Whitby Free Press, 15 Aug 1979, p. 17

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WHITBY.FREE.PRESS,.WEDNESDAY,,AUGUST 15,1l979e PAGE 17 ROOKLUN -TOOL-CO). SPECI AL SALE Drill Press $225 ý3 Ton'Car Stand .$2,1 -lmP8ct'Sockët, set $30 Tap&,Die$35. Plus other related prod> Dealers welcomfed" Complote Automotive. 9arage Supplfies HIGHE.STPRICES Nid for Goli and'Silver coins, aiOdogins, cdocks, jsefllery, >dishes,furn ituro, cra cks, oil, painingsand soalers. FrRIENDLV FLEA MARKET 23.KING ST. W., OSHAWA, CARPENT >R Y HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEMENTS METRO LIC.,B -2654 Kitchens, -Ceramlic TiIing, Dry.wall, Rec. -Rooms Cedar Decks and >Patio' FREE ESTIMATES Cli6-48 BUBBINS SIDING ~, lsminum & vinyl 'siding, sof- f itt, fasi& seamless alumi- num eavestroughing installa. tion.. Free -estimates, -Very neasonable. Caîl 66641979 eve- nings, 10 per cent1 discount for senior citizens. E ÙMOBILES 76 FORD GRENADAý 6 cyl. 3 spe ed ýstandardî. 49,000 miles. Certif ied. -$2,900. Phone'68 4058. 1976 Bui ck ýSkyhawk, '35,000, miles, V-6, 5' 1speed,# air con- 'ditioned, AM/FM radio, $4150 ,or best offen. Cali -983-9550. Orono. 1973 Dodge Coronet Custom. 4 doon V-Bè automatlc, P/S, ,P/B, Steel'belted, radiaIls, excellent worklng 'condition. CertIf led. Phoneé 668.0679. AU ARTS 1- 4 speed shifter for G.M. Saglnaw transmIssËion, excel- lent condition. $50. Cali 655-8020 KING & JACKSON Expenien- ced auctioneers. Ron King 985. 2643 &, Murray Jackson. 985- 24W9. Experienced baokkeeper <8 _years> Is lookîng for pant-time work. 'WIII work from '&wn homne, or your office. If Inter- ested, please cal 668-7466. CLEAN,SWEEP Experlenced chimfney clemning specializIng in firelaces 'and,.wood stoves. Cai 1olc.l'649.5166. UfRoTECT FORESTS SRICES QoatyScrMentd TOP SOIL Also SAND &STONE' TED ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY Brock 'Rd., NR. R. 1, Péickering 683,0887 FORMENT <Whitbyvappartments,.fon rent.-2 ba chelor '$225. monthly, one available now, one available Sept. .1, 1979. For'l bedroom, appartments .$265. monthly '2 available Sept.'1, 2 availaple Oct. 1, 1979. One 2 bedroom apt. $290. monthly, available Oct. 1,' 1979.,,Includes ail Utillities, plus parking for 1 car. 'Phone 723. 0575. ##WANTED TO RIENT"I 3 bednoom house - InWhitby utilities included $350, Phone Toronto, 431-3745. Ask for Alice Responsible adult wlshes, to nent 1. or 2 bedroomn house or ground f on fIat with parking, beginning Sept. in, Whitby or Pickering area, Reasonable, rent. Caîl 683-5452 Mon to Fr1. 5p.m. to 9q p.m. 'FORENT SWIMMI NG, POOLS TO RE NT Wil1l lea se a nd i nstaî11 for ho me- oWners, family size aluminim swimming pools with patio. ý-Choice of styles, meeting aIl. fencing regulations o <n a one, two or three -year rentaI ba- sis with option to buyl Cal IMPERIAL POOLS toîl free 1-800-268-5970. FOR.RENT Office Spaoe. Up -to 20,000 sq. ft. 'sprinklered. Hopkins Si.,- Caî11l col1leotù Toronto 633.,1615. E:HOESFOR SALE OUT 0F TOWN PROPER-TY BoAfanville,.Scug9og. Rd. -N., situa tedbetween tWo Christian. Sc hools, ,over 1/2a cre l ot, la'ndsca ped, ,ma tu re frýees, 4 bednoom' rIMmaculate bunga- 1 Mé,'pa Ved cilcu la rd rive,attla- ched'garaége ýplus, many more extras.. Please cal Woudsfra, Realtor, 985-515 for details. HOUSE -FO R SALE 3 bedroom bungalow,, 2 car garage, 'full basement, partly finished' lot 190 f t. *x'75 f t. N ea r shopping centre, schogis,. and GO ' service. Asking 49,500. Phone 579-6360. -Whi tby- . 