Whitby Free Press, 15 Aug 1979, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1979e WMfTBY FREE PRESS Girl>,was firedunfanl from summier j'Ob An 18-year old Whitby girl tions, along with a, ready s as compiained that she was made speech and a list of et go" unfairiy.and withôut phone numbers, I began S ay from her sumnmer job. working. At many of, the b Marian Snyder said that places I calied there was no a e thought that she had answer. Several people were F naly found a summer job interested in demonstra- d« a telephone solicitor for tion but at a later, date.", th iter Queen Distrîbutors in The manager was flot w shawa. Uleased, howevýer, with the O "I was told 1 was hired for resuits she was getting and le job at $3 an hour and sent her home affer about an ar »ild be working six hours a hour. f .u(-ay, starting the toilowing Monday. "Everything mas great. Even though the job didn't sudthe" most appeahing,I 'was excited about, my new, fuil-time job," Snyder said. 1She siaid that she reported for worle on the Monday. "After receiving instruc- Snyder was not'paidfo her work and she said that she resents this. Wayne Goodwin, spokes- man'for the. Oshawa branch of Filter'Queen, 'saàid1 that only, 20 per cent of the 'people interviewed for jobs as tele- phone solicitors1 are' hired because a certain flair. for DENTURE THERAPY, CLINIC 111 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHJTEY, * 668--1464< DURHAM PLANNING DEPARTM ENT -PUB'LIC ÇNOTICE.> The' fol lowing applic ation to amend.theDurharn ýRegi onal1 officilai plan has-been received by the Pla nning Depart- mýent of the Regilonal Munic'ipality 0f Durha m. ln order f0o assist in the eçvaluation'0f this application; the, public is, invited to provide input.,by.way of, submissions 'to the Region's Planning DePartmfent.- APPLICATION'T'O AMENO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PL AN >AND THEOÃ"FFICIAL PLAN 0F TH1E FORMVER PLANNING AREA' OFITHE TOWN OFýWHITBY LOCATION: PART 0F LOT 27, CONCESSON-4, TOWN 0F WHITBY The purpose of this amendment application is f0 permit estate residential dievelopment in'the location indicated on, the map below. Further Information related f0 thea ndetapc. tinmy be obtainedi at'the Planning Department, 105. Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, LUN 6A3; Or by calling Mr.> L. Kotseff, Planning Depiartmn't, <416)68-71 SubmissIons concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning, aithne above.noted'address, and'must be received no later'than Friday, Aügust31, 1979. R.Rose Chairmano Planning Committee' Dr. M. Mizhael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning 'J salemanship is required. Goodwin said that Syn der's failure to get'tangi-ý ble 'resuits '(i.e., peopie Who, agree to a de.monstration by Flter, Queen saiesman that lay or the next) in'an hour on. ;fe job indicated' that she vas flot suitable for that type )f work.: Goodwin also 'said 'that ipplicants are toid thattheir irst hour on, the job is a., test nd that It would flot: be cund -busines's'sense, to pay ýop1e'for taking the test and ailing to get'the resuilts. If the pass the ttey ,t paid,' hé said., The' ,Oshawa "Office, nploys six fuil-time people. e'said,,and have branches Cross 'the country.* pi fa! err aci Beach girl Prety Janet ýYorston, 18, was spotted' on the beach recently by our intrepid pogapher...lut don'It bother looking fellas, by now she'lbe backini Maryland whereshe works for a truck dealershlp. But don 't give up'hope, her folks have -moved here so she may be backi Free Press Photo by Mike BurgeSs Refugees get welfare benefitsand have trouble* learrnng about Canada Government sponsored refugees receive allowances comparable to welfare bene fits for a year or until they become seif-sufficient. A single person', for exampie, receives $50 a week for room and board. The fo9d allo- wance*for a husband and wife is $40 a week, and children are allowed $11 a ,week up to fine years of age, $13 aà week if they're 10 to 15 years oid and $15 a- week if they're 16 and over. .Families receive silo- wances '0fW $230 a month for rent 0fàa one-bedroom. spart- ment (Plus utilities), $260 for a two-bedroom and $290 for a three bedroom., 'Few Indochinese have experie -nced snoWy, freezing winters. When the first boat refugees 'arrived before Christmas, the counseliors in the Toronto office' of Immi- gration Settiement. dis- covered. that they 'had to teach them how to walk on ice as the, new arrivais had no conception of- how 't0 balance- on hard and slip- pery,,frozen surfaces. Also, in 'Indochina anyone i authority, from, a parent to a, teacher, is 'held in' great respect and treated with de- ference. So, while the kids learned« about snowballs, the parents had to lefarn that it isn't neccssarily disrespect- fui for children to piayfully throw snow. John Chu of the Toronto Vietnan-ese Association says refugees* are astonished to iearn that people will drive for an hour or two just to visit a friend or have dinner somewhere. They are equai- ly astonished to find that there ar e so 1few motor bikes on the streets. Ini Vietnam the'streets are ciogge d with' them. HUNDREDS 0FDIFFERENT PAPER BACK NOVELS & MAGAZINES, WINTARIOý & PROVINCIAL TICKETS We now carry * CORDON aT+-4 IFRASER. *greeting cards exclusively MBM. PU-BLISHING> 131 BROCK STREET NORTJ:I WHITBY 688-6 11 Thm.Fn, 9 - 8;Sat 10 - 4 Whitby Communitingo Jay cee e Kiwanis Kinsmen a.I *Optimists 2- EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Mndoy, uIy 0 199 Lc. No,,235481 FIRSI JACKPOT ATr54 -NuMBERS, SECOND JACKPOT AT59 'NUMBERS 7:15 pm No ci.men undr.16 addmitted. NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HE£YDENSHORE PAVI LIONJ (Corner Water St. & Dunlop Dr., WhitbV) ".I 'always tell themn their first l.nvestment s 'hould be a cheap but serviceable vatch,". lai4gjg Mr. Chu, -ontrasting the punctuaiity in Canada with the "frubber time" 0of Vietnam. "They hiave to learn that when they re asked to be somnewhere A noon, they must be there *iomptly at noon." lie also reminds them flot to wander around hotel corridors or the street in their' pyjamas. "Back home pyj amas were often worn as day dress, " he explains. Such things as- elevators and escalators are another completely ne* experience for most, as is color televi- sion and the muitiplicity of channels. Supermarkets, with their vast, choice of food and other i.tems, are another source of amazement. Everybody seems to be'intri- gued with the amount of green space in the midst of busy cities and towns. Their accustomed to having * ail arable land utilized for food production. -Since the Indochinese are a traditionally polite people and are gratefui tothe Cana- dian goverfiment and their private sponsors, they hesi- tate to place extra burdens on their sponsors by asking questions or discussing diffi- culties. Interpreters in the Indochinese community, try to stress to the new arrivais that their sponsors are eager to heip themn adapt and are pleased to answer their ques- tions. Any world traveiler is aware that knowledée of a country's language is oniy one step, aibeit a major one, in Iearning about another culture. The history and customs of a people aiso play an important part in under- standing, beyond a very superficial level. Many Canadians Perhaps think that the customs of others are quaint..Fact is, we have habits and', customs, native «to our culture, that are equally exotic to others. 'or this reason, officiais Norking with the Indo- !hinese refugees, after their irrival ini Canada, find an ager audience when they icpiain the many "'taken for rranted", littie details that re part of our daily pattern f life. Coping with winter is n exaniple. 'Pa f h as Fil thE JACKPOTS

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