PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free w PresslE mp o.rium CaII.1668-M61 111 Emporium Ads wiII onlybe accepted subject to the following Condiions. w AUTOMOBILES ,FOR SALE 1971 ROAD RUNNER, 383 4 barrell, low mileage, good con. dition. Asking $1,300. 1977 650 Vamaha, low mileage, excel- lent condition, must sell $1,600. Phone 668-9496. March 21, 79. 1971 DOOGE DART, 48,000 miles, V-6. Good Condition. Certif ied, asking $1,450. Phone atter 6 p.m. 655-3043. March 21, 79. 1 - 1969 PLYMOUTH, 4.dr. wagon. Body A-1 Condition. Running gear AZ. Asklng $1,050. - 1966 1/2 ton Mercury, needs f loor boards. Running gear 92. Asking $350. Caîl 668-7597. Feb. 21, 79.' GRAVELY 7.6 Convertible tractor, electric start, 4 speed, r-ling sulky, 30"1 rotary drive Cu t, new 1975, $1,395. Caî11l (416) 655-3809, March 28, 79. '70 CH EV B ELAI1R - 350 Power Steering and Power Brakes. Excellent running condition. Must sel11. As k ing $500. 655-3583. Feb. 28, 79. 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA. Brown, 2-dr., standard, 38,000 miles. L.ady owner. AM radio & 8-track with speakers included. Asking $2,200 or best offer. Cali 623-2769. March 21, 79. 1972 FORD TORINO. 4-dr., automnatlc, power steering, V-8, Vînyl roof, fair condition, some body work needed. $400. As is! Caîl 668-6367. April 18, 79 1972 VEGA HATCHBACK, new radialI tires, automatlc, good -body & paint, 6,000 miles. $700 or best offer. Phone 728-2327.' April 25, 79. 73 POiNTIAC LEMANS COUPE 51,000 miles, original body, 350 2 Barr el, automatic transmis. sion, power steering, power brakes. Used only 3 winter seasons. $2,800 with stereo or $2,400 without. Phone 668-9944 weekends only. Ma rch 28, 79. 1971 TORNADO, Iow mileage, power everything, great shape, f ront wheeî drive. $1,800. Phone 668-1113. May 2, 79. 1970 CHEV IMPALA, 2-dr. hard-top, *power steering, radio, 68,000 miles, excellent drivlng condition, $800. Phone 668-1017. May 2, 79. < A ARTS 1971 VEGA parts for sale. Complete car in parts, 2300 c.c. engine and 3-speed. standard transmission. CaIl. 668-7122. March 28, 79. SNOWMOBILE ENGINE Polaris 295 cc,. twin cylindor, twin carbs, $75. 1973 Kawasaki, 750 H2, 1 owner, excellent shape $975-. Phono 655-3280. ' >arcli 21, 79. E7UO AAT FORD AU TOMATIC TRANS. MISSION, flts 302 & 351 en- gines, $30. Also, other f ord' parts. Caîl after 8 p.m., 668- 7553. March 7, 79. 4 TIRES, Daytona Sport, G-70-14, $100 for set. Phone 728-2327. April 25, 79. ERATIOT1NAL VEIES 1973 F-11 250- Kawasaki Enduro. New fenders and paint. Real dependable in dirt. Atking $350. Cali 655-3527 af ter 5 p. m. April 11, 79. SOFTOP, tent-traiter with dining tent,'sleeps 4, asking $400 or best off er. 579-7636.. April 18, 79. '72 NORTON, 750, 13,800 miles.. ask ing $350or best off er. Phone 668-7242. March 21, 79. 72 Honda motorcyc!e 100, like new, 3,200 miles, $500. 10 speed bike-used 1 month, $75. 668-6119. Feb 14, 79, 1976 VAMAFIA 250 Enduro, 1like new, street legal, has only 1,000 miles. Asking $850. Phone 668. 1488. April 11, 79. 1971 KAWASAKI 100 Moto- cross. Good tires and depend- able engine. Good f irst bike. Asking $200. Cali 655-3527 after 5 p.m. April 11, 79., 1973 MX 250 Yamaha Moto. cross. Newly painted and top end rebuiîd. Lots of power. ,A-,king $450 firm. Cali 655-3527, illoçr 5 p.m. April 11, 79. MUS CL PIONEER 8.tracký player& recorder. Model #HR 100 & 70 tapes $250. Phone 668.0814. Feb. 21, 79. EANPLACES_ PORTABLE DISHWASHER, top loader, coppertone, $75. Bed mattress and srping, $10. Phone 668-1436. April 4, 79. Rangette, brown, 2 bu rners and oven, 2 months old. $100. Phone 668-7838 after 6 p.m. April 11, 79. ELCLA NEUS FOR SALE 8 mm mo*.Ie camn. era - CEUMIG'- turret lenses, (made in Austria) older model, $55. 8 mm movie prolector Bell & Howell - older model, $55. Both in excellent condition (or both for $100. 1 ýpaby car bed, $6. 