3 bedroomn house. Large lot, close Ito GO station. $330 monthly, Caîl 1.613-337- 5895. Thu-rs & Fr1 668-0850. FORAE- EARN ETAMNEY, Show our excitlng uIne oft Christmas cands ýand glfts, to' frlendis, neighb'ours; relatives. Noexpe- - rience needed. Ouûr big, colouùr- .fully illustrated'ýý catalogue 'makes it-'easy and'profitable. Start now. Write -today 'forfree Christmas catalogue'and Infor- matIon. ,Monarch ,Greetlng Cards, 217'Cannon,,Hamllton, U8N 3K3 'or phonw.'(Âl6),527-' 389- SWEET I§NDiAN CORN now ready. Available at Keith Bell Farmn, Myrtle, Rd., No. 5,'(3 miles north 0fBrooklin) 1 Mile east of ighwvay - 12. Phone 655-3326 We -are not the same Bell -that attends the 'farmers market. SWIMMING POOL Manufac- turer has new, 1978 Pools, regu. Ian price $2,190 now at our, in scason special of $1,355.ý Pools comne wlth walkanound deck, patio, fenclng, pump, motor& fitrDeilvery, arnanged to your convenience. For best. selection and,,information cal IMPER IAL,« POOLS tol free 1 -800-268-5790. Fridge for sale - Moving ta apt. Deluxe Westinghouse' Frost., f ree 17.1 cubic f t., New, N ov./77 Poppy ned. New $800. asking $450. Phone 668-2961. 2 Positions -open 1 - Dishwashen for nights, hostess for days, apply -in pers on to Explorer Restaurant 900 Hopkins St. Whitby, Ont. EOVES OPENING Good. Friends Nursery. School' Emmanuel reforned, church 'Whltby'. morning programs.. '668-1452 'or 668-5504." "PERSIONAL"1 Are you unattached, separated, single or divonced? Meet that special person. Apply P.o. Box 104, Owen Sound, Ont. N 4K 5P1 Please state age. To ove?. be sure to cal Ponen~ bMut Fm.uSUaW jet»h WPM' SSeatlng and tableware foen outdoor,arty houldb&-casal, oz an 'convenient. Large pl lOson-reed mats wo rl for' extra, seating.. Set a simpe buffet table with a centerpiece of fioWers fromi your own a den. 'Paper Plates save on dsshrî washing, but paper-napkins, blow easilyý in- an, oütdoor,, ibreeze, so use wash "n wear napkins instead. SAT. AUG. 18 Auction sale et furniture, dishe 1S. and 1001 tools, many antiques and collectors' Items. The Estate of Mr. Frank Prouse, ,Irt the village of Pick.' ering, 2 blocks south of Hwy., 2 on'Church St. to Cristena Cr. (watch for signs). ANTIQUES three, bedroom suites, Uirst worldiwar razor, licence plate1' umbrella' rack wlth- brass holder plus umbrellas, 1932 f loor radio, cigar boxes, mantle dlock, Tigar feet stand, 'six' drawer chest,, columbia gran- f ola, wicker baskets, 1923, table, rack,,gas lamps, round table, captain chair, cabinet for gran. ophone, chinia' cabin et, wash stand, singer sewing :treadle machine, nick-nack shelves, captain trunk, GTR brass lamp health metre scales, side board shoe repair stand, ocean blend tea cars, rocking _chair, fIat irons. DISHES, Royal Winton,, Royal Albert, Queen Anne, Limogees, hand painted, 8 place setting 'Mori- take Japan, crocks, ýglass cof- tee jar, milký bottles, beer bottles, shaving stand, candle holdens, bone, handle. steak knives. TOOLS Plummer f ire box,. hand drill press, wood planes, barnbuild- ing'tools, copper barn spnayen, heavy duty miter box and saw, complete set' die-pipe cutters, ban saw, drill, set and power tools, garden tools, building ,matenial, post hole spoon, quantity camera equipment, woodenchest, lamps, portable' barbecue, coleman stove, lawn furniture, 'bird -bath, Claire Tore stereo, wall dlock, rocker, 2,pc' chesterfield, Phillips 26 inch Colour TV, vacùuums, two cardtal, Chistmaàs decon-r ainboo6ks; and 'many, many. 