PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER- 12,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS e Commg Events CHINESE COOKING The Whitby One Parent Fam 'ily'Association will be havilg' a Chinese.,cooking demonstration on September .29. The demonstration will take place between'2- p.m. and, 4 p.m. at, the, Henry Street I-igh School.< >The cost will be $2.50 per person, $1.10 per cbild. Theréwill be door prizes, samples- and coffee. Every- one fi ps,*elinm THE LIBRARY PRESENýTS On September 15 bet- ween.10:30 and 11:30 a .m., the library will be, holding their children's story hour with a tale about going back to school. Registration for. the pre- school story hou'r, 'for child- ren between the ages of three and five,, will take ,place the week of September .24. The hours will start ý October 9 and 11. .Registration for the'Music for fun program for children in grades one through tree will take place the week of October 1. The programs will begin on October 15 and 17. The- pre-teen program registration for ages .10 to'13 will also be held the week of October 1 with the start slated for October '23. The library Will also be showing a'series of films: KING TUT NIGHT The Whitby Public Library has planned a pro- gram on "Egypt in the Age of, Tutankamumn",for Octo- ber 10 at 7:30 p.m. This lecture and slde pre- sentation will be given by a representative of the* Royal Ontario Museum 'and should be most interestin g - both for those who plan to attend the "Treasures of Tutankamun" exhibit at ther, Art Gallery of Ont.ario later, this year, as well as for'those who were unable to get tickets for this important event. $30 for 15 lessons, or $56 for the 30 lessons, September to May. There wilI be two coaches, (10-12 girls each), in the 2 sessions (1 hour each). Frinformation and to register phone 668-9691 or 668-7104. PO. The Oshawa'. and District Ostomy Association resumes meetings again on Tuesday, September 18, 1979 at the Oshawa General Hospital in Room 1002-F. at 8 p.m.' The Chapter's objective is to provide moral support and assistance to anyone who has undergone .pstorny surgery of the bowels or bladder, and held them to reach a success- ful rehabilitation as easily and quickly as possible._ Families and friends and medical people also, most welcome. For more information caîl: Mrs. Betty. Allen... 725-126(evenings); Mr. Bob Clark...576-0781 (evenings); or Mrs. Louisa Anders .on... 728-1869 (anytime).ý Refreshments and warm friendships are enjoyed after meeting. Annual yard sale on Saturday, September lSth, 10 a- m. to 5 p.m. at the Whitby Museum. Anyone wishing to donate may leave their P' .ticles at the museuni anv, Wednes- day, Thursday, 1S-aturday or Sunday, or may bring in person the, day of the sale. DAfLY'EVENTS' Regular happenings at the centre are operating as usual. Members and their seniors are encouraged to caîl the centre. for more information-on the activities. TRIP TO NIAGARA The Senior's Activity Centre is planning a trip to the Grape and Wine Festival and Niagara, Falls, and Marinelà and. The trip will include a tour of the St. Catherines' winery.. and vineyard areas and will stay the night at Michaels' Inn in Niagara Falls. The following day there will be a visit to Niagara, Marineland before the trip home. The tour will take placèe on Friday, September 21 iland Saturday, September 22:. Departure time is 8:3 0 a.m. The cost is $43 for a single, $33 for a double; $29 for a triple and $26 for a qua- druple. For more information cal the centre at 668-1424. BOAT CRUISE Leaving the centre at 9 a.m., the day will begin with a drive to' Gravenhurst, where the tour will board the Gravenhurst Boat Tour that travels through the water- ways on Muskoka Lake. The cruise will last four hours. There will be a stop for' supper in Orillia to return to Whitby at about 9 p.m. The event is sla ted for Wednesday, September 26 and the costis $12, meals are not included. For more information cal the centre at 668-1424. HARD TIMES DANCE The.Hard Times Dance will be-held at theý Senior's Activity Centre on 'Septeni- ber'15 between 8 p.m. and 1 a .m. Entertainment and mu~sic will be provided by Gerry Robitaille and his .,Music Machine'. There will be a 50 cents admission, charge. There wilI be refreshments, door prizes and a raffle.,The centre says that, aIl seniors and friends are welcome. Canada's a big country. Your muffler can'go on a THRUWAY'Mufflercentre. We honour aur guaran- you anywhere. tee from coast-to-coast. That's why you should Beca use we're the Iargest buy your nexi muffler from chain of independent muffler specialists in Canada. Sa go ahead and see this big cou ntry of ours. We're with you ail the W'ay., E~muJfl1 entr, AT SNAP THRUWAYYOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOMED. Snaà p Servic es Ltd.ý, 300 Dunîdas St.EWhitby,, Ont. Whitby:- 668-9328. Oshawa: 579-8048. Ajax/Toronto: 686-2288 IWILLCOME, AGA-IN THIS IS WHAT CHRIST PROMISED TO HIS DISCIPLES. BUT WHY IS CHRIST COMING AGAIN? WHATWILL TAKE PLACE WHEN HE DODES? THE 1,000 VEAR REION 0F CHRIST SPOKEN 0F IN< THE BOOK 0F REVELATION - WILL IT BE ON THIS EARTH OR IN HEAVEN? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE GDD IS WDRKING OUT WITH HUMANITY? AIL 0F THESE QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED IN THE ARTICLES- "WHAT IS THE GOSPEL" "CHRIST'S RETURN - THE PLAN 0 F SALVATION"o "KINGDOM 0F G00"ALL WILL BE SENT FREE UPON REQIUESTtO CHURCH 0F GOD, C/O MR. HUNT, 71.,DREW ST., OSHAWA. I OSTOMY YARD SALE qwý -