Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1979, p. 17

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WHITBYFE PRESS,,WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29,1979, PAGE 17 8 EÇIOVIES OOKU NTOO CO@ bP'"ECIAL SALE AirtooTs $4O to,1n hoist S DriliPress $225' 3 'Ton 'Car Stand $21 1ImPact Socket set $30' TaP &'-Die $35' Plus -other related prod Dealers welcomed Complete Automotiveý Garage SuDPIies 683"153 HUGHE ST PRUCES Ntid for Goid and Silver coins, old guns, cdocks, jow.Iery, dishos, furnituro, crocks, oil, paintings and sealors. FRIENDLV FLEA MARKET 23 KING ýSTr. W., OSHAWA CARPEN9TRy HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS M ETiRO L id.B-254 Kitchons, Coramic'Tifing, Drywall, Roc. Rooms', Codar Docks'and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIM-ÀTES ÇA11lI668-4686 BU IISISD INO Alumlnium 8.vinyl sldIng9, ýsof. fltt, fascla'.& seamitess ,alumni; num' eavestroughlng ;instailla- tion.i ',Fre,estimnates, very, roasorafjle.,Caîl 66.1979:eve- nings., 10ýpar, cent discountfor senior. cîtizens. FMENTS WHITBY APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 .>V bedroom apart- ments-,$265 monthly. lncludes: al uilities ,plus 1 parking. Phone 723-0575. sATuRDAY, î'SEPT. -à a '1-z:30 p.m. - clearing-auction of an- tique & contemporar y furni- ture, glass, china, appliances, tools etc. The estate of Clara Gray, located' at 326 Cochrane St., Whltby. Partial llst Indlu- des: 6 pc. dlnlng roomn suite w/corner china cabinet; 6 pc. mission oak dinlng roorn suite; set of pressback chairs; 5 pc.* teakwood bedroom 'Suite; 2. upholstered sofas w/matchlng chairs; corner what-not; sofa table; walnut table w/4 leaves; pedestal table; occassional tables & chairs; washstands; mahogany chests of drawers; piano stool; old rockers; set of wm. rogers silverware; assor- ted glass & china; standing & table larnps; mirrors; copper bolier; oit lamps; quilts; hooked rugs; crocks; coloured T.V.; sereo combination; washer, frldge, stove, electric lawn mower; garden furniture & tools; and other misc. Items. This Is a real good sale wlth everything ln good condition. Terms cash or cheque (wlthý 1.D.) No reserve. Kahn Aucton' services . 98-8161. AUTMOLES 1978 JEEP RENEGADE withý ail the toys. Asklng $6,600. Phone 668-1688 atter 6 p.m. 76 FORD GRENADA 6 cyl. 3 speed standard.* 49,000 miles. Certif led. $2,900. Phone 668- 405 8.' 1977 FORD TRUCK supercab wJth cap, 8 track player and block heater. Excellent condi- tion, willi certlfy. Caîl 579-'914. WAMNT KING '& JACKSON Experien. ced auctioneers. Ron King 985- 2643 &Mu rra y Jackson 985-- 2459. CLEAN SWEEP Experienced, chimney leaninig speciali zlng in firepla *cesand wood stove s. Calcollect..166. ERRENT. FOR RENI' off ice Space. Up. to 20,000 ýq. ft. sprlnklered. Hopkins «Êt. -CatI- colldct Toronto 633-16l15. 'C OSASLE, SOLID, WOOD dining, roomn table and six chalrîs,; $400;,-Car bed: $10; Chld'scar seat $20.. Phone 668-i6l2. TrREES AND- PLANTS FOR , SALE.,Spruce, ine, Cedar, Maplei, Oak, Locusit ad .also' some red rhubarb, red coat'. strawberry, plants, Horsea-. dlsh ýplanits and roots. Peonles. and Mlac ýroots. AIl very rëeso- nably 'priced.. For more, Infor- maion cal 655-4525. SWItàMINGPOOL Manufac- turer has new,1978 Pools, regu. lar. price $2,190 now at Our In season special-of $1,355. Pools corne withwalkaround deck, ýpatio, fencing, PumP, motor . flItter., Dellvery arranged to your, convenl ence. For