Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1979, p. 16

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ress EPorium II1only be acceptied subject to the following Cond'itions.* RA91g .,KUM ':laphle and- heei balanÏcer. Both for.$400. hone 655.4976. Aug. 29, 79. 74 VEGA Atomatil '$650; Phono 655-4974. 1971 Toy ota automat iiilles, 'good conclitic Caîl 668-4495. Aug 1971 TOR-NADO $1S milleago has powe thlng. Good. conditl< 668-0920. 1974 GREMLI'N,ý as.I standard, 3 speed, sion. $1400. Phono 661 - COLOR TV. Phillips. xeln 5ug. 29/79 condition $250; -Double - bed, mattress & box sprifig $40; tic, 57,O» Antique cioset $175;.Complote ion. $600. set of dishos $12; Small cube, table $10; OId, dining room, e.l8 1979. table. Good for cottagde $20; Lawn mower $35; Wood card l00.' LOW table $8; ,Unusual homp table er ,evory- $35; Glass ,coffoo table $55; Old' on. Phone! stand up radio $20; Chromo &". brown corduroy chair $35;. Aug. 1/79 < Upholstorod wing back arm chair $30; Largo oak dokàl5; 7- Small child's dock $15; Wiker s, 304 V:8, har$1.Phono,6,65-4974.,/ transmis- Aug. 29 W-8178. une 27, 79 74 RENAULT R12 Station, wagon. H clutçh. $275.-As 5 655-4136. JuIy 18, 79' 75 ME RCU RY COMET, brown, 2-door. Automa tic radio. Power steerlng.,A-i condition. Asking $1,995 or best offer. Phone 668-0776. July 11, 79-' à8 DODGE POLARA Good condition. New brake lobî Billh to prove. As is ' $150. 302 Byron JuIy 11,7ý9 75 Ford - 6 cyl. Mavrick Excellent condition. $3,200., Phone 579-6144. .iuîy 4, 79 76 DODGE DART, vinyl roof, :beige, automatic power steer- ing, radio, excellent condition. Asking $3,000. Cail 668-0776. June 29, 79. REATIONAL V~ECLÉ 1977 SUZiJKI RM-125B Excel-, lent condition. Wisco piston.. Port ed & pollshod. Vory quick and poworful with BellMoto. star helmet, Digger boots and othor accessorios. $800 f irm. Phone 668-2203. * __ Aug. 22/79 16 FT. HAN DMADE SKI BOAT 283 Chevy enigino, v-drive, In good condition. $2,000 or' best. offor. Phone 655-4416. Aug. 22/79 1978 SUZÎUKI RM 125-C Excel- lent condition, re-built,. tools, helmot, gloves. Asking *'1,O00. Phone 294-6029. Aug. 22/79 1966 Valiant slant 6 automati*c, 72,000 original miles, good run- ning condition. $200.-or best offer. Caîl 668- 0621. Aug 15, 1979. 7S R1391)YAMAHA&W000Miles. Saddle bags, windshieid, chromed protection bar, back carrier. Original owner $750. Phono 668-0989. July 4/79 1975 -VAMAHA Y, robuilt, proof of pz $400 or best off or.C GO-KART 4.5* t Honda englne,stinç $700 or best dffer. 5615. E IEC L LAN CH ESTE R FIELD for the big man in $1,400. WiII sol coffeo table &,endi maplo $100 for th bodroom suite si suite - 5 pc. chrory Best offer will bei any of the abovo il 668-3164. 'Z 125., lust >arts. Asking ,AIR ,CONDiTriONER $80; Lewit vacuun cleaner $45; ,Ca mera stand, branci new $1 0; >Many other Items. Price to selil. Phone 725-15 85. Aug. 22/79 CEDAR HOPE CHEST top tray Ilinod with green foit. $1,000 new, asking $300 or best 'offer. Phone 579.3395. Aug. 22/79 Reel-type power iawn mowor -$75. twin enamel Iaundry tubs, with -stand 'and plumbing $30., Moffatt built-in, oven .and, mohagany cabinet, range.top blue oenamel with 36. inch -stove fan. $1W.-Cal 728-6470. COLEMAN LA -Funk .