1 booster seaýt, $4. Phone 655-3733. Feb. 14, 79.. M. PffEASEREAD When the advertised item is sold, disposeg of, or unavaliable for whatever reason, theitem wiIl be doemed to have been sold and a commisson will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below> rogardless if price is stated with "best offer". If tho item 15s NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 willI apply. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not sold. RATES (if article is sold]: 5% of advertised price Up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertisedfor $120.00 - commission due $6.00 [minimum charge is 53.00] Private advertising onlyl Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advortlser. Please notify the. Whitby Free Press immediately whé~n item- is sold s0 that we may delete it from the following issues., AIl ads not f itting the Ernp.rlum guidelines wili be treated ancl charged per wéek as regular classified ads on- a pro paid basis- such as: services, help wanted, clthlng, real estate, and porsonal M~essage type ads, or ads not quotlng price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. if ln doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS *TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. TRICYCLE $30, aquarium, 50 gaI., ail accessories and stand, $75,-2 antique dressers, 1 $130 and 1 $200, antique chair 75, soîid oak hutch, $350, range hood, $20, redwood rocker & swing set, $130, counter-top dishwasher, $10, air-hockey game, $20, 2 stereo speakers, $15, hanging wrought iron plant basket, $20, antique mantîe dlocks, $75, $95, $125, $175. Antique Canadian Wall Clock, $450. Phone 668-7007. - May 2, 79. ALUMINUM AWNINGS for sale, 4 sizes. Almost new, $85, $85, $105, $150. For information caîl 668-8178. March 28, 79. %.Two chesterfieîds, need uphol- stering, one pulIls.' out into a bed. $10 each. 1 pair of beige heavy Iined drapes $40,. 100" x 95". 1 pair of heavy white drapes $10. 3 coff eotables $5each. 1 whitby lampshade for large lamp, nover used $5. 140 record albums, James Lasi, Percy Fa ith, R oger W iî1ia ms, etc. $50 for lot. Phone 683.7664. Feb. 14, 79. FOR SALE CeramicKiIn - Paragon - A99 - with colîlar - shelves & furniture $475. Caîl after 5:30 p.m. or Saturdays, 668-2877 or 668-1202. March 14, 79. ELECTRIC 'FIREPLACIE, $100. 2 12" speakers ln large cabinet, $50. 2 C.B. radios, 1 sldeband $125 and 1 basemobile $75. 2 4 barrel carburetors, Holley 750 $100, 1 with manifold $75. Two radiators f its Vega or Astre, $30 each. 3 10:00 x 20' Goodyear cross-nib truck tires, new $210 each. Numerous gear ratios for 10 boit Chev rear housing, $50 each. Completoîy rebuilt 350 C.l. Chev motor, $300. Many G.M. parts too numberous to mention. Reel- Reel tape recorder, $35. Wil take best offer on any of articles montlonod above. Phone 668-2860. March 28, 79. FOLDING DOORS, 79" x 29 1/2"1 each $25 a sot. Intenior wooden door 30"1 x 78"1 x 1 3/811 $30. 2 aluminium storm doors, 33 1/2"11x 82" $25 each. School desk, 1 piocè, $10. Barbeque <wagon) $20. Antique Tre adle' sewing machine $65.- Antique wooden telephone $70., Phone 728-2327. April 25, 79. 30 GALLON AQUARIUM with f ilter, plants, stones, $23. Black & White T.V., 12" screen. Brand new, $100. AM/FM Radio, battery or electric, $25. Applyi 130 Byron St. N. April 11, 79. STOVE IN GOOD SHAPE, $25. Junior skis with boots $15, golf clubs with bag, $20. Caîl 655. 3527 after*5 p.m. April 11, 79. Cliîdren's cross-country skis, 60" long, poles 44"1 long. Boots size 2. 2 seasons old, $30. Phone 655-3539. Feb. 14,'79. 12 FT. CUSTOM BUILT 3 Pot. Hydroplane, 25 Evinrude motor full controls. Complete- $400. Caîl 753-2470. April 4, 79. 9 x 12 SHAG RUG, rust & orange mixture. Wool & nylon. Good condition.$ 100. Caîl 668- 2470. Feb. 21, 79. -BABY ITEMS -FOR SALE car bed, $10, wo6d (walnut) high chair, converts to desk, $25, ali in excellent condition. Phone 668-4744. March 21, 79. 