best selection and Information'cal IMPERIAL POOLS toîl free 1-800-268-5790., SWEETr INDIAN, CORN now ready. Available at Keith.Beill Farrn, Myrtie Rd., No. 5, (3, miles north of Brooklin> 1 mile east of l-lghway 12. Phone 655-3326. We are not the same Bell that attends the farmers SWIMMING POOL manufac- turer over stocked. Must close out. Ail 1979 and sizes. Huge savings on above ground and lnground pools of steel and aluminum. No* monthlv pay- ments tilI- 1980. Caîl bu f ree 1-800-268-5970. Used shelving and pallet rack- lng. Pool liner. 201 x 32' x 4' by 020' mli lngro und or above ground. New stilI in packing case., Medlal tote boxes and wlre baskets at bargain price. Must clear out. We are moving. Mezzanine 12' x 22' x 81 clear. Complete with stairs. Cal 686. 1693. DINING ROOMSET &'chrome & blue upholstered chairs & matching chrome and glass table. New $1,600. Self $600.. Phone 655-3442. 21 BLACK & WHITE televi- sion, stereo and record player combined. Good côOndition. Asklng,$125. Phonie 668-9619. ~~CES Guality $croohod TOP SOIL Also SAND,& STONE TEP ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY Bmock Rd., N., R. -R. 1, Pickering t. BRAND NEW 1979 van bench, seat; Remington rifle 22/250 caliber wlth scope;.Browning hunting bow & arrows, 50 lb'. pull; Taxidermy done at'reaso- nable rates for ýflsh.' Phone 725-2774., Ask for Jimor leave telephîone',no. .APARTMENT SIZE, Lady Kenmore automatlc washer' and dryer. Used 1 year. $375.- Phone 668-9192. 1 yr. aId oroie heli, declawed & spayed cat. Please' cali 668-1523. EARN EXTRA MONEY Show dur excitingl ine of Chris tmas cards and glfts to friends, nelghbours, relatives. No expe. rience needed. Our'blg, colour- fuily llustrated catalogue .:makes it easy, and prof itable. Start now. Write today for f ree Christmas catalogue and infor- mation. Monarch Greeting Cards, 217 Cannon, Hamillton,ý .L8N 3K3 or phonw (416) 527- ,3891.' LO TMAN Voung or' retired* man wlth some mechanical, aptitude. Caîl Duffus :Global" 683-8000. SECIJRITY 0JARDS requlred for local area. Positions ldeally.. :sulted to seml- retlred or reti- red. Individuals, 'Apply ln person. Kawartha .Security, 1.555' Wentworth St. E.,' *Oshawa, Ont. :CABINET ý-MAKERS. EËxperi- enced wlth'.pîne furnisherand aàss'et. Good wages., Phone 839- 62d2.- *PIANIS T WA NTED for Whltby ballet school. Experlence, not necessary. Call668-1145. LOsT.,MiAiature colej,female, namned Mldge. Belleville tag, lost ln WlbAugust 24th. Rewa rd. Cali 668-1997 or 728- 3210. EOTIES. PIANO LESSONS Otter Creek area. Caîl after 5 p.m. Phone 668-1079. OPEN HOUSE Sept. 5, 9:30 11:00 ar.. Good Friend Nur- sery School. Emmanuel Refor- med C hurch, Whitby. Registrýa- tion avaliable for 2, 3 or 5 day morning programmes. 668-1452 or 683-7934. TAKYOU to neighbors, truck drivers, Dr. Macintosh and thee Whltby Ambulance for ail their help iand asslsstance on Friday' It was very much' appreciated. Jeoph & iniz Curi. L RCRETIOAL 'IOUSE BOAT FOR SALE 31 f t. sol id hui11, stove,- ice box, head, excellent condition with niotor Iust rebuilt. Large front and back decks. Can be seen at west shore marine just north of Port Perry or caîl 668-9813, Whitby. Storage paid tili May 1980. WA NTEO TO RENT YOUNG DENTIST i WIFE wlsh a 3 bedroom house or main floor duplex appartment in move In condition, in vlclnlty of downtown Whltby. Referen. ces avallable. -Cali 668-5815 or after 3:00 p.m., call, coIlect l.282-0753. WANT TO RENT agarage beglnning Septémber through thé wlnter. Calil 668-9361 from .8 .4,6 925-9977 at homne. SMuALL 2, OR 3,bedroom house to rent In .Brooklln ornorth Whltby. Phone 576-0693 or 668.