&'Wadnall- *set $50; Praktlca ra outfl $200;,Al 12 r egulator 'wlti sure gauge $150.. Men's 10 speed bi f rame, good conr' 668-4468., When the advortlsed Item is sold, dispsod0Of, or unavailablo for whatovor reason, tho Item wililibo doomod to have boon sold and a commission will bo chargod basod on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as lllustra.tod bolow, rogardîoss If price Is stated with "bost offor". If the Item Is NOT SOLD, or disposod of,^tho adwill bo run for 3 MONTHS and 3'MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiIl apply.'Ali advertisoments must bo pîacodon an exclusive basic with tho WHITBY FRFEE PRESS and:run at least one month If not sôld. RATES (if article Is soldi: 5% of advertised prico up te $400.00 2%, of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertisod for $12000 -commission duo S.00 [ minimum charge is $3.001. Pnivato advortising onlyl Pl easo notjfy us If you f nd, a retalor' listed as.aprivate adfvortlser. Please notify, the Whitby Free Press immedlately whon item is. sold so that we may doloto it f rom the following Issues. - Ali.,ads not f itting the grnpvriuum guidolines Yvill bo treatod andf charged per week as rogular classifiod ads onï a pro paid basis. such as: ýservices, heIp wantod,'clothing, real ostate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting prico or quantity: Private c lassifiled ads may a ppear in the Emporium section under appropriato headings. If in doubt, call-668-6111 MAI1L ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. 8Box'206, Wh iIby, ýLiN ,5S1 OR DELIVER TO:, 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE ýDEADLINE 'FOR, EMPORIUM ADS IS -THE' FRlIDAYPREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT--NOON.- 1TOPlIECE French, provin. Aug. 15, 1979. .cial suite, green & gold velvet. Pulls out into a double bed: $150;'Two orange, part vinyl' 'NTERN- $15; nart fabric, chromo chairs $20" 1 oncyclopedia eczChý; 1 3/4 colonial bed,, com-^ 35 mm came- plete bod $75; Two 20" girls ýMP-VOIT-MR bicycles -$15 oeach;.> One O f 1 vo hi Dacor pres- drawerscheést,$25; Oneo green ,ýPhono 668-2675. crushed vielvet roc ker,$75;ý One Aug. 15, 79, portable black & white TV $25;i One 3' ,piece white rod-dron icycle, 26 inch round kitchen table ýwith 2 01tinr.. $50.-'Cali chairs $40; Phono 668-.1436. Cali after 5:30 p.m. Aug- 15, 1979. 30 inch white Chef master stove good condition. $35. Phone 655-,- 3006. Aug. 15, 1979. Wright piano, go $550. or bost off er. Aug. 1/79 8 TRACK CAR DECK Seli Fo. 501648 - Moc. No. C940-26821 with 4 speakers & 3 tapes. $50. Ciiîl 668-5919. 4 - 6 p.m. Aug. 1/79 ALMOND COLOURED ood condition,, ADMIRAL stove & fridge, 3 Cali 655-Large aquariumd. $5fGl arto Cali 655-4221emanths riud. $50 for, pr Aug. 15, 1979. coffee table $25. Phone 668-4886 Ito see. Gîbson electric guitar & ampli- fier. $800. Phono 668-6563. A edroo m sel- tvy 1 side tables,i 'th two mlrrt brown. $400. Che, and green,- $75. 4716, mornina or Aug. 1/79 AIR CONDITIONER Viking Aug. 15, 1979. 10,500 B.T.U. - ý2 spoed fan ovin bods, two wlth hidden push button con- and a dresser > trois - approx. 2À 1/21 x 22 1/2", 'ors, modiumn x 14 1/2"1 hlgh $150. Phono sterfild, gold '668-7953 after 7 p.m. Caîl res. 986- Aug. 1/79 r Bus. 668-5881 ext. 298. I R, C.A. REFRIGERATOR lJ-ed onîy 1 year. Wide left Aug. 15, 1979. -h.nd; R.C.A. range self dlean. CONSOLE STEREOGrundoig, C. :ctric $750 for both. Phono flot ln worklng ordor $120; Two 9.'