Whitby Free Press, 25 Apr 1979, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 25, 197ý, PAGE 21 for-r« - I-w ISEVIES CARPEMTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO Lic.B-2554 KitcI-ens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Ced. ar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Caili668-4686 1 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old pris, dlocks, jew- elry, dishes, furniture, cr- ocks, oil paintings and seal- ers. Friendly Flea Market 725Ç9783 23 King St. W., Oshawa a BROOkLIN TOO.L COU IHALF PRICE on al socket sets, wrench sets, micrometers, drill sets, 12 speed drill press and many other tools for mechanics.. Complete AutomotiVe, Garage Supplies 683-1753 TAX RETURNS For the best deal in towr, 500 Tex Time at Whltby MaIl. TAX RETURNS Let me prepare your 1978 Income Tex Returns. Accu- rate, reliable service. STAN CLAYTON CALL 668-3900 COTSWOLD RESTORATIONS Exterior and interlor Building Renovations EXPERT Masonry and Cernent Work FIREF.LACES Built and Problems Rectified Estima tes Given Proposais Submifted PHONE 668-4860 MOBILE ON-SITE CONCRETE Ready mixed concrete for home owners. Patio, sidewalks, foundafions, slabs etc. Saturday dliveries cal 686-2220. CARPENTRY Dry wall and T-Bar ceilings installed professionally. Cail 668-5597. NOICS GRAND OPENING, April 27' 1979. Di-Lisi & Fiorino Marke; Co. Ltd. New FIee Market Deale--~ welcome. 6,000 sq. f t. building. 2 acres outside on Hwy. #12-7. 1 mile forth of Brooklin, next to Moore Park Restaurant & Tavern. Rentai information caîl Frank 655- 4004. I r ýERUICES Quality screened TOP SOIL, Also« SAND -& STONE Ted Arnts Loam Supply Brock Rd. N., R. R. 1, Pickering 683-0887 L EANTED VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We need YOU to assist in various programs Arts & Crafts - One-to-One - Bingos Music Programs - Therapeutic Pub Patient Library - Gift Shop FREE Babysifting for preschoolers - Three afternoons a week PLEASE CALL: Alayne Metrick, Volunteer Services, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital 668-5881 ext. 323 'VOLUNTEERS Needed to work with people under emotional stress. Training and supervision provided. INTERESTED? Next training starfs May 8. Corne and fi11 out an application. Interviews May 1-4, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Whitby Community Caro St. Bernard's School, 220 Dundas St. W., 668-6223 BUSINESS OPPORTNTES OS THERE A FLEA MARkET/FARMERS' MARKET IN TOUR ARIA? We are iooking for semi retired people to help market our product. Excellent money ave ilabie for a go-getter! Past proven success. Musthaveown car. maîî investmentnecessary. If there is a Fiee Market or Farmors' Market in your area, please write us about it. Send us your name, address, phono number, and the name and- location of the market. Send to: TIFFAM LIGHTS, Unit 7, 466 Spadina Road, Toronto, Ontario MSP 2W4 nN00ElCS ATTENTION- MALE RETIREES The Kiwanis Clubs of Whitby and Sydenham, Oshawa are -iointly forming a new Golden K l<iwanis Club in Whitby. Memborship is open to Rotirod Business, Professional, Suporvisory and other interested individuels. The new club will meet weekly et 10 a.m. Tuesdays in the Centonniai Building. Kiwanis International recenfly introduced this type of Kiwanis Club and it has proven to be highly successful. Inquiries are cordielly invited from retired men f rom Whitby and surrounding area. The new club wiil devote ifseif to fellowship and community service end will work in conjunction with the Kiwanis Club of Whitby in ifs community service projects. For complete dleta ils, phono Malcolm C.. Baynett et 725-5875 or Victor W. Evans et 668-2241. L PAENTS 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT for ront. Brookîin area, Coun- try setting, suitablo for single person or marrled couple, $200 a month includes ufilities. Phono 683-4977. EFOR SALE 3 BEDROOM TOWNNOIJSE for sale. End unit wlfh f inishecd roc. room, air-condlflonlng. Phono 668-5399. REATîOINAL 1975 VAMAHA 80 Dirf Biko, excellent 'condition, $295. Phono 668-1578 affernoons or evonings. 