- act -&Fancles Accordingto legend, .corn- meal "hushpupis" were $0 nameëd because they were fed to4 noisydogs-to mnake them quiet down. The pilgrims were the first colonis.ts to: tast e popped popcorn-a gift from thé In- diâns at the, first ThanikÈgiving Idinner. j' si .1 1 73 Il Frozèn Pure IWhizî imperfeot or soft berni in a' blender or mash weill Mix with sugar to taste. Scoop, in toê small "Glad" freezer bags land freeze. Use berry purees as sauce over desserts, or freeze in mea- sured amouints forý your favorite home-madei ice cream, sherbet, fruit Bavarian or, pie fillinïg made with gelatin. 'Have -a Jam* Session, - out of s eason4. . Bag and, freeze ail the fruits you like to coîok-up into jamfs ,and, jeflies. .At somo.e convenient time 'or ,when the -weather.,is cooler, ha've ajam or jelly-making seêssion. ,Some of.my faàvorites ,are green and rip e gooseberries, WIld .blackber'ri4es' and red and black Ail 'you'havýe to do, is prepar< the fruit according to your recipi -Chopping, mashing àor crulshinïi as necessàry, then measure* accu, rate am ,ounts into. "Giad"'freezèi baga. Draw out the aiîr nd tWis tôp wth ablid tiseè marike Wi 'th 'the arânount 'of thé coÃ"ntenits eg TENDER GENERAL CONTRACTORS Fire door .rçeâj,çrn.ent. at the Stores Building, Psychlatrlc' Hospital, Wh 1Itby, Ontarlo. fTENDER NO.,,LIN79-1W3 P67445 1t Sealed tenders -wll be recel., ved untîl' 2:00 'p.m. LOCAL TIME, SEPTEMBER 18,'1979.- Tender Documfents may be obta ined froàm, the Ontario,'Mi-' ;enltry of Government Services, Llndsay ,Regional Office, 322. Kent Street'WVJst, P.O. Box 70,Lindsay, Ontarlo. NOTE: For .further Informa- tion' regardlIng, this tender,, please cail1 Mrs. E.M. Neale at. 'the-above âddress. Telephoné:, <705) 324-91ÈB8 The lowest"'or *any tender., not necessairly MýUAL.M'UNICIýPA TSQNEXT WEEK The à annu<al, Municipal enumeration. ,will begin on TuesdaY,' September 49,1979. DI.urilngthismonth, an 'enumerator, carfying a proper.,identifica- t/on card, w ilI_ýcall at your 'residence for.a few minutes ,ta c-heck basic information required in determiining: e the, allàcation of educati on propèé4y ,taxes between the, public .and separateýschool ,systemns; *the distributioný of provincial grants to local governments to helpý reduce locali tax ,bilî1s; * thepreparation.of jurors' lists; and e, population information needed for other municipal programs. The' enumerator must record such information as the name, age,- property status,(e.g. -owner or tenant), school support and residency, of ail members of the household., When the enumerator visits, please check that the information on the Enumeration'Notice is correct. If it is not, revise it and verify_ the changes.- If you -are not homle, aà Notice will be left for you. If changes are neesrpleasè make th 'em and mai.l the Enumeration Notice, as soon as possible',. in the self addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice. For any additional information, please contact the local assessment office. Ministry 0f Revenue Ontario RegI1 Assessment Cornnissioner W. H. Parnell Durham Reg jonal Office Tel. No.' (416) 668-9351 Zenith '67140 * * "14 's iooking for en .xpsriencod r photocopy toçhniciin for 683-08-87

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