3 UPRIGHT COCA-COLA vending machines. AIl work. ing. $100 for aIl 3 or $50 each. Caîl 655-3019. March 7, 79. BAR ETTA BL4 under and over 12-gauge trap gun $795, neyer f ired. Baretta S58 under and over 12-gau ge trap gun $895, never f ired, Gamba 12-gauge under and aver f ield gun $645, neyer f ired. Caîl days 668-6896 or 668-9530. March 28, 79. OFFICE/HOME DESK, right- hand pedestal, mahogony top, green metal body. $80.' Phone Monday or Thursday evenings - 668-0894 or dý i725-7341.,Ask for Eric Strong. Feb. 2,79. JACUZZI-FILTER & mainte- nance kit. For 18 ft. or 2d ft. above ground pool. Must seli. $225 or best offer. Phone 668- 8344. April 11, 79. 1 EASY BRAND electric iron-. ing board, can be used for commercial purposes, $30. Phone 683-7538. Feb. 21', 79. ý.T.V. PHILIPS, B. & W. 26", excellent condition, $50. Oil painting landscape, 3011 x 42"1, $100. Phone 668-8273 after 6 p. M. April 11, 79. OUTBOARD, MOTOR (Scott Atwater) 2 H.P. $35. Kenmore Dome'Hairdryer $10. Crowm movie camera, 3 lenses, $30. Range hood, brown, $10. 2 table lamps .$18. Tri-Lite $7. Radio and T.V. tubes 50 cents each. Phone 668.5201. April 4, 79. BOY'S BICYCLE for sale. "Drag Stripper", 5-speed, good condition. $70 or best offer. Phone 668-5083. April 11, 79. BABY POTTY CHAIR, $4 Chest of drawers, pine wood, $50. Cali 668-9599. April 18, 79. 15' ý"INVITATION" SAIL. BOAT,, fiberglass huil, alu minum niast, white main sail. Tops in speed and control. Excellent condition. Asking $1,000. Cali683.6466. April 11, 79. 2 BLUE BEDSPREADS and 1 set matching curtains. $50. Cali 723-5447.. March 21, 79. 21" BLACk & WHIITE console T.V. Excellent condition. $60. Phone 668-5956. ___________ ,April .18, 79. MAN'S HOCKEY EQUIP- MENT--Knee pads, pants, elbow pads, gloves and ankle luards, $30. CaîIl 668-1640 af ter 7 p. m. week. dlys. March 14, 79. 1 200 gallon oil tank, 1 o11 burner and set of controls for -ile. Asking $50. Cali 668-9403 Feb. 14, 79 ONE MANN Electric Guitar (with hard shell case), Good condition, 1 yr. old, $160. One Roland DYouble Beat Pedal <WAH and Distortion), four month s old $80. if purchased together $230. Cali 668-4424. March 28, 79. 1 ITALLIAN MADE 10-speed bike, in excellent condition. New $240 will seil for $80. 4 assorted bikes some parts mis- sing $5 each. 1 single & 1 double- bed complete with box spri',gs & matr.esses. Asking $50 each. Phone 668.0621. April 25, 79. Step flIush' cottage toliet, $25, also wagon wheel bunk beds, maple colour, -$65. Phone 668-3167. April 25, 79. PMme se, CLASSIFIED ADS for mo "eFOR Si "noms. Canada Choice Cýanned Fruit for Busy Days Most days are busy. Minutes spent in the kitchen are preciaus - particularly at dinnertime. The family expects a dessert. You just can't spend too long at it - nor do you want to use a lot of dishes. What do you do? "Use your can opener and Canada Choice fruits to create good looking - great tasting desserts tbat are easy to prepare" say , food specialists at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. "Canada Choice"I is what you should look for when buying canned fruit. It is flot the naine of the processor - it's the grade of fruits processed i Canada. Look for these words, usually in small print, somewhere on the label. -Most Canada Choice fruit is grown and processed right here - in Ontario. It's our kind of fruit. It makes a great dessert - like this one. Pears Belle Hélène 1 can (14 ounces) Canada Choice Dessert or Bartlett Pear Halves, drained Scoops of vanilla ice cream Hot Fudge Creamn Put a scoop of ice creamn into each serving dish. Stand 2 pear halves - cut sîde in - against the ide cream, in each dish. Top with Hlot Fudge Cream. Makes 4 servings. Hot Fudge Creani (can be made ahead, refrigerated, reheated) 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup corn syrup 1/3 cup cocoa 112 teaspoon sait 112 cup water 1 leaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup whipping creamn Combine. sugar, corn syrup, cocoa, sait and water. Bring to boil; reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Stir ini butter and vanilla. Stir in whipping creamn. Serve hot over pears and ice creain. Makes 2 cups. - 72.8-21, I