PAGE,22..WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS "Ier "n% ý -e ,,e-&Mm ACROSS 1 Ood of love 5 Huri 9 Gay blade 10 Toxophilte 12 Bohemian 13 City i Pakistan 14 Book- keeperàs abbreviation 15 Filch 16 "ý- and Symn- pathy"y 17 Compare 19 Intellect 20 House- maid's - 21Fairy tale word ,, 22 Accelerate 24 Bishop's status symbol 25 U.S.S.R. lake 26 Stuff and nonsense! 27 Gehenna 28 Grow toward sunset 30 "-seeing things? "«e (2 wds.) 31 Criticize harshly 32 Speck 34 Tackle-and- crane worker 36Pottery 37 -Off the ship 38 Shaws- and the Man" 39 State (Fr.) 40 Card game DOWN 1 Saracen 2 Virtuous 3 Unconscious (4 wds.) 4 "King" of .Spain 5 - apple 6 - himmel! 7 Wild guess (4 wds.) 8 Roman dramatist Corne Back The tramp came to the door of a farmer's house and said, "Could you give me something to eat?" "If you don't mind eating 10 Unassisted Il Anthology 15 Clarinet's vibrator 18 Bell sound 19 Wet 22 1943 Bogart movie 23 Postulation 24 Lamentation 26 Trumpet sound 29 Bellini opera 31 Jaunty 33 Trial un. 35 Tibetan gazelle 36 Used to be yesterday's soup, " said the farrner's wife. "Why, no, " answered the tramp. "Good. row." Corne back tomor- WE NEED YOU If you work in the fields of agriculture, health, education, trades, engineering or business, CUSO rnay have a job for you. CUSO is looking for people who are willing to wdrk overseas sharing their skills With those who need them most. Two year contracts are standard. Salary generally equals a local worker's in a similar job. CUSO pays for life insurance, travel, and health expenses and an allowance for resettlement in Canada. Couples and families are eligible but famiûies with pre-school children are easier to place. CUSO has placed six thousand Canadians in positions in developing countries over the past 18 years. These people have not gone for material gain but f0 offer their services and for an unparalleled personal experience. lnterested? For further details, attend the following CUSO Information Meeting: Date: Thursday, 14 June Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: The Auditorium Oshawa Public Library 65Bagot Street Oshawa L Aternatively, send your resume 0: cÙso CUSO Oshawa File 33 St. George St. Toronto, MSS lA DOULAR SEflE Pre-»marital budgeting smooths path to bliss By John Sayers, CA If you are planning on getting nîarried, it would make sense to do your budget planning before you walk down the aisie -- ratber than afterward. Disagreements over money and its use can be sharply reduced by careful planûiing, by' reaching agreement oh money matters before the. General financial advice by members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. marriage and by a periodic look at the budget.. It is important for you' to agree on major goals -. a $10,000 down payment on a bouse, for instance -- and arrive at a plan to achieve these goals. Do flot make the mistake' of going heavily into debt for furniture. It took your parents perhaps 20 years to arrive at the standard of living they. now enjoy; it is unrealistic to expect to start off at their level. At the same time, buying cheap furniture is not an economy in the long run. You, would be much better to invest in a few high quality pieces, and to live with some bare corners until you can affordto fi themn. Quality furniture, chosen carefully, can lasta life-time, and will work as well in the house you eventually purchase as it will in your rented apart- ment. <In most marriages, one spouse is usually more capable than the other of doing the day-to-day plann ing and bill paying; but both should take part in the over-all financial planning. If both husband and wife are. employed, there, are two basic ways of budget- ing. One woy would be to live on one salary and save the second. In this way, if one spouse stops working -. for whatever reason -- the couple has some money in the bank;' and is not depending on the second salary to maintain their life style.. The other way is to con- tribute equally to the living expenses, with each part- ner using lis or her remnain- ing money for personal saving and spending. It is important for each spouse to have somne money which is his *or hers alone .- an allowance, if you like -. for personal spending. It can be $5 or $50, but it is for their use as they see fit. Careful budgeting and saving from the beginning of a marriage will help smooth ont many of the potential rough spots, and make it easier for a couple to achieve their goals. It is oertainly worth spending some tim'e on, budget planning before the wedd- îng. Mr. Sayers is with Dumwoody & Company, Toronto. FYA /PoM6/o. VA/ 7ePLL/GlAMP /OWrr- W71-IlA P,,?/FTPZ/IVC//MJ 3 AA0oUbeqWY15 7ô- t/-e A HAIA1y/? 60e71AT 711.6zizla/ 0117-W/7UA IP,/41,e~ LOOK WHO JUST MADE'QOUR TEAMI GOLO JACKET REALTY Mogpbor.Broker GERRY SCOTT? Meet your newest Neighbor- hood Professional. A member of the most consis- tently successful team in Real Estate- CENTURY 21. A Neighborhood Professional's training will help you with all of your real estate needs. From showing off your house pro- perty, f0 closing the sale and handling the tme consuming paper work. Go CENTURY- 21. Our team can make aIl the difference in making the sale for you. 824 Brock St N., Whitby 668-6221 683-6221 maid afm» lu a 4.p.mdad .wm.d and eperato. join the Canadian minority gop The Fit. The Canadan moement for personalI hines Fitncss. In your heart you know it's rlght VWRE THE' NEIGHB EORHOOD GOLO JACKET REALTY HELEN COUTURE Century 21 Gold Jacket Realty Ltd. is pleased to announce that Helen couture has -been awarded with the top -produ. cine-aIe.person for the month Of May ' 79- Congratulations Helens 824 Srock St N., Whitby 668-6221 683-6221 "O m01Ofie lua dmndauv Gfl'LIev668-6221 GOLO JACKET EALTY LT 63-22 riember broker 824-Brock St. N., Whitby Bach office in anuependently owued and operated. JUST LISTED $49,900 Nicely Landscaped 3 Bedroom Brick home close f0 shopping and ail amenities in Whitby. Extra income in a separate apartment if you. prefer. Cali HELEN COUTURE 3 BEDROOM Living and Dining Room Comb., 1 1/2 baths, main floor family room, with Fireplace and Walkout to Large Yard, Garage, choice of Kitchen cabinets and carpeting, Full Price $59,900. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with a Dining Room. Rustic Kitchen and a Partially Completed Rec Room. Add Central Air and you are ready for a cool summer, $47,900. 668-6221 HELEN COUTURE wil be pleased to show you this one. CHARMING AT 48,900 4 Level Home restored and redone. Appliances, Family Kitchen with original Pine Flooring and 5 Bedroomns, and an attic Room. Paved Drive and Garage, Low Down. Cail HELEN COUTURE. "% molor .1