons wth boxes, chein harraws, Continental post hle auger, 4 section set of harraw, Massey cultivetor, 100 gel. 3 point hltch aprayer and pump with 20 h. boom, Int. aesd drilI no 10 wlth fertilizer aesd box and bame seed box ex- cellent conditions, John Deere aide delivery raeo, Case 28 ft. grain hey combînation elevator, Int. 3 point hît- ch piough, 100 steel fonce posta, large quan. of snow fonce, camn bln- der. 3 furrow Int. drag plaugh on rul- ber, Int. bleds, 3drum ralier, Massey 6 blaestoiler, mIn. 8 ft. double dse, Ford post hale auger, 2 gang piaughs Int. hey conditioner, John Doore cuitvMtSr, 2 miw nae d sait troughe. quwi. offane ralse, Utînos pump, 3 w tsrtrouositoCrodar stave, 2 home soaufflers, quantlty of aluainuin, 20 rod fonce wrs. faim toale, faim tires, large quat. of luin- ber, eatItirn kettla, augue and motors, pump jack, quan. af shoot matai, antique demnocrate, oak barrai. singe piough buggy, Frost & Wood grain gnindec 80 fi. endiessa boit, 150 fh. ai 1 ln. rope, neck yokss, home, hernese. 3 Dqiavei unils, 4 unît Delaval veccum pump, 4 unit Delevai timer cenveu1sr, bag; cari, bug truck scaese, wagon fooad aigoad $ameil items, Rýaglan food cart, 7 bred hoistein heifers, 7 open hsiferg 3 steers, 2 holetein caws and biaad tasted & pregnency checked. ibis s an excsptlanaiiy top queiiiy sai as sverythlng has been weIi cared for. Faim soid. Tomas cash. No Reserve. Lunch Avliabe. SaesManagera & Auciioneer. Ram Klng & Murrary Jackson. 1416985-2459. SRICES Quality Scrsoned TOP SOIL Also SAND & STONE TED ARNTS. LOAM -SU PPLY Brock Ra., N.,R R. 1, Pickering 683-0887 SATURDAY, SEPTEÉMBER 29 il aM. Theouotatleofa the lato MRS. EFFIE McKERIHEN ln the village af Princo Albert. Watch for signe. Excellent an- tiques, and ,hausohold Items, In- ciudlng rail top dssk; library table; combination oak' china cabinet and desk; b.d.; rockers; press back chairs; amaîl table; dining table; drossera; wash stands; pedostal desk cheat of drawors; dressing table; love seat;. buffet; studio couche; piano -bench; coak stove; coal & wood heator, trunka; comn flower glass and other places; coal scuttoies; csaiers; tool chest; plant stands; lampa; -pic- ture fremnes; mirrora; rnllk batties; grammephane wth nooie & records; shoot music; postcard; tools; two iran pumpa; paint aprayer; wooden barrais; ail drurn, Indoar-outdoor*car- pet and many mare Items. Sale too goad ta miss. Lunch avalable. John Pearco Auctian Service. 98&.7492. FRIDAY, SEPTEMUER 28 12:00 non. Entire content ai century home for the estate of the late Jacqueline Swan, 1009 Centre St. S., Whltby. Eeri Devisa, AuctIonor. 7286445 :AlOBoLES 1972 FORD RANCH wagon goad engins, needa body wOrk $600 or beat ciffer. Phono 055-802. 1971 BUICK ýLASAB RE ln gaad con- dition. $80 or beat offor. Phono 66&- 9078. JEAN SALE Hadassah jeans sais. ur-. and neme. Ail sizes. Roasonabie prîces. Clearance --0f upholstery fabric. $250 and up. Wednesday & Thursday, Octaitpr 3 & 4 from 9 a-. ta 1:30 p.m. DARAE DAYCARE NEEDED starting Octobor 1 for 3 yr. aid boy. Muet bo within waiking distanceofa Crayon St. PMase beave name and numbor ln wrting ta: MBM PubIshing, Box 206, Whltby, Ontario. L MYMENT KING & JACKSON Experien- ced auctioneers. Ron King 985- 2643 & Murray Jackson 985- 2459. INTERESTED IN apartment or house cleaning. For more information ýplease cali 668- 0395. Wouid prefer west side of town. EXPERIENCED DOOKEEPINO full set of books ta trial balance, taxes, etc. Pick up & dellvory. Phono 668-1012. E.JAMES (JIM> PELLOW B Com. Ac- countlng