Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1979, p. 17

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WHITBYFREE PRESSI WEDNBSDAY, AUGIFT 1. 1979, PAGE 17 MORKIN TOO 'CO.< Airtodis$4 Micrometers $19, e2tobn ho stW PDru h Press $225 -3 Ton Car Stand $21 Impac t Socket set $30, Trap&UieS$35 Fnus ôotner.reiat6ëu prod,. Dealers_ welcomed cornpiele Automotive Garage Suplié? 6834, 753' HUGHEST- PRICEÈS Puid'for GoId.and Silver coins, ai d guns, è1ocks, jewelery, dishefrntseï cro 1cks,_,oîl, aitgsndsealers. FRIENDjLY FLEA MARkET, 725-9783< 23 KICNG, S1T. W., <1SÃ"HAWA, CARPENTRY, HOME -REPAIRS I MPROVEMENTS JAETFROLIC. B -.,2b54. Kitchens,. Ceramic Tifing, -\Drywal, ec. Roos -Cedar Decks and Patio - Donrs. FREE.ESTIMATES Cahil 6684686 BUBBINS SIDING o *minum & vinyl slding,.sof- 1 , fascia & seamless alu mi- ti,,rn eavestroughing installa- i )n. Free,-estima tes,. very» 1> tsoniable., Call,666.1979 eve naigs. 10 per, cent discount.for, iior citizens. FORRNT FOR RIENT, off ice Space. ,Up ,to< 20,000- sq. ft, îprink1ered,' Hopkins St. Cali coiiectToronto 633-1615. SWI MM G, POOLSÃŽTO R ENT WiII lbase and instalilfor'homne- owners, famniiy size aluminim swimmind.pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting ail fencing regulations on a ane, twO or three year rentai ba- <sis with option to-buyi Cal IMPERIAL POOLS toîl free 1 -80-268-5970. r PAliENTS FOR REN RIt EpT.,ibd 1-800-268-5790. ANTIQUES Eat'dn's elec. par. table sewing machine, ail attachments, books, warranty paper & -carrying case. $75; Centre drop sewing table $100; camera, Yashîca -' Mat with three lenses: like new. $150. Phone 668-1517. IVCES TENDER - ROOFING CONTRACTORS. Roof ýrepairs' ta, varlous build- ings at the Psychiatric Hospi- taI, Whitby, Ontario. Tender No, LIN-79-071 .P67389 IEMOLITION CONTRACTOME "E LTDemolition'o'f varlous buildings' (implement sheds (2),, roat, hause & barn faundation) at Lot 31, Concession 1, Whitby, Ontario. Tender No. LIN-79-074 -P60908- SEPARATE, INDIVIDUAL. J SEALED TENDERS wiii be Jreceived until 2:00 p.m. LOCAL' - CMBED GTNDERS1W7LL TOIEAGUTN21,S1979. acre. NOT'BE ACCEPTED. ELAFRSLE_ BRAN 1 'waoded Lakefrant. 10 miles Halii Village. $7,500. Phone 985 urton i3939. SWEETCORN* NOW READY.' Keith Bell Farm, Murtie Rd. No. 5, 3 miles n. of Brooklin, 1 mile E. of Hwy. 12. Phone 655-3326. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, sundry items, and clothing - lots of bargains. 929 Burns St., Unit 113, on Saturday, August 4, 1979, 9 a.m. ta 2 p.m. BARBEQUE -with adjustable< grill, hood, storage,,shelf and automatlc'(110V) rotisserle. Ai condition. $30. Phone 655-4051 after 6:00 p.m., FRlDÏGr c.oa Spot. $45;, 2 round.- 100 gallon fuel tank $25 each; 1 dining table& 4 chairs $40; 1 sewlng Machine $30; 1 VW snow tire & wheel $6.50; 1949 Ford haîf ton,$1,060. Phone 668-0133* or 668-3099. E M.S FOR SALE ,OUT.OF TOWN PROPERTY BoNnanville, Scugog Rd. N., situa ted between tWoChristian Schoolsý, over 1/2 acére lot,, landscaped, mature, trees, 4 bedroomimmaculate bunga-< loN, paVed, circu la rdrive, atta - ched .garage -plus, many. more extras. Please cati Woudstra, Realtor, 985-5915 for deta is. 76 MAVERICK ,4cdoor. Power streering, power brakes, snows' wl 'th rim, new -t res, l0w mile.' age. Excellent condition. $2,500' or'best offer. Phione 668.0704. 'ELYMENT EXPERIENCED NURSE willl babysit in hier own home. Otter Creek area. Phione 668-5220. KING & JACKSON Experien.' ced auctIoneers. RonKing 985. 