Comjal.te Sohedule PUl Ot Smton A alts from l thé Town" of Wh itby 1 arn pleased to brinig greetings on behaif of Council and 'Citizens of the Town of Whitby, to the Chairman and Cornmittee of the four- teenth Annual County Town-Carnival. We also welcome, to the Carnival and to Whitby, ail those who wiil be visiting us during the fest- ivities and wish them Ragotieffuan feilowship.aiagodtreffuad We congratulate this years Chafrman and Comm- ittee, and. also those -whol have worked so liard on behaif of the, Carnival over the past years and have made it the tremendous success that it is at present. We al lo*ok forïward to the fourteenth Ann"a County Town Carnival' with anticipation and wish the Committee every success in 1979 and in the years ahead. J. C. Gort8hore Mayor COUNCIL 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY J. C. Gartshore, Mayor Councillor B. Attersley Councillor LJ. Drumm Councillor J. Bugelli Councillor'6. Emm Councillor R. Carson Councillor B. Evans