Potticary letter angers, Gartshore A letter from Oshawa Mayor Jim Potticary to a public servrice union officiai, printed in last week's Free Press has raised Whitby Mayor Jim Gartshore 's anger. Mayor Gartshore said the letter, criticizing the town for not accepting Oshawa's. offer of a bus service, and the town's decision to build a marina instead of imnplemnen- ting a bus service, was "immature and irres- ponsibl," said Mayor Gartshore. "It's unfortunate that he'd do this type of thing because we'.e triedvery hard to be good neighbours and to co- operate"l, he said. "This type of immature letter by the mayor of a bordering city makes it diff icuit to Fo-operate."1 The letter to Ken Thibeau, president of the Durham South Area Council of the Ontario Public Service Employees.Union, suggested the employees of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, whom Mr. Thibeau represents, should have put pressure on the town council to provide a bus service instead of a $750,000 marina. Plans were announced earlieýrthis year that the bus i ny service to the hospital would be eliminated, but so far,,it is stili in operation. "I have- neyer been so disturbed as I have been by that inane letter from the mayor of Oshawa, which indicates why he is not the leader of the region he should be as mayor of a city that size,"' said Mayor Gartshore. "Any abilities he may have, would be better .used servicing the people who elected him and keeping, his nose out of the business of another community, of which he knows nothing," he said. Mayor Gartshore said that the federal funds used for the marina could flot be deli- vered for a local bus opera- tion, and the town did not accept the offer of extending Oshawa Transit into Whitby because it was too costly. "The costs were way out of line because there's no way we want to pick up their 1 million-a-year loss. We can do much better financeially with a private corporation," said MayorÈ Gartshore. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,. MAY 9e,1979, PAGE 31 That's a rough way to get over it! But it dldn't have ta b. that way. Hlgh blood pressure can be treated. A pli! a. day may be ail it takes. Stay on treatment and lve a longer. bealthier ilfe. High Blood Pressure Treat It.. and live. 0