WHITBY FREE PRESS) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1979, PAGE 15 -Cornig Eents OPEN HOUSE The Christopher Robin Home for Children' will be' holding an open house on Sunday, Augustl1'9 at 2 p.m. There wlll be a ýwhite. ele-' phant sale, a bake ,sale, games and,,. refreshments., There wlll alto be a dlsplay and sale of children's craftâ. thie hom e is loca ted on the south side of Hwy. 2 about éà ehâf 1 mile, east of, Har-wood Ave. ANNIVERSARY On AUgust W, 1979 pa tients and staff of Whitby Psyehia- tric Hospital plan kick% off celebrations to mark 6o years of 'service tothe com- mûunity.» The activities start at 2:00 p.m. with a flea market and carnival , folio- wed"by aà beef b arbeque dinner.,A Donkey' Basebal game climaxes'the activities with the WPH team playing the CKRRetreads. The Miis ter of Hçalth will meet everyone frgîi 2: 4:.00 p.m. on thà ", . Amongs t the' invit0ý1 glueSt S are former Superint. ncknýi-ts, Medical DirectOrs, diiis- trators and family tieru f,»I. of staff. BINGO Bingo will he -held in the Knights.,of ý Columbus Hall, every.Wednesday. aftern.oon from ip.m.' to 3 p.m. 1All senior. citizens .are-welcome to corniean d-bring a .friend. Prizes will be given to ahl winners. SUMMER 0F FUN The Summer of Fun Pro- gram S79P co-ordfinators are proud toý present* their two remnainlng activities for the summer. Anoutdoor movie night will be,4ë,held at 1thePeeýl Park- Lacrosse Blox, on Tuesday August 21sL.-The movies w ill start atdusk and, proceed util1:0 The movies that. w*ill be' shown 'are'The Hatiunted Castle, The Flyn Dpeuees, - Frenzy, and 'Crea ture with 'the Atom The last, event .0f, the sum- mner will -be a Barbecue. and! Swim at the Kinsmen Pool on Wednesday August 22. The barbecue will sita 6':00 and the Swim will fol- low. The admnission.price wil be75 cents, which includes one free hot dog and drink. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY% - The Brooklin I1 orticul- tural Societywill hold their next meeting on August 22, 1979 at. 8:0,0 p.m. in the Brooklin United Church Hall. The evening's program- is the >Annuùals FIl'ow er Sho'w and Mr. Erv Pliva is -speak- ing'on "Growing Orchids".' Ev.eryone is wëecome to join* in on a. fun and informative eeing. W w ome, new members! LA LECHE "The Oshawa, West La Cablecas t Listingý&s Cablecast 10, servlng Oshawa, whîtby, Bowmn vile Brooklin. Programs for Wednesday, Augut 5h-tuesday,: August 21/79.9ùt1tý, u a, Wednesday, August l5th 2:00 Concert i the Park wlth the Oshawa Civie Bandý 3:-*00 Sign On for the Deaf 3:30, Co-pHuig oe CMmunit 4:00 Let Me Be Me' 4:30 G.M. VideoNews .5: 00 Sign Off ,Thursday, AugUSt. l6th 2:00e Motor City Bowling Roll-offs 3:00 Front Row Centre: ParkWood Teahouse 3:30 Canadian Church Choir Competition .Finalists 1979 4:30 A.C.C.O.R.D. 5:0Sign Off Friday, August l7th 2:00 Canadian Red Cross- Oshawa Branch - Interview "Save Leh egue will meet on, Tues, Aug. 21/79 at 8:00 p.m. at 349 Vancouver, Cres, Oshawa ý(near ThorntonRd & Gibb St.) Ail women inte- rested in breastfeeding are welcome. For information, please cali Katherine Cochrane at 579-2018. SUMMER 0F FUN PROGRAM '79' Here is the lîst of events for the month of August. Wed.,' Aug. 15- Centre Island Trip. Please -phone the YýM CA at 668-6868 if you> are interested in going. Please leave your name and phone number.,, Tuesd., Aug'. 21 - Outdoor Movies at the Peel Park Lacrosse Box. Thurs., Aug. 23 - Miniature Golf. <This event will be arranged for al interested youths. SFor further info. contact the YMCA. at 668-688. -11111 EN ID RT K~LEiT±~ g. k 1977 GRAND MARQUIS,- D=e ry with matching vinyl rofadinterior.,,FulIy loadedi Lic. LO L 260 $5911 ,4 2 DR* Light blue wvith dark blue vin1 roof & body side moulding-8 auto., P/S, P/B, radio, W/,d- frostr, only 35,000 miles. Lic. JTL 589 $332696 1976 OLDS D ELTA 18 Dark rdV-auto matie, PIS, P/13# AM/F 'erO a-track, W/W, W/C, defraster, radial tires. ic. KKD 774 $384493 1976 MARQUIS BROUGHAM 4 DR. Gold With matching.vinyl roof& velour interior, V-8 auto., air, PIS, P/13, P/W, Pl, P/seats, tilt, cruise, AM/FM steroa, T/glass, W/W, W/C, tin comfort lounge mats. 'Lic. KSB 529 $467423 UNC PI the Boat People" 2:30' A Look at the Slmcoe Hall Crippled Childre n's Centre 3:0Scenes from the Whitby Trade Fair 3â:30 Focus on, 4:00 County-Town Carnival Parade 5:00 Sign Off 'Monday, August 2Ã"th' 2:00 SignOn for. the Deaf 2:30 Canadian Red Cross - Oshawa Branch - Interview «Save the Boat People" 3:00 Motor Citî Bowling Roll-Offs 4:00 Co-op Housing: Membership 4:30 County Town, Carnival Parade 5:00 Sign Off'ý Tuesday,, August.21st 2:00 Canadian1 Church Choir Competition Finîalists 1979 3:00 front, Row Centre at Parkwood: Interview with Martha-Ann Rankine 3:30 Scenes from the Whitby Trade Fair 4:00 Concert in the Park with the Oshawa Civic Band 5:00 sià Off DENTURE THERAPY, CLINIC HARWOOD PLACEML 683-m4074