WHITBY. ,PRESS,, WEDNEDAY, MAY 30,.P'E1 DETERGENT Sunlight Powdeind Laundry (121t)4.8kg Box L It 2 Doxot P r Fml ohas. sa. c, ISAVE SI .3 i9W'A s $635 5901 Lb. ýb WAS Lb. $2.08 WAS Lk,16 $2 Ã.59 CHECK &COMPARE. ISpareribs Sida Fraah Canadian Pork WAS Lb. $1.98 9mpeLdg Fat, ms urter Wing On 'What "C'ost ~on venience Everyone agrees that modem technoiogy has provided many convenlent food products which save tiMe'n the ktchen. But you cannot overiook the tradeoffs'. Whiie a package of frozen vegtabies in a creamn auce trima a 10w minutes aifmreal preparation, the thritty homemaker cen epend the time eiiminating the extra cost ai this process. n most cases, preparing food f rom **scratch" wiii :051 you leas. You may aiea »e serving food with bet- or tiavor and et toast comparable quaiity. If you have the additional Ingredients -'and> can ýpar@te t ime - use the 10w minutes to fix your own Ishas. You'I find yourseif striking a powerf ut biow gaInat Inflation. La'mb New Zoaland Fia Lamb Legs NCwZ.aiand Whoi. Froz*nWAS Lb. $1.98 Lamb Chiops Loin N.w Z.aland Frozen WAS Lb. $1 .68> Blade Roasis' Sonelesa Cut Fron Canada Grade 'A" OWs Ground Beeèf Madduni Guaility WAS Lb. $1.88 i Il $49 ea4 WAS $5.99 Lb. 1.69 Lb 1.09 Lb. 148 Lb.$l1a78 Lb. $J.48 mir,1 là $1nl8 Vegeta bues.,WA8 ".5206 57C W.t Sii N. AaDwee.iP 930(4 mb 14 n. o.cm, TOMATO JUICE DilheFianq(1.38 IU «IL oz. Co ea. 59C CHECK & COMPARE LIBBY5' AIha ett.Zoi..en, minTomalo Sauce And Daens Wilh Pok (227 m1>8 il. LCon WA. 038 9 Cotise $ 2.89 ICE CREAM Lucrne Spn Aeecrted Ftivours 1Il Tube ea.99çL WAS $1.27 -SCOTT TISSUE Cashme.. nithroom Yelow and W(Ite. 1 ply 4 Roll 0kg. ea. 99* WAS $ 1.15 LETTUCE- Muad USA CanadalNo. 1 Grade., e490 WasS69e PEACHES U.S.A. Grown Canada No. 1IGade Lb.891 WAS LB. 99*ê - Orange Juice Whole Potatoes 6, fei. oz. Con 42 l Ret F 7 4M ,CudnyC 3dal.oc. IApple Juice * &nuqueZÃchMceFrai , - Cncefra m.756, 2F95ç Se Liquid'Bleach " rmd3-011 M1280 @&7 RED GRAPES 8.9anGro WAS Lb. 99* APPLES U.S.A. latra Fa"ldo aoldeg Dellolous WAS LB. 69* Cat Food 20 Next weeks Infiatiol i Fghhng fdea: ýKITCHEN CONSERVATION' togother, we can be, '0 r, ~ i Corn On Cob .9 Oag eyPwe Oron Meant Fanoy Frozen4'sakgo WA8 $1 .29 eu. Oag rsas;pgedil o d' 0"wia c > cgm)3 ou WA8 $1.02 0.99 F 9 SpcilMenuWAB.1 es .2wg Meal 12.9 Ken-LiRation Ptidles(464 2>o kg "qWAS $13.45uI îsa4ag.oWA8$ WASUUo&04 7q Bar-B ~ 7 8 Juice Pitcher WWMSik *te tye 2% WA $8.8 .. e -78 88 Plast*p Aoe toe 2% O............ ' x"' Fa n Pie'nic Jug 1~ 271188 ThwamS Gr»s.orGi ange 14o mi WA8 $7.99 ... 2~6.49 el 2u99 ShaveCream tu& Stoeak Board $10 n w OUbli. FownnyAaaortad Vaila R.ctangbr ....a.......... Near You! m~TNlIMuw t Road Wee flie.~e's A ooowyo . 3A~ ~g.j k W. U. .7171 Vo. .lIWSimco ý -là m WHITBY PAGE 13 ; jl-o z F-é e k= ,LSjAVELJ3.4()OIW,&SLB.$1.68ý, Lb.49>1