Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1979, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDÂY, JUNE 27, 1979, WHITBY FIRE PIRSS DO'S AND DON'TS FOR SUN WORSHIPPERS - Avoiding Sunburn and Other Bot Weather Ills By Christina Scianders. Remember. when bathing' costumes covered one from neck to knee 'and included hats and shoes, and even in the heat of summer ladies wore hats and gloves and car- ried parasols? Maybe that wasn't as ridiculous as it sceems today. Did you know that even if you stay in the water ail day you can stîll get sunburned and that excessive, repeated exposure to the Sun can age the skin prematurely causing roughening, thickening and wrinkling and may even cause skin cancer?« If you want to acquire'a healthy tan without -getting sunburned or suffering heat related illness, here are some tips to follow. Suburn Since prevention is better than cure do get your tan gradually. Spend no more than 15 miniutes in the Sun the first ý day, increasing exposure five to 10 minutes daily thereafter. The sun's ultraviolet rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. so avoid prolonged exposure during those hours.» Remember t00 that you can get sunburned on a cloudy day. Ultraviolet rays can penetrate cloud cover, THE REGIONAL I ~MU NIÇIPALITY DURHAM 0F DURHAM NOTICE Ã"F PU-BLIC M E ETI1N G Take notice that the Planning Committee of, the Region al Munic ipality of Durham will1 consider the fol lowing amfendment applications at a meeting to be held on July 3, 1979 at 10:00-a.m. in the Board room, Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario. Subsequently, a recommendation of the Planning Committee will be considered by Regional Councli at a meeting to be held on July 11, 1979 at 10:00 a.m. in'the Council Chambers, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitb'y, Ontario.; (1) APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAI PLAN SUBJECT: ADDITION 0F SECTION 6.'2.6 DEALING 'WITH CULTURAL, FACILITIES WITHIN THE REGION haze or fog. They can also penetrate, water. Reflected light from sand (and in winter from snow) can also burn. Minor sunburn is red and painful. Immersion in cold water can ease the pain and even prevent blistering. Compresses soaked in cold water can be applied if im- mersion is not convenient. An application of Histocaine ointment will accomplish the same thing. If extensive blistering occurs do flot break the blisters. Cover the area and get medical aid. Once you've acquired a tan and avoided a sunburn, pro- tect your skin from too much additional exposure, par- ticularly during the midday hours. There are two other dangers related to over- exposure to the sun or intense heat and 'both of them re- quire medical attention. Heat Exhaustion Symptoms for this are weakness, dizziness, stupor and headache. The skin is pale, and moist and the casualty perspires profusely. He or she should rest in a cool place with feet elevated. Heat Stroke This is ýan extremely serious condition and the pa- tient should receive medical aid as soon as possible. It dif- fers from heat exhaustion in that the skin is hot, flushed and dry instead of paie and moist. Temporary measures are putting the patient in a cool place, sprinkling with water and fanning and ap- plication of cool compresses or ice packs to reduce the high temperature. The elderly and the obese are particularly vulnerable to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. They should wear loose fitting clothing, avoid excessive exercise, avoid alcoholic indulgence, and .maintain good nutrition dur- ing extremnely hot summer weather. *If a trip to California figures in your summner plans, be sure to include a visit to the home of seasoning blends, Lawry's California Center. You'll learn ail about how blenda are mnade in a plant tour, you can browse through gift, garden and wine shops and enjoy lunch or din- ner in an outdoor setting. For tour informnation, *write Lawry's Public Programs, P. 0. Box 2983, Loê Angeles, CA 90051. Ontario introduces new symbolized pedestrian traffic sign TORONTO '- A new sym- bolized traffic sign alerting motorists to pedestrians will soon be seen along many rural highWays, Minister of Transportation and Commu- nications Minister James Snow said.'i 'The new sign wiIl depict a black walking figure on a yellow reflectorized back- ground with a black border"' said the* Minister. "Replacing older pedes- trian warning signs, the new ones will be phased, in as re- quired over' the coming month s with the znajority located on northern routes." Field observations have indicated accidents too oflen result when pedestrians cross or walk along highways in rural or low density resi- dential areas. "'It is 'our hope these signs, iocated in advance of such areas now, will reduce considerably the number of traffic fatalities," said Snow. "«It is alarming how many people are killed on our highways and how many of these deaths could be 'pre- vented if pedestrians and drivers used more common sense," said Snow. "It's a two-way situation. Drivers should always be aware that pedestrians might be walking along, the road- way and pedestrians must be on the lookout. for, mo- torists." Pedestrian