WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1979, PAGE 3 County Town Singers are on Maritime tour Jim Allison (middle) was appropriately dressed to visit the Highland Games in Nova Scotia as the County Town Singers boarded buses June 30 en route to Toronto International Airport and the first leg of their two-week concert tour of the East Coast. Left to right are Asheley. Presden oftheCouny Twn ingrsLaurie Stapleton, Jim Allison, and Director James Photo by Bob Nelson Fraud sentence set July 27 Daryll Hawley, 20, of Dun- clothes trom Sears. He later that Hawley tried to buy as Street, Whitby, will be took the items back and video computer system fro :sentenced in provincial court received money for them, the store but lef t when July 27, on a charge of fraud the court was told. clerk went to check h over $200, attempted fraud, The court was also told ceque. and two counts of fraud under $200. * uner $00. ailbôat is, stolen from Iirhor He pleaded guilty to the charges, the last week of A 15-foot sail boat moored police said. June. at the Whitby Sailing School The theft of the sail boa The court was told that was reported missing last was reported to the poli ..Hawley wrote worthless week by Ronald Knott of 247 during the closing days. cheques during December to Waverly Street Oshawa, June. The theft is stil und pay for two leather coats and investigation, police said. Whitbyg County Town Singers. left June 30 on a Maritime concert tour which includes Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. All funds raised by adnij- ssion to 'the concerts will go to the Canadian Rehabilita- tion Council for Crippled Children, to purchase a van to transport crippled child- ren to rehabilitation centres in rural areas of the Atlantic region. The singers will return to Whitby July 14, arriving Las Veg Whitby Arts Incorporated will be hosting one of its favorite fund raising events again this summer in con- junction with the County Town Carnival, July 28 from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Las Vegas--Whitby Arts style--offers an exciting eve- ning of fun and entertain- ment, including many games of chance. Admission is limited to persons 18 years of age and over. Whitby Arts will also be setting up an outdoor cafe Aug. 2 from 7 p.m. to mid- Open-air service St. Mark's United Church will hold an open air worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday July 22 at Rotary Centennial Park. Everyone is invited to come in casual dress and bring lawn chairs. In the event of rain, .the service will be held in the church. a m a lis at ce of er about 10 p.m. at Henry Street High School. The Maritime concert tour is an International Year of the Chld project for the County Town Singers. Those in charge of the various aspects of the tour are: Musicalbirector James Ashley, Pianist Margaret Webber, Master of Ceremo- nies Maureen Culp, Assis- tant Pianist Diana Machie, Assistant Director Norman Kitney Lead Guitar Thomas Spencer and Drums, Steve Smith. as might i night at the Station in con- junction with the County Town Carnival. The outdoor cafe will fea- ture the singing grouD The songs included in the repetoire for the. Maritime concert tour are: Amazing Grace, a medley from Brid- gadoon, a Broadway Specta- cular medley, Canada Our Heritage, Canadian Railroad Trilogy, Farewell to Nova Scotia, a medley from God- spell, Mr. Bojangles, O' Canada, Oh Happy Day, Over the Rainbow, Streets of London, That's Entertain- ment, The Lord's Prayer, This Land is Your Land, and a tribute to Bing Crosby. July 28 "Brookfield and Hawes", who have performed previ- ously at the Station. Age limit at the outdoor cafe is 18 years and over. plc r Starting Thursday July 12 at 9:30 a.m. FOR OUR YOUNG LADIES Summer T Shirts Short Sleeve Blouses Long Sleeve Blouses for back-to-school Ail Dresses 0 - 14 FOR OUR 2 for 1 30 % off 20% off 30%-off YOUNG MEN Short & Long sleeved Dress Pants Summer T Shirts Shirts 30% off 25% off 2 for .1 ALL JEANS AND SPORTS PANTS 20% off MANY OTHER IN STORE ITEMS ON SALE e. At the 4. Corners in DOWNTOWN WHITBY poat S Childrens Wear & Fine Linens our annual COME SEE - COME SAVE 103a Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-6607