..4716 mornings, 668-5881 ext. mattrossed& box Springs, twin. 2;:-. afternoons. sizo $40 a pair; Child's dresser, red & white $90; Teak desk $95. Phono af ter 50 p.m., 281-2999. Aug. 8/79 :aîl668468. CTFP IZI' BLENDER Fair. June 27, 79 lit Double bod. 6 ______ .r~ ciwood hoadboard, irsepwer, I . . rail. $20; Silvor iger Go-Kart. hIl1 . $10; Old silver -Phone, 668-. I "r h th kn 'ife $5; Silver Ju n.6. ir LcI $10 Pair; Antique June1 6. ý s<. '-snf.rwith large bevel. lt,' ov8i swiciring mirror $17; t q*1iirhr of drawers, sol id o.on( i ri asters, ail bros h,-i'cIw.., -y hole with key t '0F--1ofer on tho above SUITE bulit anlick1. l'hosie 668.6567. 1 $800; sot 0f I table. Solid oe set; 3 pc. 175; kitchen ne suite $75. acceptod on itms. Phono BA 8Y" CRI B Whi)e like new, irf udi'.î mattress. $80, ncw S2"'); G#M car seat $10. Phone 668 6590. Aug.' 8/79 Aug. 29/791 Metriè -i Aug. 1/79 HOOVER APPARTMENT size washor &' dryer with stand. Avocado green. Good condi- tion. $350. Caîl 668-4200 anytime. July 25, 79 WOODEN BANisTrER $50; Hardwood f Iooring $100; Also wooden chest $20; Large 2 tiored f lower stand $20; Wooden bed f rame& spring $10. Phone 683-6638. JuIy 25, 79 WOOD CUPBOAF walnut end tables Phono 683-6638., Ar conditioner 1 2 speed fan 22< windlow hardware 655-4003. for, ter'u ZD $40; 2 AKAI STE REO ln mint-condi- tion. Turn tab 'le, amplifier &I receilver. 2 speakers. Complete $700 or bes t offor. dood s ta rter system. Phone, 668-2649. JuIy- 11, 79 PUMP ANDFlLTER for above ground 'Pool. Stainloss' steel tank. 3/4 H.P., 3450' RPM, 60 CPS, 115 volts. Asking $125. Phono 668-0570. July 11, 79 shing machine, good condition.- $1 75. Under'warranty. Phono 623-5715. July 4, 79 Amoerican stoller chair. Con- ,verts into' carrnage,* car bed, feeding< chair, rocking 'chair., Blue. Good conhdition. ý$75. ISPORTSMAN FL( LATRused Lloyds calculatorS car reverberator1 668-8178. FOR SALE Gas Pt Used two semsons. pupi3/4 horsepower season $175. Pool.v and skimnmer net $21 chemicals, includinç chiorine $30. Caîl 57 aABRY iTrEMA.c CB RADIO, 40 cha nnel, single s sideba nd T RC 448 with capabl.. S lties. Just like new. Buying abasesiâtlon.,Asking $300. Cou i 668-4277. Ju ne 13, 1979. Eêon'omic Grwth Ontario's economy grew 3.6 per cent in real termei last year and'ie expected to grow, at approximately the' came rate during/ 1979, states the Ontario Ministry of Industry, and Tourism annuai review. Job Creation The job creation rate in Ontariowas 3.6 per cet' 1978, exceeding that of Can- ada, 'while the unemploy- ment rate of 7.2 per cent. comfpared favorably with an 8.4per cent unemployment rate for Canada, states the Ontario'Ministry of Industry and Tourism annual review'. Industrial Contacts, TheOntrjoMinistry of [ndustr-y and Tourism indus- trial officers located in 15 field officesacross the prov- ince made 17,953 contacts with- industry- last ,yoar as well las 944 contacte ' with pnunicipalit 'ies r egarding- in- duetrial :devobopment. assis-, tance, -reports the m"inistry's. Lnutal roview.-< Planning f0o move?. be sure to cail PhofeLa.LQL... lIts Most Faons Sashil n 1h. Wsdi" Women should 'estabish theirown reditrecords By LindaWilfie, CA Even,.Ann this compar- atively enlightened age of oquality of the sexes, there are stili areas where wonen, need to. guard againet discrimüination -- one ie the mattor of, obtaining .blans and' credit. 