fatalities on Ontario highways in 1978 increased 12.7 per cent over the previous year from 252 t1' 284. And 1977 statistics showed that the primary causes 'included crossing through movin-g tràffic, mun- ning into the roadway and walking on the wrong side of the road. The purpose of this amendment application is to add a new policy to the. Durham Regional Officiai Plan to permit community facilities such as cuitural centres, police-stations, f Ire stations, libraries, museumns and places of worship anywhere within the Reg ion. (2) APPLICATION TO- AMEND'THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAI PLAN LOCATION: AREA UNDER THE JURISDICTION 0F THE CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BEING THE TOWN 0F WHITBY AND PARTS 0F THE CITY 0F OSHAWA, TOWNS- 0F NEWCASTLE, AJAX AND PICKERING AND TOWNSHIPS 0F UXBRIDGE AND SCUGOG The purpose of this amendment application is to identify Environme ntally Sensitive Areas on Map A - Regional Str ucture of the Durham Officiai Plan within the area under the Iurisdiction of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and to incorporate polces within the text of the Durham Officiai Plan with respect to these areas. In general, the policies would require more detailed studies to be undertaken for the areas identified as Environmentally Sensitive Areas which Include areas which have significant environmental characteristics.> Information related to the amendmnent applications is availab&e for inspection in the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, and in the offilce of the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario on June 28, 1979. Information regarding the applications may beobtained by calling Mr. L. Kotseff, Planning Department, (416) 668-7731. Requests to appear before the Planning Committee as a deputation concerning the- amendment applications must be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, Comm issioner of Planning, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, and must be received by F.riday, June 29, 1979. Requests to appear before Regional Council as a deputation concerning the amendment applications must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, and must be received 48.hours prior to the Regional Council meeting. W. Beath' Regional Chajrman C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Reg:jonal Clerk TORONTO - Every spring and summer; Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications crews head out onto Ontario highways to apply the 300,000 gallons of paint and 2,000 tons of glass beads that make up the miles of yellow and white markings. *The marking of driving lanes and the edge of the road 4s an important part of the Ministry's overail safety prograrn. A-re c e ntly-developed method of applyinghot paint to the roadway has greatly reduced the drying time and in many areas-elimmnated the need bo set up markers to warn rnotorists of fresh paint. The new system, while saving the need for long lines of famiiar orange py- Ions, must be carried out at speeds of less than 15 km/h and this has created a unique 'situation especially on multi- lane freeways. In spite of weli-marked vehicles, warning signe, flash- ing lights and a huge il- luminated arrow indicating the proper side 10, pass, many 'motorists still drive over freshly applied paint. And the three vehicles in- volved in the painting opera- tion -. a rear warning sign truck, an intermediate sign truck and the paint truck il- self - must now contend with traffic cutting into the, convoy and driving over the paint before il is completely dry. The problem is even great- er at the entrance ramps 10 freeways where impatient motorists speed, up and cut through the operations in order to save a second or two. This disregard for safety and the posted warning signs not only spoils the freshly painted lines, but creates a dangerous situation for the crew on the slow-moving vehicles. "Watch for MTC road- painting crews," cautioned an MTC spokesman, "and neyer pass until the entire convoy. can be safely over- taken." Hot Fudge Creani 1 cu,è sugar 1/4 cup ight corn syrup 1/3 cup cocoa 1/2 teaspoon sait 1/2 cup water' 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanila 1/2 cup whîpping cream, unwhipped Combine sugar, corn syrup, cocoa, sait and water. Bring 10 boil. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Stir in butter and vanilla. Stir in whipping cream. Serve hot over pears and ice cream. Makes 2 cups of sauce. Leftover -sauce may beý refrigerated for about 4 days. Hot paint improves highway, marking MARIAN MOTORS* 25 GRENFELI ST., OSHAWA 728-5179 Fiats new Spider 2000 It has a 1995 c.c. engine, new mag style wheels,' and an optionai automatir, transmission. Includes: RellabllIty Warrantl " New Interior Fiat la the only import that gives " TInted Glass yOU both: 5-Sped Tansissin e -Whel Ds e a 3 year/ 120.000 kmn corrosion 5-Sped ransisson a4-Weel ise perforation warranty Brakes e Colour Co-ordinated SofI Top a*a 2 year/40.000 km power train a Radial Tires.e New Spolier a New Rear warranty Llghts See us for full detaiis.

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