Corridor Capers KEYSTONE AWARD Carol, Glenn and Andrew Shortt of Garrard Road were in Ottawa iast week to be present at the ceremony at Government Flouse when Bernie Muzeen received the Keystone Award from Governor General Edward Schryer. This is the highest award given by the Boys and Girls Club for outstanding contributions to youth work. Bernie, who for many years was theassistant Scout Leader of llth Oshawa Scout Troop is now Executive Director of the Ottawa Boys and Girls Clubs. Those boys or young men rather who remember bernie will know that this award is well deserved. STRAWBERRY RESTIVAL Whitby Histonicai Society has 'pianned -a strawberry festival for their June Meeting. It will be held on the iawn at* Lynde'House on Saturday. Until next week, Ruth Chambers, 728-2103 Petitioners want buses WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20,1979, PAGE 5 Cut ho lic bishop is, stationed' at Whitby Starting Saturday, June 23, an Auxiliary Bishop from the Roman Catholic Archdio- cese 0f Toronto wili be ma- king his permanent home at St. John the, Evangelist Church in Whitby. The most Rev. Robert Clune, D.D., whose ordina- tion ceremony wiil be held *Thursday, in Toronto, wil More thefts These who are- violating the laws that help to keep- *order in the community are becoming bolder. use the church at 903 Giffard Street as a home base for an area taking in Scarborough, Durhami Region and Barrie. The Most Rev. Clune's first officiai duty af ter arriv- ing in Whitby will be to speak a t the Saturday evening Mass at 7 p.m. and the Sunday morning Masses at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. at St. John the Evangelist Church. This will be foilowed by a Mass and picnic at noon at the Knights of Columbus Park on Ritson Road North in Oshawa. Rev. Father John Harring- ton, Parish Priest at St. John the Evangelist Church, said the Whitby parish was chosen because of its central location within the north- eastern area of the Archdio- cese. He reported that the bi- shop wiil use most of his Sundays to visit the area's 26 parishes, a job that will take most of the year to do. Father Harrington said the program of decentralization from the Toronto area is being carried on by His Eminence b. Emm ett Carter, Archbishop, 0f the Archdiocese of Toronto. He said it gives the people a much better chance to know their bishon) The Town Council during i ts regular meeting last week received a petition bearing approximately 350'signa- tures requesting better pub- lic, transporta tion Services in Whitby. Councilior Bob Attersley, as he presented the petition to the Council in the new business portion of the meet- ing said not only lias he, received a number of tele- phone calîs requesting better bus service in the town; he now had "something more tangible in the form of a petiti.on". He handed the petition over. to the Town Clerk Bill Wallace. Mayor Jim Gartshore said that the petition being recei- ved by the Council and the Towi:, Clerk Mr. - Wallace "was duly noted". It was also announced that there wiil be a public meet- ing on June 27 at #:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building on the bus service question. The petition requesting a public transportation system for Whitby was sponsored and circulated by the Trans- portation Committee of the Senior Citizens Activities Centre on Behaîf of the rate- payers and Citizens of Whit- by. Councillor, Attersley has been receiving telephone calîs from employers in the Industrial Park area on Hopkins Street. The employers state that they cannot keep empioyees as there is no buss service in the area. Some of the people of Whitby have tried to work in the. Hopkins Street area but Here's how lit works: We wilI supply you with our basic, stripped-clown 24" x 321 unit, consisting of floor, mills, ceiling, insu- lation, and one door. You add on only features to your speciflo needs. Like windows where you want them, plurmbing. electric- ity, interior walls, heating, etc. You custom build your unit-and save money. they nave' a three-quarter of an -hour waik froin town to the Industrial Park on Hop- kins street before they start to work.. The same three-quarter of ah hour walk has to be done' again after work.* Some -of the empioyees hired by the firms on Hop- kins street have given up, their jobs after a week of waiking and working as the long waiks proved to be too much for tkie potential em- ployees. 4 bridges ]planned Construction of four new railways bridges wiii have been completed in Whitby in the next few years. .Work finished this month on a 13.5 million underpass on Brock Street North at the CPR main line. Construction is currently under way on an overpass over the CPR line at Region- ai Road 23 (Ajax-Whitby towniline) and a new bridge is proposed for the CNR line at Brock Street South costing about $2.5 million. Another is proposed for the base line (Victoria Street) east 0f Brock Street at à cost of about $4 million. The federal government has not yet seta date for the constru- ction of the iast two bridges. The Regionai Road 23 bridge is due to be completed in August, and will provide the iast link in a highway from Whitby to Beaverton, 40 miles to the north. - Some "Econ-O-Space" uses: Work shops, storage space, chalets, bike shops, road-side stands, first aid stations, etc., etc. For further information, cail: ATCO Eastern Mt. (416) 884-9218 72-l6th Avenue Thornhill, Ontario U3T3P3 A0TCO GRADUATE Catherine Amie Muckle Van Ryn, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. Muekie & wife of Mark Van Ryn of Guelph, RR hty nal al atadDra 3 j~Poe6895 Ontario, recently graduated RR hty nai al atadDrà 3 j*Poe6895 with honours from, the 'Onta- rio Veterinary Cllege. Ann .NiCPGISORB IES will be continuing post grad- uate studies in Veterinary Microbiology and Immnuno- Se logy. He was a graduate of Henry St. High School, Whit- A - by. 1 Shocking experiences with electricityare so easy to avoid. They dont r can conduct They ignore I You w Yet some people stîli take risks that can take lives. Z7L dU1VeT Gel They fly planes and kites near power Unes. T,1/A&EPOOR Danger signs. lbey use frayedJ cords. ouldn't take nsks like these, would you? your hydro ATCO "Econ-O-Spaced' Budget Shelter. If you'm Ilooklng for economical, Instant '.*. shelti;ATCO's "Econ-O-pace Budget Construction 18 for you. 1 b