'more items. Sale startsat' il a. m., Lunch available. Don't miss this sale, something for everyone! PILKEY AUCTION SERVICE- CLAREMONT 649-2238Ï. Family Favorite' I bag and freeze> apricots be- cause my family likes their deli- cate, deIi htfu1 flavor in pies and puddings, or p oached and flamed on ice cream. Apricots when de- frosted and served raw. cati taste slightly chewy depending on the variety. If you haven't frozen them before, try a test. samiple. Freeze 'a small amount and next day defrost a nd taste. Prepare apricots for freeziirig in the sa me way that you prepare peache's, treating them with ascorbic acid. Both fruits dis- color' due to oxidation. The only difference between the two is that apricots don't require blanching and peeling. If you have any other questions, please- Write to me atthe "Glad" Home FreezingInform ation Cen- tre, 165 University Avenue, Toron- to, Ontario M5H 3B8, enclosing a stamped, self-addressecd envelope. l'Il be more than happy to answer them. July release L SAT AR POLLUTION Support -rocl LumAssoolàtjon723-3151 CORPORATION 0O'F THE TOWN 0F .WHiiTBY ADUIT SCHOOL CROSINGGUARD< The Town of Whitby Is accepting applications for the position of AdultSchool.Crossing Guard for the Kathleen Rowe.-Public School.ý' This,'position'%would be of in'tenest to-anyone living ln the Burnn'Street East/Athol Street area. Applications are to be addressed, to Mn. Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk Administrator, Corporation0f, the Town 0f Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby,.Ontario. LUN 2M8 no later than August 54th, 1979. R.A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., ef SmallIi Egines Essentiel* SERVICI Knowlodeg. ELECTROLUX 108 A tho Srot, Wih 668-1666 We are a manufacturer of precîsîon components serving custo mers world-wide.- We invite skitled tradespeople ta use their skills ta good advantage at aur Whitby location. 1001 AND OYE MAKER ENGINE LATHE SETUP AND OPERATE TURRET LATHE SETUP AND OPERATE Skilled applicants may arrange the interview by catling collect or writing ta: Personnel Manager, ITT Cannon Electric Canada, 4 Cannon Court, Whitby,Ontario Li N 5V8 (416) 668-8881. (No agency solicitations, please) Fi-Cannon Electric. -ICanada A&Division of ITI Industries of Canada Lîmited RIEALTOR 22b5BROCK STREET NPRTH WHITB 6686171 AREMiTERSTED * V W. edalew Uaod salesPéoeaple,. I okeurse yi eWn Ym Wflahlevoogris r.gudl n. came, we o Iw offer yoan iiixcIuSI uUdOViSIUtifl in mgemMeo, .ênI cowiice yautowud reschln yaur goals.You, cmi b I nflated wM le rsults w co ea ttain. Yau ci be=ap lwok eterywe qualfld utsenoraureUytUmi we waflt ta tau, to, ymul For acandiMntW ipersa nalf- tervlewcaUl 'TONY KLGMPMAKER'. 668-6171, i !!iliýj j g ili AýticnoNs

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