2643 & Murray Jackson 985. 2459. HELJ EARN EXTRA MONEV Show our exciting line of Christmas cards and gifts ta f riends, neighbours, relatives. No expe- rience needed. Our big, colour. fully lllustrated catalogue makes it easy and profitable. Start naw. Write today for f ree Christmas catalogue and infor. mation. Monarch Greeting Cards, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, L8N 3K3 or phonw (416) 527- 3891. IIOUSEKEEPER- BABYSIT. TER Live-inor live-out, needed for Whitby family. Salery and duties to be discussed. Cal 668-1145. EARN EXTRA MONEY in ' our spare time, enjoy inde- penidance or retire early. Tea. chers especially enjoy this opportunity. if you are over 18 Tender Documents may be abtained from the Ontaria Mi-' nistry of GavernmentServices, Lindsay. Reglanal Off ice, 322 Kent Stree West, P'.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontaria. NOTIE: For further informa. tion , regardling ,,the .above Tenders, please cali Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above *address'. Telep hone: The Iowest necessarily 705.324.9188. or.any (Tender not accepted. Majnhtry of Onwtarino BUSINESS OPOTUNITIÉS SMALL RETAIL and Servicing' business tor sale. Rust proof ing car wash and care service. Weil established business with existing clientel'and ail neces.' sary equipment and inventory. Business operating. For fur- ther details contact K. Sharma, (416) 576-3430 at Dunwoody Ltd.ý Oshawa, Ontario. Appro- ximate cost $35,000. WATTD RECREATIONAL TRAILERS TO RENT Whitby Jaycees re- ,quire severai trailers. Thanks. giving weekend. ' Oct. 6, 7& 8/79 Please contact 668-9912 or 683-4897. NOPIE S BILI AND BELLE GRYLLS -0f Whitby, wlsh to thank-al 'their friends and relatives for help. iîng ýmake our S5Oth, wedding anniversary an extra special' day. AUTNOS SATURDAY, AUG. 4 sale time i1 a.m. 1-buse trailer, furniture antiques. Estate sale of Reina &Patrick Lee, .434 Paxton Sti Port Perry,. opposite the hospi. taI.' Auc;tioneers king& Jackson. 985.2643'or 2459. iviiRTGAGE SALÈ: SINGLE FAMI LY. DWELLI NG' 809 FAIRVIEW AVENUE* PICKER'ING* ONTARIO Unde& and b y virtue of the Power 0f Sale Icontained in a certain mfortgage which wil be produced at the time of-sale, there wilI be offered for sale by: AUCTION ON TUES. AUG.- AT il A.M. AT 1127 FINCH AVE. WEST DOWNSV IEW Ail and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Pickering, in the Regional *Municipalîty of 'urham and being composed Lot 23, according ta Plan No. b save and except Part 23 on Exp, opriation Plan No. 95, and mort larticularly described in Mortg.te No. D76191. The said -perty will be offe- red for sale'.-bject ta a reserve bid and cana aons of sale. TERMS: A depos"t of t4,000 by cash or certif ied cheque ta be paid'at the time of sc.ie and the balance within thirty days thereaf fer. For further particulars and appointment for .'inspection apply to:1 Danbury Sales (1971) LcId. 1127 Finch Avenue West,, Downsview, Metric 9 8,% of the w orld knows it> so it mus9tbe eaýsy EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - An independent, -self.motl. viated, intelligent person wlth health related background, possessing excellent secretaria I skil Is and accountina experience requlred for busy off ice. Experience ln minute taking and report writing essen-tia. The person'must ne ..Dersonable and able to deèal effectiveiy with ,peoole. Secretarial and administrative experience required. -.Only those persons whose qualifications meet the above, requirements need apply to P.O. 