Whitby Free Press, 30 May 1979, p. 15

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"We did it WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 197.9, PA says a jubilant candidate Scott Fenme FOR FENNELL &. WIFE'.CECIL MBM PUBLISHING' 11BROCK ST.N, E",NDREDS. 0F DIFFERENT PAPER- BACK NOVELS & MAGAZINES WINTARIO & PROVINCIAL TICKETS We now ca.rry CORDON ~ rAmSER greeting cards exclusirely 668M6111 las d 7bwg lie said, "tlianks. t«' much - now I can relax'X..then he was heard to say-"we made it.,we did iit, wdid'it. It was bard work but we did It. I amn so happy for the Whitby people. . .would have been crying if we had lost." When Mr. and Mrs. Fenneil returned fo the arena close to midnight it took more than 20 minutes for himi to go from the entrance door to the plat- forin. H-e was stolooed, hugged, kissed, hands wereshook as he wended 'his_ way through the crowd wiho' .really couldn't.believeth e resu] 'ts." IL was the opinion that i"an awful lot of the Liberals did a swi teh,." After arriving at the microphone Mr. Fènneli said "6ail I can say is thankyou. As I look around the r.om 1 can recognize you ail.- We showed the Liberals who could win." lie said that lie knew in his s'heart that I will make'an excellent MP but 1 will need contact .from Ridin g members. I -wilI need your helip particularly when I arrive in Ota'twa." lie said he would need the help of the Ridiàng regardless <0fparty as he. is 11elected to reuresent al parts51 of the n ,idi ,ng. -' Thus lie would need the~ - 1dp of the people in c)Ier to "be able to repre- sont" them in Ottawa. As he thanked everyone Mr., Fenneilisaid, "you 'have bee n fantastic. IL has been'a uri de Lowalk-the streets with you as 1 have done these past few, wecks, months as a maLter. of ~fact, during. the past year. I love you ail.,You mean so mucli to me." Margo Ashe said she was feeling "fine rxow that the resuits are in." Later lier husband Georg'#ý Ashe MPP for Durh,,r-. West arvdaL thé, ai,.t~ia and the Provincial Minister of Agri-" N*r was scen in âic c:rowd. IIe said, "Norm Cafik is a ;>,uud man. IL is surprising how, the results are going but- iL lias ha!)ùcncd like- this b)efore n'ow, ( in previous elec- Lions) and it woni' t be the Iast: ime as long as there are cicctions." Mr. 'and Mrs. Lorne Alrnack of Pickcring both sathcy "rcally couldn't bej.ieve iL. When you work 50 e -e 7:15 p.m. hard you are* afr aid to believe i." Referring to a previous -election they said, 'lit is nice to back a winner for a change. It is like itwas when Mike Starr went in. (Mike Starr was the repre- sentative for the overaîl Riding that took place in Pickering prior to the redis- tribution of the electoral boundaries several times. He was Minister of Labor in th e Diefenbaker Governnient.> "IL is.a Éreat night," said Mrs. Judy Moskaluk, of Whitby. "I neve tliought we would do it but we did. IL is a great feeling to know that we backed a winner." Both 'Mayor Jim Gartshore No chldrn under. 16 addmitted.. NO ADMISSION CHARGE! IEYDENSHORE PAVIl About providing good service. ut compefifive, prices. About orstscin wifh the producf's w. soli., About providing the, latest avoulable equip'm.e'nf fý a service modern-engines. About training our staff on a continuing bosis. ~1'~ Operation' Cl-ean K -vi0s OConnos of. whitWy .and itegional Chairman Walter Beath who* were presLerit at, the L.egros Arena, declared . electién night. as -being ,"a! great night.*" Several throughout the crowd about -mldnight' said, 0"we wiIl be getting Up in the nmor»nngto.-a Conservative c.ountry,.won't that besÉome- thing!" ,' A young campaign worker said "we hàve just elected a goodrepresentative. IL was a good tliree way ight," said Jefi Vannan. 4"4He (Scott Fenneil) has no axe te grind and lie cari only go up. We even won in the bad polIs because we- took the time out to work there Cont'd-on P. -17 WHIT Y 15 Whitby'Community Dingo, Jaycee e Kiwanis Kinsmen *Optimists 2-$5010 1 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Mond-yi Juins 4, 1979: -lc. Nos. 235481 FIRST JACKPOT, AT 56NUMBERS. SECOND,, JACKPOTAT51, NUMBERSI 45 1979 -NEW CARS' ALL PRICED TO0 CLEAR.,1 Asplens -Cordobas Magnums -' Le Barons PLUSL Grea SavngsOn, COMPANY CARS.& DEMONSTRATORS,

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