1975 100 cc KAWASAKI, 425 original miles. Good condition, brand new motor. Cali af fer 5 p.m. 655-3638. 1976 BELLEVUE hardfop frailer. Asklng $1,900. Phono 668-0982. FLORIDA VACATION For Rent - Five completely furnished Mobile <Permanent) homes ln Clearwater. Pools, Tennis, Close to Gulf 0f Mexico Beaches, Disney World, Busch Gardons, and Other Major At- tractions. Chlldren welcome.. $125 vveekly U.S. Book now for Summer and Faîl. 683-5503.> STUATINS WANTED TO RENT STORE 400 - 1000 sq. ft., parking, in Pickering, Whitby, and Oshawa erea. On busy street, reasonablo. Days phone 698- 2589 or evenings 655-3047. Ask for Larry. DAY CARE in my home. Play area. Phono 668-9722. EESGE ALES GARAG E SALE From 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. et 39 Pilkington Crescent, Whitby. 12 f t. drapes, sofa & chair, knit- ting machine, jack polo, end tables, rug remnants, clothing and lamps. Cali 666-1125. FORNET SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Will bease and instaîl for hom- owners, family size, aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of style, meeting ail foncing regulations on one, two, or three Vear rentaI baisis witn option ta own. Try boforo you buyl Caltoîl free 1-800- 268-5970. FOR RIENT Off ioe Spae. Up to 20,000 sq. ft. sprinklerod. Hopkins St. Caîl collect Toronto 633-1615. A'Dumb Question? -What's gin»g on bore? Are we in a recession - or Is the economy oxperiencing reason- able grow4Î '? Now tui May seem like a dum1b quesion, a lot like stand- ing in the sunlight and. asking If it's raining. But the econo- mists don't seem go know the answer. So-bow can the rosi o f us, lowly uninformed slobs that we are, hope to have any in sit? o te o metsafotgwhtfor theo mo- .100% tax iet ef fonbsi- firms and exemption from capital gains (axes on shares of Canadian-controlled firms held for ati east five years. The first measure would reduce the personal risk; the second would increase potential profils. Canada can't afford the destruction of small fi rms caused by economic instabil- it>. Some measures to croate stability are overdue. LEGAL SECRETARV for challenging litigation and gon- oral work. Caîl Mr. Roth 579- 9601 -statingo xperienco and qualifications. EFR AE SWIMMING POOL MANU- FACTURER has new 1978 Pools, regu lar prlceS$2,190, now et our off season speclal 0f $1,355. Pools corne with walk around deçk, patio, fencing, pump, motor & f liter. Delivery arranged to your convenience. For best selection and Informa- tion caîl f011 ffree 1.800-268- 5970 SPRUCE AND MAPLE TREES FOR SALE Also some pine, cedar, ash, red rubbarb roots, red coat straw. berry plants and Illac roots. All very reas onably priced. Some dig your own.ý For more infor- mation phonie 655.4525. 30 GALLON AQUARIUM com- piete with f ish & woodgrain stand, worth $350, wiIi selI for $100. 1974 Coleman hardtop tent-traller, loaded, excellent condition used only 1 season. Asking $2,200 or best offer. Phone 668-3023. 5 PIECE gold & brown sectio- nal chesterfield, 1 table, 1 pole and 1 f loor lamp, double Ian- tern style matching lamps, 1 boomerang coffee table, 1 sew- ing machine desk, 1 electric Silvertone organ and bench. Cali668-3157. 4 NEW RIMS to f it Ford Truck includes nuts & hub caps. $75 for set of 4. Phone 668-4093. 