'Box 864, Oshawa, bntario, L1H 7N1. Closing date for receipt of applications is August 1Oth, 1979.ý -»%ues Custom,,Upholstering Bus. 668 -5481 4e 68 -65 26 Duncan. Phyfe Sofas, Love Seats, Wing Chairs Made To Order Velvet Touch Furniture, Stripping Repairs Refinishin g Appraisals 413 Dundas St. E. Whitbyîî Ontario SERVICEMANREQUIRED FOR ECHANICAL CONTFnIACT0Rý Suppl'yeand instaîl new'Siamese anid calc water service mains f0 -Ctta,,ges 1, 2, 3 & 4 at the durham Regional, Centre, hibOntario. TENDER No. L1N.79-080 -P77212. Sealed tenders wili be rec eived until,2:00 p.m. LOCAL, TIME, AUGUST 21l, 1979. Tender, Documents may be. obtainied from. the Ontario Mi- nis try of Governm ent Services, Lindsay Regional ,Office, 322» Kent Street West, P.O. Box, 7000," Lindsay, Ontario. .NOTE:, For further informa.ý tion' regarding ,this .tender,- please cati Mrs. E.M. Neale.at the above.adclress.*TelephoiYe: (705<,' 324.91i88. Th e lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Frozen 'Puree 1Whizz imperfect or soft berrnes in a blerider or. mash well. Mix with sugar to taste. Scoop into small "Glad" freezer bags and freeze. Use berry purees as sauce over desserts, or freeze in mea- sured amounts for your favorite home-made ice cream., sherbet, fruit Bavarian or pie filling made' with gelatin. Have a Jam Session - out of season. Bag and freeze ail the fruits you like ta cook-up into jams and jellies. At some convenient time or when the weather is cooler. have a jamn or jelly-making session. Some of my favorites are- green and ripe gooseberries, wild hlackberries and red and black currants. Al- you have to do is prepare the fruit iiccording to your recipe chopping. mashing or crushing as- neccssarv. then measure accu- rate arnounits into "Glad", treezer hags. Draw out the air'and twist t0ps wiî,h la belled twistèrs marked. with the amount of the contents. Freeze. Treat fruits that discolor. wit h ascorbîc acid before freezing. You can add the sugar your jam calis for but 1 neyer 'do. Tt only takes up more freezer space. ELECTR OLUX CALL OR DROP IN Tu: 108,Athol -St., Whitby 668-1666- CAR LAMHS MLOW. .1977 ILANDCRI 40P. Ue and whlte. M 0O97. t f I 'i SER 4 ws 1971.M NECRL fuhes pe Adut'8P.o .pb.lce n.UoBKME 572. $111su 'l97-7 CHEVIMPALA4-d.. TQ~ 1970'TOYOTA CNO&A 21 ro*ee m.i. ULLQ5TO E4 197& TOYOTA COROLLA&Âaý._.n auto .rdiirs Iee.U.KR11 1973'.FORD COOUE VN o PSps.l.,o Wheebe.oetIb. Reedv-my version Uc.E39 499. _o' 196FIREDIOi mebi smwtts te, buekets, console. rsly srps uo dvrmnCcar. Lic.- NFX 963.. 1977 -T-BIRD, h" mlonJit lr i vinyl roof, 24.000 miles, super sharp. Lic. 150 Q48. 1977 .BUNK CENTURY 4 dr. sedan, auto., p s., pb,è metallîc greeri. 'LIc. LDN 558. 19771/2 TOYOTA'CORONA, 4 cyl., auto., p.b, bench seat, 4 dr. setan, sliver, Iow .mile. LUc.KYU85 1977 CAMARO. Two tone cream and gol, rosI sharp auto., p.s., p.b., rally whèels m stripes, Iow miles. Uc. LWW 638. 1976 THUNDERBIRDU ReaI eleganco, metalic green, white interlor and white vinyl roof, auto..air, p.b.,p.w.,ow mles.Lic. KFZ 902. OPEN SATURDAY SF US ~AT Iir roWLuiITRv eCaI- Guality Screoned - TOP SOIL Also SAND & STONE TED ARNrs LUAM SUPPI UJrock, Rd., 'N., R. R. 1, Pickering 683-0O887 0 - i'l ý ý

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