1 I iâ sometimes harder There are safeguards against this kind of sit- uation. The Ontario Con- sumer Reporting ' Act allows awoman to requeést that separate credit his- tories be maintained' in both lier, name andlier hueband's name., This-i JuIy 4, 79 for a -woman to obtain won't happen autoîmat-, >RECET oan or ino of creditthan ically - youmuet make a twiScNT $25 iieframn;ve hu1 omireue fyutk $5; Doîphin thoir carninge may be the out a Joan or open a creditý $15. P hono saine., The, major banks account jointly in both, June 27, 79 dlaim that their policy is* names. equal credit opportunity for , The act aiso- entities' 001l hoator. ail, but some Joan officere anyone to review hie or lier $325 Poclole shl believe that women are credit history at any time.ý vacuum kit loss reliable borrowers than It is a good idea to do this 2; aria pool once a year. Clerical errore tg 30 lbs. of Geneial financia advice and misleading information U6-7655. by member of thee lustîtute a creep into these files, Jue 0,7 of Çhartered Accouniate and if they do you want to 'OR SALE of ontario. have ik corrected. Gendren Carniage, converts to car bcd or strolier $25; Bathi- nelle $15. Phone 68.1528. June 20, 79. DOUBLE BED SET Nine drawer dresser and mirror. .Ask ing 5150. ,Phoné(688154. June 20, 79.. FOR SALE Purpie rug & dra- pes,suilablef or rec-rooM. Ask- i ng $300 or best off or f or lboth. Phone 666-1618. .Juri,' 13, 1979. FOR SALE Acme Sealay ,see Fax" stock confrol system in-' cluding 4 bces of stock confrol cards. $100. Phono 668-3131. June 13, 1979. $35 a pair. -FOR 'SALE Electric Motor - X' JuIy 18, 79 1/4 h.p. 110 volt. 60 cycle 1725- -ram 1/2" shaf t with puîley $25; [5000 BTV, "22"-..B.B.Q. with hood, shelf. ) volt wit h Eloctric charcoal lighter, gqood $200. P. cond. $22. Caîl 668-2630. July 18,79 June, 13, 79. WESTINGHOUSE Mobile air 6,000 B .T.U. Air conditioner, ..window style. $75. Phono 668. 6062. Juno 13, 79. men. As a result, a womnan may be asked to, have her huesband or father co-sign a Joan application. Men' are seldomn ever asked to have their wives co-sign. Underlying this problem je the fact that a woman--. and especially a married woman - often has no credit history in her own name. When a womnan marries lier credit history je combined -with lier husband's, and even Io-ans they jointly take out and jointly repay, wiIl reflect on hie credit rating alone, not hers. 'Wlat happonsif a couple decide to soparate and *divorce or if the, wife je *suddenly widowed? 'A *woman with no, credit *history of her own'may flot ho able to obtain a Joan or credit at ail. Another' good idea je to take Out a emalJoan even thougli you may not need one. If you have a savings account gr bonde use them, as coliateral. The dîffer ence between the intereet you pay and the intereet you earn wiII hoe mafl, and your good crodit record --- along with the fact that your Joan offiocer<now knows you as a financially-reeponsible per- son -- will make it eaeier for you to got a Joan in the future.1q In applying for a Joan, your beet asset is a -good crodit record, and you should have one in your onname whether you think you'l ever need it or not. Chances are that' one day you wil.' Linda WiIIis ie with Olarks.n Gordon & Co., Toronto.1 --j'

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