5 GOOD YEAR F-78-15"' white wall custom poiyglass factory tires, $30 a set. Bunk beds 3911 ideal for cottage, $150. Child's hardwood wagon, $10. Phone 725-0444. CAR TOP, 12 ft., alumlnum boat, $175. 3.5 Chrysier motor $175. Phone 668-4780. 1976 PACER, 27,000 miles, very dlean, loaded, air-conditloning, snows. Phone 668-7634. HOMES O E TIONS AUTION SALE Saturday, April 28, et 10 a.m. Warehouse clearance of Lake Scugog Lumbor's old home. 235 Water Street, Port Perry. Assorted lumber, ply-wood, metal roofing, cornent blocks, bouse bricks, aluminum siding, Wall panellng, coiling tiles, windows, patio doors, f loor tules, vanities, counfer tops, dlsplay shelves, desks & chairs, cupboerds, light f ix- tures, parlour stove, barbeque, intercom systems, paint and many more Items. NO R ESE R VE. JOHN PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 AUCTION SALE Brooklin Community Centre, Saturday, April 28, il a.m. Large sale of furniture, includ- ing 80 chairs and sets and singles, 120 Lots 0f giassware, 115 Lots of coins. Plan f0 attend this cholce sale. Terms cash. EARL DAVIS, AUCTIONEER 728-4455 ~HELPj FULL, PART-time openings, Sarah Coventry Jewellery. Free kit and training supplied, top commission, open terri- tory. Cali Ruth 683-6466. WANTED Managers-& Consultants for a rapidly expanding company. We need.you f0 seil one of the most popular items on the party plan today. Plants and a new sysfem 0of growlng them. No experlonce necessary. We will train. Car a must. Cali 666-1771 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL or young lady to work in snack bar at golf club. Own transportation. Phone 655-3263 for information. WANTED Group Organizers and Saies Representatives Cali Joan at Wesley's World of Trovel ELCLANEUS MUSHROOM COMPOSE. Ex- cellent for gardens and f lower- beds etc. Delivered by truck Ioad or 60 to 70 lb. bags. $2.50 per bag, free delivery if over 5 bags. Also roto-tilling done. Phone 668-6750.' i j 1 nm nt, aowher heoo- normporsantgoodshe dor ot. More imot antneisthe sr- incact (bapetsnoe of the so- theale exerts seeny ms tonw o thanwrth a aoun of erantS-. ,aru d' Up nd osns arnd and"O argond.Buiness an bebtom- ingenexmt. en dsastrus te nex ed hbavdofenexori- enced bis kyin dfec onomi indilthesin dusades ec And theett smllbusess sec- Aor ths gest libeed.in eAt th be s( 0f tuiesisnro pestor.bEe smlbsinessipo-s cproven obe fatrecUessn can pirove t ole ftaUnless the fingrm bas o finil bacin hg, thee n cusn seen ho-the a i meis he nrthe smll frfWalse epoynedaent sfron o.o EmoyoesTe arernhrownoses woxrk.enuehoSugoverment bose taxfrvenues.ouppersf aroe u Aonfrmadsouren. icro Thdn a on b ii Thze damaôgecAbeinesfi-. mîe i d tg.a pbusiness fail- uro i sem erusonal sfal bue.ness'vetre, hunsue business'venure, theee and skiIls'.These skills'are in- valuable in future businçs's von- tures - If the entrepreneur can be convinced (o move into an- other business investmont. The trick. then, is (o ensure (bat the entrepreneur wiIl have adequate incentive go start an- other business If (he original firm fails. And, since studies have shown that about 60% of the investment capital cornes from the entrepreneur person- ahiy, another- 30% originales within the proprietor's famil). and close friends and' oni. about 10% comes frorn out- side sources, the most valuable stop would obvlously be to bol- ster (ho incontive structure that Invites entrepreneurs', (boir families and friends go lay out (beirown funds. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business re- gards establishment of a more attractive small business invest- ment clirnate as one of Cana- Ia's more pressing Issues. Wi(h tbat in mind, tho Federation has recommended two major federal. tax amendments: a insight? 1 1,

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