Boaksoping - Personal In- carne Tax, Payrolis. CAII 668-7215 betwson 1il em. and 1 p.rn. RSAE SWIMMING POOL- Manufac- turer has new 1918 pools, regu- lar price $2.190 now at aur in scasan speciai of $1,355. Pools camne with waikaraund ditck, patio, fencing, pump, motor & f ilier. Deivery arrançaed ta AUCTrION SALE OR A RES IDENCE AND GARAGE. SHED FOR THE DEMOLITION IN THETOWNOFWHITBY (Known as: 348 Thickean FRoed South) The buildings ta b. said are ans storey brick veneor rosidenco (28.5 fest x 30.5*fsst) and f ramne end steel matai garage.- shod 30.5 foot x 29.5 fest). The buildings are iocatod et north- west corner of the Intersection of Highway 401 and Thickson Road., Usuel Minlstry terme and conditions eppiy as ta rernovai of besement, fiiling of excavations and performan- ce bonds. A thres thousand daller $3,000.0o) performance bond ta ln- sure that the wdrk las comploe ta the Minstrys satisfaction, la required. Comfpletion date le November 301h.' NOTICE: A permit la roqulrsd ta mnove a building aiang, acros or ovor a Provincial Hlghway andlar a Municipal Road or Street. Peomans who rnay b. intersed In purchaeing these buildings for the purpose of rnovlng them Intact or ln sections ta another, location, muat abtaîn Infor- mation rogardlng pemit. froin the District Office nated bel.aw and from Muniolpelties ooncomed prior ta the sale. MInlstry of Transportation and Communications District NumberS5 1201 Wilson Avenue DownsvIew, Ontario Toiephone 248-3335 NOTE: No emploas of the Ontaro Govomment will b. allawed to par-ý ticipate In ihese auctions unesas helshe ha. priar_ wrltton approvel frorn hilhor Dsputy Mister. Minietiy' aiofTransportation ,and communications .3501 Dufforrin Stroot Dawnsview, Ontario Tlophone: Mr. E.. Steinhards ai 248- 3081 b.twoon 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Bulding la opon for viowlng on Oc- tobor 3rd,, 1979 b.twoen 11 a.m. ta 1:00 p.m. SWIMMING POOL manufac- turer over stocked. Must close out. Ail 1979 and sizes. Huge savirags on above ground and inground pools of steel and aluminum. No monthly pay- ments tili 1980. Cali toîl free 1-800-268-5970. HYDROCULTURE LUWASA PARTY PLAN Corne grow wlth us. Managers & consultants requIre lrnmedlately ta demonetrate our soli-bass planta. Top commission. No lnvestments, no ex. porlonce or deliverles rsqulrod. Phono 666-1771. SKILLED HELP Experiencod trirn. mers roqulrsd.- vinyl roof. Experience essentiel. Phono 746-3344. NOTIESJ COLUMBUa AUTO BODY new location. Base lins Rd. betwoen Whtby & Ajax at AMC Dealer. Com- plets body ropair & painting. Pint rogular prIco. $295. off on -paint jobs with this ad. Phono 666-5757. OSHAWA OBEDIEN CE Novice claso sterling October 111h. 7:30 p.m.,in Oshawa and Show handiing staring October 22 [n EBawmanviiio. Advanco rogistration oniy. Telephone 655- 4356. FOR SALE Registered Alaskan Malamute pup. Shats, tatooed and papers. Black & white maie. 655-8062. BOURIER' DES FLANDRES PUPS CKC registerod. Good guard dog and f aniiy dog. $200. CAiI 63-7664. RABBITS FOR SALE for pts or for moat. Phono 683-8026. LOOKINO FOA A GIRL guld's unifarrn. Size 12. Reasonablo. Have complote Brownio's uniform ta Bell $10. Phonoe fter 5 pm. 666-5541. PROFESSIONAL LADY with ans child wisheo ta rent 2 bodroomn ac- comodation ln Whtby. References. Phono 571-2842 beforo noon. ",PICK YOUR OWN"I APPLES at RED WING ORCHARDS Weekends only 10 am. to 5 pr. westher permlttIng This weekond featuring Macntosh Cortiends and Macouns. Containers provIded. North aide of Hlghwey No. 2 bstweon Whitby & Ajax. 668&3311 ELECTRICAL FREE ESTIMATES Cali 668«5731 RUSS WILDE We are a manufacturer of preclelon components servlng customers worId.wIde. We Invite exprenced machiniste to us. thoîr skIllIs to good advantage at our Whîtby location. ENGIN E LATHE SETUP AND OPERATE TURBET LATHE SETUP AND OPERATE MILLINO MACHINE SETUP AND OPERATE AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE SETUP AND OPERATE SkIlled applcants may arrange an Interview by cal. llng or- wrltîng to: Personnel Manager, ITT Cannon Eîectrlc Canada, 4 Cannon Court, Whîtby, Ontarlo Li N 5V8 (416) 668.1 jjflCanon Electric Canada A Division of ITI Industries of Canada Limited ROUSE-H INDS CANADA LTD. SCARBOROUGH ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURING CO. PRODUCTION SOHEDULER The candidats we are eekbng wIii rsceive on ihe job tralnlng towardea Mteriai Manaement position. Applicenie muet hava canimunicaion akilis, b. cereer-orientod end show Initiative. Experionce In'Invsn- torylproduction planning with exposura and undarstanding of MRP la e definiteurset. BUYERIPLANNER This position wiii b. afIinteresita opersoasfurthsring, ibsir carser In ,Mterials Managemerit. Il affera extensive exposure ta computerized Materils LRsquiremsnt Planning-and preferred applicants wibi have previaus Industriel Invoniary contrai or purcheeIng-expsriencs with e. knawiedgs af MRP or Post secandary traIning ln Production end Inven. tory Contrai. Cansideration wiii b. given ta persoaswishing ta purausea Matoriais Management ceror. IN-PLANT EXPEDITER Preferenco wIii b. givon ta ths ideal candidats having e minimum Grade XI aducetion and sxperiencs ln a Machins Shop anvronment, CAPIC ln- volvemont and e workIng knowiadge af MRPR. An ambitlous persan showbng Iitiative wauid b. cansidored for training If an sxperlsnced ap- picant le not evallabis. Appiy ta: Empioyoo Rliationa Crouse-Hinda Canada Limitsd 1100 Birchmouni Rd. Scarboraugh, Ontario or Phono: 757:8781 FRANKI REALTOR 225BROCK S T WHITBV E ET NORTH 668-6171 ARE INTERE81EUNL4YOUl We need a few good sales people. If yau areiterested in setting your own achievernent goals regarding in- camne, we now otter you an exclusive audio-visual train- ing programme, also, we'il encourage you toward reaching your goals. You cari be inflated with the resuits we cari help you attain. You cari be happy work- ing in a professional atmosphere whuch lends itseif ta eff iciency anld pleasant working conditions. Whether you are qualifisd at present or currently taking or considering the govemrment pre-icensing course - we want 10 talk t0 you! For a confidentiai personai in- terview cati TONY KLOMPMAKER 668-6171 ELECTROLUX AT 108 Athol St. W. In Whltby la expanding Rlequiring 2 ful-tirmeOr parItin people lnamles & service. Cati 06&l1005 TENDER REFRIGERATION MIR GENERALCONTRACTORS Replace waik-In freezer door eit1h. Psychlatric Hospital, whitby, Ontarlo. TENDER No. LIN-79-140 - P67444 Seld tenders willi b. rcelved untili 2:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME, OCTOBER 16, 1979. Tender Documents may b. abiained fram the Ontaria Mnlstry ai Gaver- nrnsnt Services, Lindsay Reglanai Of- fice, 322 Kent Street West, PO. Box 7000, Lndsay, Ontaria. NOTE: For iurthsr Information reger- ding this tender,'pleaso ceil Mrs. E.M.ý Neaeoaetthe . abovo addross. Telophano: 705)324-9188. The iawost or any tender not neceserflIiy accop- ted. Tri Ca-.ad.an miooemeni lor personw a mss Fnness. In >u heart %iu know iî's righa. 1- 1

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